The Dragon King's Heart

Chapter 344 - I'll Be There, Every Step Of The Way

Laina could not meet her eyes, but she embraced Margaret tightly. Who knew how much more time they had left? For all they knew, this could be their last few moments together. For the first time in a long while, Margaret realized how much Laina had changed. 

She was a lot skinnier than she used to be, a husk of her former self. The warmth of her skin felt weaker too. Was this simply her imagination, or was this real? Margaret could no longer tell. 

"I'm sorry, Margaret. This is something I have to do. I'm sorry," Laina apologised as she allowed her own tears to roll down her cheeks. 

Margaret had been looking out for her since the very beginning. Her best friend went through hell and back just to give her life once more. Now, she was about to throw it all away for the man that she loved.

"I know," Margaret sighed inbetween sobs. 

She knew she could never change Laina's mind. But she had to try.She released Laina from her hug, wiping the tears off her face.

"I can't give you my blessing. But I will be there for you, every step of the way," 

Kol and Thorne looked on at the both of them, not saying a single word. Florin, who hid in the shadows, let out a sigh. He looked over to Kol for a moment. He understood how Laina felt. 

If he was in the same position, he would do anything for the one he loved too. 

In the days leading up to their departure, Laina did everything she could to ensure Ethan would be able to manage things on his own. He had grown in to the role assigned to him and Laina was confident he would be alright. 

Not to mention, he had a group of people to support him. He was in safe hands. The future ahead for Laina was filled with uncertainty and perhaps death was eminent.Maybe everything was ill fated from the beginning. 

Regardless of what it was, Laina remained hopeful. She clutched on tightly to the Soulium Locket, giving it a kiss as she left Kinshearth.Looking back at the Kingdom she had overseen for so many years, the feeling was bitter sweet. 

She did not know if she would ever have the chance to come back. 

Hopefully, she would. 

Now all she could do was look forward in anticipation for what was to come.Thorne looked over to Laina who was looking far out into the distance. He knew her mind was a million miles away. 

He felt an ache in his heart, knowing that he would have to leave her side soon. Although their time together had not been long, Thorne had come to understand Laina. He admired the love Laina and Dante shared. 

In fact, he was a little jealous. 

Laina and her friends arrived at the Temple of the Sun just one day before the Solar Solistice. Florin and Kol both came along too. With the pendant Laina had given Florin from before, he was able to walk under the sun and enter the temple. 

Titan also joined them. Laina could never leave him back at Kinshearth. They were going to face whatever came forth together. 

"We meet again, Your Majesty," the Oraccle greeted Laina upon arrival. 

"Thank you for your assistance, Oracle, I am truly in your debt," Laina replied with a smile. 

"You are the one doing most of the work, You Majesty. I am but a humble messenger."

Through their discussion, Laina came to understand that the Solar Solistice would last for an entire day. However, only at the hottest and most intense part of the day, would Laina's powers be heightened. 

This was a rare opportunity that does not come very often. As such, many worshippers and followers of the Sun had gathered at the temple for this occassion. Everyone's abilities will be heigthtened during that period of time. 

"It is said that those with a strong affinity with the Sun and fire may also notice a physical change during that period of time," The Oracle explained. 

"How long would it last for?" Laina asked. 

The Oracle did a quick calculation before replying, "15 minutes."

"15?! That won't be enough. We still need to find the Realm Gate..." Margaret exclaimed. 

Laina knew what she said was true. But they had to work with what they've got. There was no other choice. The Oracle continued to explain that based on their findings, it would happen at noon. All Laina had to do was to be ready for it. There was nothing else she needed to prepare. 

"Once it is activated, you will only have 15 minutes or less. Use it wisely, Your Majesty."

That night, none of them could sleep. Everyone knew what was due to happen the next day. Margaret tossed and turned in bed, unable to calm her palpitating heart. She went to check on Laina, only to find her in the garden pavillion surrounded by a field of red spider lilies. 

"Can't sleep?" Margaret asked as she walked up the steps. 

Laina was startled. She was deep in her thoughts when she noticed Margaret taking a seat next to her. 

"I can't," she replied while still looking up at the sky.

The dark night sky was covered with a sea of stars, the moon hung high in the sky, emitting a soft glow. Laina wondered if Dante was looking at the same sky she did. What was he doing at this time?

"Laina," Margaret placed her hand on Laina's as she called out her name. 

She wanted to dissuade her from attempting this. She rather Laina lived out the rest of her time in peace. But knowing her resolve, she could not bring herself to say any of it. 

Laina seemed to know exactly what was on her mind. She gently tapped Margaret's hand with a warm smile on her face. 

"I have to do this. No matter the outcome," Laina cupped Margaret's face. 

She was her best friend. The one who went through all the trouble of giving her life for a second round, hoping she would live a full one. But her love for Dante was too great. 

"Promise me, Margaret," Laina said as she tightened her grip on Margaret's hand. 

"Anything, Laina. I'll promise you anything."

"Live the life I never got to live. Don't go trying to bring me back again, alright?" Laina's voice was quivering. 

Margaret heard it. She felt it. 

"You can't stop me from trying," she replied candidly. 

Laina chuckled, "You're right. I can't.. But I hope that you'll fulfill your promise to me."

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