The Dragon King's Heart

Chapter 245 - Rumor Has It

"Her Royal Highness, Crown Princess Laina, has returned!" the announcer declared to the ministers in attendance. 

All eyes were on the Laina as she made her grand entrance into the throne room. Everyone got down on their knees. She walked down the red carpet and took her seat on the throne. 

"All may rise," Laina ordered and her subjects did as they were told. 

Margaret and Kol each stood by Laina's side as the court session began. There were many matters that required her immediate attention. As part of Kinshearth tradition, Laina was set to spend the next month traveling across the kingdom to meet her subjects on the ground level. 

General Tobias and Grand Chancellor Lucinda voted for it. Not only would it serve to boost the image of the crown princess in the hearts of the people, but it would also help dispel the negative rumors that were making their rounds. 

"What rumors?" Laina asked for clarification from her court. 

This was not the first time this had been brought to her attention. Laina's decision to stay in Everfree for the past few years received mixed reactions from her people. 

The traditionalists found it unacceptable for the unwed crown princess to stay under the same roof as the Dragon King. Despite him officially courting Laina, it was still unacceptable. 

If only they knew what went on behind closed doors.

"Rumors that hold no truth, Your Highness. Which is why they must be dispelled as soon as possible," General Tobias explained.

There was still so much left for Laina to do. Going on a kingdom-wide trip could delay them. But she did not have any other choice. 

"Do not worry, Your Highness, we can take care of things here in your absence," The Grand Chancellor added.

Laina pondered over it for a moment. She did not have any other choices. 

"Very well," Laina declared, "Margaret, you will remain in the capital to oversee the preparations for the Coronation in my absence."

Margaret bowed, "As you wish, Your Highness."

Not wanting to waste any time, Laina ordered everything to be prepared for their departure that same night. By the time they arrived at their first stop, the sky was beginning to brighten up. Laina's arrival was well received by the people. 

It was a successful beginning for her kingdom-wide tour. But not everyone was happy about it. The Nobles of Highcourt in particular had a lot to say about it. 

"She squandered the Royal coffers for a holiday villa in Everfree with her lover and now she's on a tour of the Kingdom? 


"Be mindful of who you're speaking ill of, Lady Anette," Lord Ethan reminded her as he took a sip from his glass of wine. 

Ethan was hosting the Nobles of Highcourt in his private residence, Suun Hall. This was the ancestral home of the Solara family. In just a week or so, Laina will be visiting Suun Hall as part of her tour around the Kingdom. 

"Do you have any plans for your cousin, Lord Ethan?" one of the nobility asked out of curiosity. 

Ethan shot them a cold glance, "Plans? There are none."

"No plans?" 

"Why wait till the coronation when she brought herself right to us? I think we should strike now!"


"Yeah! We should strike now!"

Lord Ethan slammed his hand down on the table. Everyone jolted in their seats as the hall fell silent. He pointed at each and every one of them who were present. 

"Each and every one of you is of noble blood. Yet you act like a mob of peasants holding pitchforks!" he yelled at them. 

"If any of you dare to act out of line and ruin the plan, you will have to answer to me," he warned, "Did I make myself clear?"

The nobles in attendance held their tongue and agreed with Lord Ethan. But not everyone could sit idle. Despite going against Lord Ethan's directives, they had their own plans for when Laina came to visit. 

The Crown Princess's arrival at Suun Hall was a grand affair. Lord Ethan oversaw all the preparations big and small. 

"My Lord, Her Highness has arrived," a messenger came to his study to inform him. 

Ethan put down the work he had and went to greet her personally. Despite their differences, he still respected Laina for the work she had done. She had the ability to manage the Kingdom, but he coveted her seat. 

"Lord Ethan, thank you for the warm welcome," Laina said with a smile. 

"Welcome home, Your Highness. All preparations have been made for your arrival. Should you need anything, please feel free to let me know. I will see to it that all your requests are fulfilled."

"That's very kind of you, Lord Ethan. I am glad we're able to put aside our differences," Laina replied cordially, "I do hope to see you at the coronation."

Lord Ethan bowed as he placed his hand over his heart, "I will not miss it for the world."

That night, a grand gala was held in Suun Hall to celebrate Laina's arrival. All the Nobles of High Court were in attendance. According to Kinshearth tradition, royals wear the color gold for such an occasion. 

Black, on the other hand, was seen as bad luck. Laina honored the traditions upheld by the nobles. However, she was not about to compromise herself for their sake. The Crown Princess wore a dress of black and gold to the gala. As soon as she step foot into the ballroom, all eyes were on her. 

She could see the look of horror in some, while others look on in awe. Laina's beauty was well known throughout Kinshearth and beyond. While others may think her ways are eccentric, none could deny her brilliance. Kol and Florin were her escorts for the evening. 

Both of them wore dashing black suits. The noblewomen at the gala were charmed and smittened by their looks. However, none of them would have a chance to even speak to either of them. 

"That young woman over there looks like she's trying to get your attention," Kol hinted to Florin as he signaled to him to look to his left. 

Florin did not even look in that direction. 

He snorted as he rebuffed Kol, "Why do I care?"

Kol looked at him in surprise, "Why wouldn't you?"

Florin looked at him in disbelief, while Laina chuckled in the background. Kol was as clueless as ever and the way he drove Florin nuts put a smile on her face. 

The vampire let out a sigh as he shook his head, "I already have everything right in front of me. Why would I need anything else?"

Laina grinned as she eavesdropped on their conversation.. If only Margaret was here to witness it too! At the very least, she would have had someone to share it with. 

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