The Dragon King's Heart

Chapter 310 - They Need Their Queen

"Yes. Based on the efforts he has made up till this point. Now, I want an unbiased opinion, Nyx," she reminded her.

The knightess paused for a moment in thought. She recalled all that had happened, from the moment Ethan took the throne to the present. It was difficult for her to accept the circumstances at the start. However, as time went on, things returned to a new normal. 

She saw the struggles the new King faced, the sleepless nights and long hours of labor he had put in. To Nyx, Laina was one of the best candidates to lead Kinshearth. She was like an experienced ruler while Ethan was fumbling in the dark. 

When she recounted her opinion on the matter to Laina, she was worried about what the former crown princess might think. Was her opinion going to alter Laina's decisions? Only time will tell. 

"Thank you, Nyx. That was very helpful," Laina replied. 

Now, she was ready to meet her cousin. Margaret remained quiet through this. If what had happened up till this point taught her anything, it was the fact that Laina was more than capable of making her own decisions. She could take care of herself. 

"Ah, you've arrived. I trust that your journey was smooth sailing, cousin," Ethan greeted them warmly as they entered his quarters.

He invited them to take a seat on the sofa. Florin and Kol remained standing, making sure there were no hidden assassins while Laina and Margaret sat across from Ethan. 

"How are things?" Laina went straight to the point.

There was no need for them to waste time on small talk. Ethan explained that his efforts in the last few weeks. Since his visit to Laina, he had tried everything he could to turn things around. However, the damage done was too great. While he did his best to maintain things as much as he could, it was simply not enough.

At first, Laina predicted Ethan would try to mask his downfalls and setbacks. But this time, it seemed like he was genuine with his problems. She could tell it was not easy for him to confess them, but he did what he had to do. Even Margaret was suspicious of him.

"I see," Laina spoke first after Ethan finished recounting, "So, what would you like to do next, Your Majesty?"

Ethan looked over to his cousin, surprised by her question. Deep in his heart, he wanted to remain King. This was the role he was born to play. But he knew he was not fit to do so. He still had so much to learn.

"I'm not fit to be King," he admitted in defeat. 

This was so unlike him. It was as if he had lost his spark. Laina exchanged a look with Margaret before turning her attention back to him. She walked over and sat by his side. Laina placed a hand on his shoulder.

"I could remain as an advisor in Kinshearth and help you if you wish," she added.

Margaret nudged as and pulled her in and whisper to Laina, "Laina, are you mad?"

Laina pulled herself away from Margaret and whispered back to her, "I know what I'm doing." 

Ethan did not take their interaction to heart. He had already made up his mind long before they had arrived. In the time he had spent in the castle, he had only made enemies. He grew suspicious of everyone around him. There was not a single night of good night's sleep since he took the throne.

Through his interactions with the castle staff, he realized how much change Laina had brought about in the castle and beyond. Kinshearth needed her as their Monarch. 

"Kinshearth needs their Queen," he declared as he looked up at Laina. 

"My terms have not changed. I want you to remain in the castle as the Crown Prince. Do you agree to that?" she asked.

"I agree."


King Ethan walked into the Throne Room like any other morning. Trumpets blared on both sides, signally his entrance to the ministers and nobility in attendance. It was starting to be a morning like any other. But everything was about to change. 

Before Lucinda, the Royal Chancellor could begin the morning court session, King Ethan raised his hand. The court fell silent as their King got up from his seat.

"There is something I would like to say," he declared. 

He could see the odd looks the nobles were giving him. Traditionally, the King does not speak until the Royal Chancellor finished giving the morning report. But that did not matter anymore. Things were about to change. 

"I have decided to abdicate the throne," he announced. 

The throne room erupted into chaos. Everyone was in great shock, whispering to one another. Some wondered if the King had gone mad, while others assumed it was simply a prank. 

General Tobias and Royal Chancellor Lucinda exchanged looks. They too wondered if their King was pulling a prank on them. 

"My King, you have no appointed heirs. If you abdicate the throne, what is going to happen to our Kingdom?"

"Do you think is a game for children?" one of the Nobility of the High Court voiced out.

At that moment, the doors of the Throne Room swung open. Everyone turned their heads to see who it was. All of them were shocked, mouth agape as they see Laina waltz into the Throne Room unannounced. She did not have anyone with her when she entered. She entered the lion's den alone. 

To some, this might seem like a foolish move. It looked as if she was walking straight into a trap, open to anyone's attack. She knew the risks of going in alone. But for the sake of her plan, she was ready to take the risks. Margaret, Florin, and Kol remained hidden within the Throne Room. 

Laina confidently walked down the carpet. No one dared to stop her, no one dared to speak. She got to the end of the carpet and turned around to face the Royal Court. She did not bow to greet Ethan or serve the proper greetings to the members of the court. 

Taking advantage of the silence that ruled over the throne room, Ethan cleared his throat before making one of his final decrees.

"I concede the throne to Laina. Under her expert guidance, Kinshearth will return to her formal glory."

The court erupted with conversation. The ministers protested and so did the nobility. A quick glance confirmed most of Laina's suspicions. Most of the ministers had been replaced in her absence. She anticipated resistance from them but this time, she was going to do things her way. 

It was one of the things she and Ethan agreed upon. If she was to retake the throne, Laina will reshape Kinshearth for the better. 

"My King, I implore you... the court implores you to reconsider!" one of the ministers spoke up, with the support of many others. 

"Please, Your Majesty, perhaps a discussion..."

Ethan stopped them from speaking any further, "I made this decision after much consideration, and my decision is final."

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