The Dragon King's Heart

Chapter 250 - Shaking

As the final preparations were complete, Laina admired herself in the long mirror. 

Her dress of black and gold was regal. It paired well with her black heels and braided hair. 

"You look amazing, Laina," Margaret praised. 

As everything was coming to fruition, Laina grew nervous. Her heart was pounding in her chest. Her hands were beginning to shake. 

Laina turned to her best friend, "Margaret, I… I…"

She did not need to say anything, Margaret already knew what she was worried about. She held onto Laina's hands reassuringly. 

"There is nothing to worry about, Laina. You're going to become a wonderful queen."

"But what if something goes wrong," that was Laina's worst nightmare. 

Everything had been planned meticulously. But Laina had enemies in Kinshearth and beyond. Should one of them choose to disrupt the ceremony, things could turn out badly. 

"You have nothing to worry about," Margaret reassured her, "You've got me, Dante, and even Queen Victoria to back you up. You have nothing to worry about."

"Besides," she added, "If anyone dares to crash the ceremony, you can rain down upon them with your wrath!" 

Laina chuckled. Margaret's simple assurance raised her spirits up nearly instantly. She placed her hand over her heart as she closed her eyes. Now, her heart was at a steady rhythm. 

"You're right. Thank you, Margaret," she thanked her with a smile, "What would I do without you?"

A knock on the door took their attention. It was a messenger, coming to inform Laina it was time for the ceremony to begin. After a final look in the mirror, she was ready to leave. 

The Royal Throne Room was transformed for the ceremony. All the windows were lined and decorated with flowers and drapes. Guests from all over Kinshearth and beyond were seated in the throne room on each side of the red carpet. 

As Laina's special guests, King Dante and Queen Victoria were given special seats right at the front. This gathered them many looks from the Kinshearth nobility. Traditionally, the first row of seats were reserved for family only. 

Queen Victoria felt a little uneasy with the look and whispers she was hearing. 

"Is this a common occurrence in Kinshearth?" She asked Dante as she tried to make small talk with him. 

"Kinshearth has many traditions. One of which dictates only citizens of Kinshearth are allowed to attend a coronation ceremony."

Victoria gasped in shock, "That would mean…"

"Our presence is not appreciated here. That's right," Dante explained, "But, we're guests of the future queen. So there's nothing much they can do about it."

"Ah I see…"

Before Victoria could speak, the doors to the throne room opened. Two rows of musicians entered playing their instruments in unison. The ceremonial minister walked up to the podium in front of the crowd that had gathered. 

As soon as the music ended the ceremonial minister addressed everyone, "Today, we're gathered here today for the coronation of the future ruler of Kinshearth. Please rise as we welcome Crown Princess Laina."

Everyone in attendance got up on their feet and turned to face the open the doors. The musicians began to play as Laina entered the throne room with Margaret following closely behind. 

Dante looked on in awe as Laina walked down the red carpet. For a moment, it almost felt as if it was their wedding and Laina was walking down the aisle. The sunlight shone through the large glass windows, illuminating the throne room. 

Laina walked down the red carpet in all smiles. The last few years had its ups and downs but everything turned out well. Once she becomes Queen, no one would dare question her authority in Kinshearth. 

As she made it to the podium, Laina saw Dante and Victoria. Despite the protests of her court and the nobility, she insisted on having them at the ceremony. Kol and Florin were in the throne room too. Along with the knights of the Queen's Order, they stood guard on both sides of the throne room.

"She looks amazing," Kol commented with a smile. 

Florin agreed, "She looks like a queen."

Laina stood tall and proud before the podium, in front of the ceremonial minister. The throne room grew silent as the ceremony began. 

"Today is a joyous occasion, as we crown Laina De Solara. Her efforts to further Kinshearth's standing in Gaeia are acknowledged by all, far and wide. We all watch on in anticipation to see what she will come up with next."

The ceremonial ministers turned to address everyone in attendance. 

"Before we proceed, should anyone wish to protest this appointment, speak now or forever hold your tongue." 

The silence was deafening. Laina looked forward to the throne chair. She had sat on it time and time before. But at that moment, she felt as if it was far beyond her grasp. 

"I object." 

His voice cut through the silence, shocking everyone in attendance. Laina turned around to see who it was. 

It was Lord Ethan. 

Kol and Florin were on high alert. Margaret was unfazed. Lord Ethan had always been vocal about his dislike for Laina. It was almost within their expectation for him to cause a scene. 

Dante and Victoria were surprised by the objection. Dante watched on as he curled his hands into fists. Should anyone attempt to harm Laina, they would have to go through him first. 

"On what grounds do you object, Lord Ethan?" The ceremonial minister asked. 

Ethan got up from his seat. He walked onto the red carpet and addressed everyone in attendance. From his coat pocket, Ethan revealed a crest. Encrusted in various gemstones, the crest was cast out of gold and iron. 

All the nobility gasped in shock. 

"What… what is that?" Laina asked in confusion. 

Ethan chuckled as he shook his head, "You were about to become Queen and yet you did not know what this is? This is the True Crest…" 

Laina widened her eyes in shock, "That's not possible! The True Crest has been lost for centuries!"

She remembered reading about it in an ancient tome in the Royal Library. The True Crest was a relic once passed down within the Royal Family of Kinshearth. However it was lost for centuries. 

According to the traditions, the holder of the True Crest would be deemed as the rightful ruler of Kinshearth. 

After Lord Ethan finished his explanation of the True Crest, the ceremonial minister announced, "As the holder of the True Crest, Lord Ethan is a contender for the crown."

Laina realised what was happening. Her worst nightmare had come through before her eyes. She curled her hands into fists. She knew what would happen next. 

"According to tradition, we will now take a vote to choose the future ruler of Kinshearth," the ceremonial minister announced. 

He turned to Laina and asked, "Crown Princess Laina, do you object?"

All eyes were on her. Just the pressure alone was suffocating. But Laina stood strong. She had faith in the work she had done for her people. She had no regrets. 

Laina shook her head, "No objection."

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