The dragon's harem

Chapter 794 A Demi-god On The Loose

Chapter 794 A Demi-god On The Loose

"No… I shouldn't eat it." Arad shook his head, trying to look away from the meat.

Matilda noticed that and lifted the deer's leg and started waving it in front of his face. "Come on, here it is. Want a taste? It's fresh I've only caught it yesterday."

Arad looked away with a stern face, trying his best not to take a huge bite out of the meat.

With a smug smile on her face, she started tapping the meat on his nose. "I know you want it. Here it is…"

"Matilda… stop." Selina poked her, "He's human…can't eat raw meat." She said with a worried face, stealing glances at Arad.

"I know Aron won't eat it…I'm just…" CRUNCH! The tip of the leg she was pushing at Arad's face got chomped, bone and all. Matilda's wrist almost snapped as she felt the shockwave travel across the bone and her ears turned back. Goosebumps rose on her skin as she started sweating after hearing the bones crack like biscuits.

The two of them stared at the leg and found a large bite had been taken off, all the way through the bones. Their eyes shifted toward Arad, seeing him munching on the flesh with his mouth looking almost like a squirrel.

"HAAAAAA!" Matilda cried, "Spit it out! ARON!" She dropped the meat on the table and lunged at him, shaking his face.

Selina stared at him. "Humans can't digest raw meat. Spit it out or you'll get sick."

Arad swallowed the meat in the blink of an eye and Matilda cried. "Why did you do that?" She stared at his eyes.

Arad looked away but saw Aella standing beside him, glaring at him with glowing green eyes and an angry face. "How many times I've been told to not eat raw meat!" She started shaking him with Matilda.

As Selina started panicking, standing to try and pull the two away from Arad, Eris patted her shoulder. "Let them be. Aron will be fine." She smiled and sat beside her. "How did you spend the weekend here?"

Selina stared at her. She rarely met Eris, but at least knew she was one of Arad's wives and belonged to the holy class. Feeling a bit at ease beside a healer, she took a deep breath. "With Matilda and Anansi, we took a quest from the guild." She replied.

"What kind of quest? Monster slaying or exploration?"

"We had to kill a troll. Matilda kept him busy while Anansi poisoned him, and I burned his wounds so he wouldn't regenerate."

"Trolls are dangerous…didn't you get injured?"

"Matilda got injured, but lucky we didn't need to use potions. A traveling cleric healed her and said to seek the newly built shrine of Jordan on the outskirts of the city."

"Shrine of whom? I've never heard of him…" Eris tilted her head and looked across the canteen. Lydia sat with Jack in the corner eating their breakfast.

"Lydia! Do you have a moment?" She called her.

"W-wa-wa-what?" Selina stared at her. She wasn't that familiar with Lydia, she is fine with Eris as she's Arad's wife…But Lydia always scared her, she had that serious cleric glare on her face and Selina feared she might get a lecture from her at any moment.

Lydia stood and headed to Eris, looking at her and Selina. "Do you need help?" She thought Selina might be sick or injured. But no such a thing looked to be the case.

"Did you hear of Jordan?" Eris stared at her.

"Nope, who is that? A student?" She tilted her head, confused.

"If she didn't hear of him…" Eris giggled with a worried face. "Apparently there is a newly built shrine of him in the city."

"A fool man… getting few shrines set up won't grant him the title of a god." Lydia sighed, "He'll only distance himself from other gods…Someone needs to ask him to stop before he settles himself and the people who might be stupid enough to follow him to damnation."

"Really?" Eris looked at her. "Gods aren't opposed to this?"

"No, but they won't help anyone involved. Even if people believed in him, they wouldn't get any holy magic as a mortal doesn't have the ability to make it for them."

"But…his cleric healed Matilda." Selina mumbled and the expression on Lydia's face changed quickly… "What did you say…"

"He's a demi-god." Arad said beside them while Aella and Matilda were both trying to choke him. "Abel told me about him this morning."

"Wait! Why didn't you tell me?" Lydia gasped, "This is a whole other problem. We'll have to inform Amaterasu's church at once."

"I bet Amaterasu knows about him already, she's a goddess after all." Arad glared at her. "It is not YOUR problem to deal with him."

With a single glare between the two Lydia concluded Arad's intention of taking the demi-god down. She can't tell him off here as everyone is listening, she'll come for him later.

Betty appeared on the table glaring at Arad, she kicked him in the face. "Come with me to my office." She teleported away with him in the blink of an eye.

Everyone gasped as the chairman suddenly appeared and kidnapped a student out of nowhere.

Betty stared at Arad as she sat cross-legged on her desk. "You want to fight a demi-god?"

"Abel asked me to do it. So I'll give it a shot."

"You're denser than I thought. You'll die, and blast the city and this university to ash." She glared at him with glowing blue mana seeping from her eyes. "You can't beat a demi-god, mortals can't do it. It's a fundamental law of the world."

"Is there a reason why? Besides it's a law?" Arad sat on a chair.

"A demi-god has a divine core, like the one that gods have, but it's much smaller. That binds his soul into the world and his believers. Simply put, as long as people believe in him and his soul remains standing, he won't die." She pointed at Arad. "You can't beat him unless you kill all of his believers and wait for him to starve, or directly damage his soul. Mortals can't damage souls while alive, only the dead could."

Arad nodded, "But I eat souls."

"That won't…what in the nine green hills of Halfling land did you say? You eat what?" She gasped.

"Souls, I do consume them to grow older. If a demi-god can be killed by damaging their soul, then all I need to do is beat him to a pulp and then eat his soul." Arad smiled.

"Wait! Wait! Wait! How in the hell could you do that?"

"I don't know. I was like this since I was born; it's a property of magic dragons as far as I know."

"Grandma didn't tell me about this. I'll go ask her, you head back to class. I'll call you later, and don't fight the demi-god no matter what. You'll die, and destroy the city and university." She disappeared in a brilliant flash.

Arad headed back to his class and arrived right as Lucia walked in, she looked back at him. "You're later than usual." She didn't ask because he was too late, but because he's usually one of the first to get into class. Seeing him arrive right after her has made her worried.

"The chairman called me earlier. I've been with her."

"You aren't getting into trouble, are you?"

"Not really…let's go, the others are waiting." Arad walked in and sat on his seat.

Matilda tapped his shoulder, "What did that shorty say to you?"

"Nothing important." Arad smiled, "She just wanted to talk."

"People don't get teleported into the chairman's office for just talk. She wasn't angry about me feeding you raw meat, was she?"

"You don't need to worry about that. The reason was related to me."

"You sure? I don't want to get called in later…"

"You two! The class is beginning. Aron, look ahead of you." Lucia stared at them and the lesson started.

In the holy class, Eris and Lydia sat beside each other, listening to their teacher Lala. As innocent and sweet as that beautiful nun looked, she was a hot-blooded succubus that worshiped Gracie, the goddess of love, lust, and life. She has the knowledge and skill to teach the holy class, but those who knew about her still felt conflicted.

"As I was saying…" Lala looked at the students. "Holy mana used by holy magic is created by gods from their divine mana, the essence of divinity. A god would generate divine mana from his believers or request it from the overgod, and then transform it into holy mana that he gives to his believers for healing magic. Paladins can also get divine mana without it being converted so they can use divine smites. Gods are the only ones capable of doing the conversation." She smiled, sitting on her desk and putting one leg on another.

"Your goddess Amaterasu is pretty particular about his; she's known to be extremely protective of her divine mana. There are incidents of her allowing other gods to convert her divine mana, like the overgod himself and the moon goddess, but those are rare cases." Lala smiled.

Eris looked at her palm and could sense Amaterasu's divine magic flowing inside her. ^We can't convert it as we don't have a divine core…^

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