The dragon's harem

Chapter 763 Light Magic

Chapter 763 Light Magic

DING! A bright portal emerged out of nothing in the chairman's room. Gojo, Arad, and Betty fell from it to the ground. "We're back." Arad looked around with a smile.

"That was scary…" Betty panted, staring at the two brothers.

"My head hurts." Gojo scratched his head, the damage still remained and he needs time to fully heal.

Betty pulled a golden card and gave it to Gojo, "This will allow you into any library in this university, study magic as much as you like."

"Really?" He looked at her with a smile.

"Yeah." She pointed at the door with a finger, and it opened. "Head back to class, Arad will follow you soon."

"Thank you for the card." Gojo jumped out with a happy face. "See you later, Arad."

"Now he left." Arad looked at Gojo's leave. He did need to heal, and like most creatures out there, he didn't want to look weak in front of those they wanted to protect.

"I can't believe how much damage your punch did." Arad looked at her.

"It wasn't my punch that damaged his brain. When I hit his head, it accelerated his already compressed brain inside that small humanoid skull, causing it to hit the walls at near the speed of light and damage itself. A concussion." Betty explained.

"That still the damage of your punch." Arad sighed deeply.

"Forget about him for now, someone like him would be fine. But you, I'll train you as much as I can as I promised, even though I doubt I'll be of any help if you already have master inside your head." Betty looked at him with a grin.

"How about brother?"

"He's scary, I don't like him." Betty said, puffing her chest, "But you aren't scary, you're interesting. Let's play together. Gojo can learn in the libraries, I gave him access."

"Well, but I need to get back to class as well for now." He looked at her.

"You're at my office, don't worry about it." She jumped on her desk and sat crosslegged as she had before. "Take a seat, let's talk for a bit."

"What do you want to talk about?" Arad sat and looked at her.

"What do halflings love?" She stared at him.

Arad blinked twice, trying to guess what she meant. "How would I know?"

"Dwarves live muscles and beards, elves hands and feet, humans breasts and butts, dragons wealth and strength. So what would halfling love?" She stared at him with a grin.

"I don't know, you're the first halfling I've met." Arad replied with a tired face, he didn't like where this was going.

"Jokes and simple life." She stared at him, "Halflings retire the moment they are born, we don't have a government, work, or obligations. We live in our little homes, tend to our gardens, bake pies, and drink wines that our neighbors brew cause they are bored. If you never have a goal, you're never lost. There are a rare few of us who seek something, but that is extremely rare, my mother was such a halfling."

"Carefree." Arad stared at her.

"Yep, we always make fun of each other, joke, and laugh at ourselves. No one gets made as none of us care, we don't take ourselves seriously, and we ask other races not to take our jokes seriously, we're trying to have fun so that if we die tomorrow, we at least had a good breakfast and a laugh today." She stared at him with a grin, "We're your opposite."

"Dragons are easy to anger and always plan and work to amass wealth and power, you're indeed our opposite, you're even small." He looked at her with a smile.

"We have some kickable faces, don't we? Right where a humanoid foot is, one straight kick and we go rolling." She giggled. "Even you went to kick my face."

"You're too short." Arad nodded. "You're around[3 feet] 0.9 meters tall, and I'm [7 feet] 2.1 meters tall."

"We're called halflings since we're half as tall as humanoids after all." She smiled, "Even our race's name pokes fun at our height."

"So what will you teach me?" Arad asked.

"My specialty is light magic. I don't know if you can learn it or not, but I'll at least teach you how to counter it. Master, did you teach him cursed magic?" Betty lifted her hand and a ball of light emerged above her palm.

"[I did teach him the basics, but he still lacks experience. Cursed magic grows stronger the more you use it. The deeper you sink, the more cursed you get.]"

"And that expansion?"

"[I'm the one who cast it. Arad's soul isn't that soaked into curses to be able to output that, if he cast it on his own, he'll be cursed with so many negative effects that he'll die on the spot.]"

"Curses are give and take, after all, they aren't a forbidden art for no reason. At least, with light magic, he might have an easier time." She showed Arad her nails, "How do they look?"

"Two centimeters tall, claw-like, sharp, and reflective like mirrors." He replied.

She extended her hand to the side and grabbed the air with her nails, twisting the image of the wall and window behind her. "I can twist and refract light as I wish." She flicked her fingers, and a second Betty appeared.

"I can create illusions." She ran her hand through the illusion and it passed right through.

"Disassemble light." The illusion turned into a rainbow hue of colors.

"Create lasers." She pointed a finger at Arad, and a beam of light started burning his arm. "At least scream." She sighed, turning it off and Arad healed instantly."

"I can see anything in my magic range. And show it to other people." She created several panels in front of Arad showing him everything that happens as if she had surveillance cameras everywhere.

"Of course, I can see through everything by twisting light. To me walls and clothes, even skin and flesh mean nothing, I can see straight through them." She smiled, "Of course, I could also become invisible."

She disappeared.

"I can still see you." Arad said, his eyes see more than what humans can. That is how his void eyes see mana and invisible creatures, they aren't really invisible, only emitting light outside of the visible range, in both the ultraviolet and infrared ranges.

"How about now?" She disappeared from his vision by eliminating all light reflected by her body and clothes and letting the light coming from behind her pass through her.

"I can't see you…I thought my eyes could see invisible creatures." Arad looked at the empty desk, confused.

"Eyes rely on light. You won't see me if I eliminate all of my light and become completely transparent. I even have to change the light around my breath as it hotter and slightly shifted the air density and thus refract light differently than if I wasn't there." She giggled, "What I'm saying, is that it takes a lot of practice, discipline, and math to calculate every possibility and control light."

"My void is the same. It's quite annoying to create new matter and guess what it'll do." He looked at her with a tired face.

"I feel you. It took me over a hundred years to learn what I know about light magic, and even I still have a long way to go." She started taking her shoes off.

"What are you doing?" Arad asked.

"About to make myself at home." She stood over the desk and hopped on Arad's shoulder. She then wrapped her legs around his neck and sat there.

"As I said, what are you doing?" He turned his head to look at her.

"I'll be sitting on your shoulder from now on. I'll help you with anything you want." She tapped his head.

"Get down, my wives would kill you." He growled.

"Don't worry, they can't kill me." She smiled, "Yo! Arad's wives, what are you doing?" She said with a smile and a panel showing her sitting on Arad's shoulders appeared in front of all of his wives.

Aella was in class, and she gasped.

Mira was in the bathroom, and Eris screamed in the middle of a prayer, making Lydia angry. Merida was in the swordsmanship and ended up smacking her opponent in the face, which was a foul.

[I'm the university's chairman, Betty. Nice to meet you all, Arad's wives. Let's get along well, see after school] written subtitles showed at the bottom of the panel as she could only control light and not sound.

[I said get off my back.] Arad tried to fling her off her, and his words showed written on their screens.

[No, I'm not getting off. You aren't fast enough to generate enough momentum to throw me off.]

"AH!" Betty smiled, looking at Arad. "They say we'll talk about this later, they are busy now." She flicked her fingers and shut off the panels. "Let's get back to class. She became completely invisible."

"Don't you have work? Chairman." Arad growled.

"We halflings are retried since birth, so no." She smiled.

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