The dragon's harem

Chapter 798 Into the Underground Kingdom

Chapter 798 Into the Underground Kingdom

The beavers guided Arad and Tempo to a guest room, where they could barely fit inside. Arad was especially big so he ended up shifting into a jacked beaver, even his tail had muscles, and for the time being Tempo sat in the corner hunched forward. "Are you fine sitting like that?"

"I'm fine, doing stretches is important while shape-shifting." Tempo smiled, he wasn't bothered at all.

Flatail walked inside, "The chieftain is asleep, and he probably won't wake up anytime soon." He approached Arad and stared at him for a few seconds, inspecting him. "That's one mighty beaver, as thick as an oak."

"What will happen now?"

"I'll be your guide downward. This village is but the gate; we live here and maintain contact with the outside world for the lower beavers. There is a whole kingdom of us in the lower caves; they watch the horror's seal."

"He called me the nuclear chaos; do you know what that is?"

Flatail shook his head, "I've checked the chieftain's notes but found nothing about it. I could probably find something if I looked more but we are pressed for time. The dam would spill."

"What dam?"

"I mean the horror would get out."

"Chaos is a state of uncontrollable energy." Tempo said in the back, "But I've got no idea what he means by the nuclear."

"Are you fine sitting like that? You're more folded than a stick in the mud."

"I'm fine." Tempo gave him a thumb up and a large smile.

"Anyway. I'll lead you forward. For answers; you'll have to wait for the chieftain to wake up. We must hurry."

They followed Flatail outside the chieftain's house and headed toward the forest, the other beavers followed them for a while before they slowly disappeared one by one.

"Don't mind them. They are afraid since the chieftain passed out. Some beavers think you might've had a tooth in the matter."

"He freaked about me. It was probably too much for his heart."

"Still, his face wasn't that of fear, but hope. He even moved out of the throne, I've never seen him lift as much of a finger." Flatail looked at Arad. "Whatever you are, he's happy you're here, and that's what matters. Any beavers who dare say otherwise will get drowned in the dam."

"Don't kill anyone. It's not worth it."

Tempo laughed. "Arad is right. The chieftain was happy, so why would you make it sad and complicated?"

"Beaver life isn't easy." Flatail pointed forward, "The hole leading to the caves is right behind that massive boulder. The best timbertech should be stored beside it to help us go down smoothly."

"What is this timbertech you keep speaking of? My wife is a carpenter, I'm certain she'll be happy to learn something new."

"Beaver's timbertech is the best in the world. I'm afraid your wife won't catch up to our people's wisdom in years." He giggled as they reached the hole. To a small wooden shed, he pointed out. The poor place looked more like an abandoned toilet booth rather than anything impressive.

"That's the timbertech?" Arad lifted an eyebrow, even he who wasn't delicate with his hands in the slightest could make something like that.

"Of course not, it's inside." Flatail walked toward the shed with confidence. He pulled the door open and pulled a Y-shaped stick. He walked with a smug smile and thrust it between two stones beside the hole.

"Watch and learn. This is the art of my people." He walked back to the shed and pulled a rope. He then tied it to the stick and dropped it into the hole.

"We're climbing down?" Tempo stared at the seemingly endless black hole.

"Of course not, we're using a vertical beaver transportation system powered by water." He giggled, "It's so high timbertech that it doesn't even require magic." He walked between some stones and used a wooden wrench to push them aside, letting off a powerful stream of water enough to cover the whole hole.

"Watch my people wet hole." He stood above a stone, lifting his tiny arms as if conjuring great magic. "This is my people's glory!"

"So now what?" Arad looked at the water flowing into the hole.

"Even dragons can't comprehend the intellect of my people." He rubbed his nose, "Even am I flattered. I didn't expect us to be this far ahead." He pointed at the hole. "You grab into the robe and slowly float down in the water stream."

Arad looked at Flatail with a disappointed face. He waved his arm and sent a powerful wave of gravity that closed the dam, stopped the water, and yanked the rope out in a single move. Flatail screamed his teeth out, holding his head in horror. "My people's glory and timbertech!"

Tempo sighed in the back as Arad pulled Flatail toward him with gravity magic. "We're going down. Hold well." He jumped into the hole with a passive face, and the poor beaver almost lost his life as he saw them falling down. Tempo quickly followed Arad, and before long they were both falling into the darkness, with Flatail crying rivers out of his tiny eyes.

"Mommy! Save Flatail!"

The darkness slowly filled with glowing stars that gently illuminated the distance, waves of magic started sparkling in the air they felt a warm gust of wind rush upward. Out of a hole in the ceiling of a great cavern filled with blue glowing mushrooms, floating jellyfish-like monsters, and countless small houses made of stone and ember-like redwood, glowing like gems on the ground.

"It's beautiful!" Tempo smiled as he looked down.

"NO!" Flatail cried, "Those lights! They are fighting monsters!" He pointed down. Both Arad and Tempo could see beavers in the street scrapping with some dog-like beasts the size of large sheep.

"Those aren't pets?" Tempo looked at Flatail with a passive face and two wide-open eyes.

"They aren't! They'll kill my people! Get me down, I need to fight!"

Tempo giggled, "Leave them to me. Your tail is shaking like crazy."

"I'm not scared!"

Tempo turned his body upside down and accelerated downward with a burst of fire from his feet, flying like a missile toward the ground.

Two beavers ran across the street. "Get away! Hurry! Let the guards deal with it, we aren't a match to those beasts!"

"Oh! My timber! What are we going to do? They are everywhere!" The other beaver cried, looking back to see one of the monsters leaping at him with an open maw.

Tempo fell from the sky with a downward swing of his sword and slashed the monster in half. As the monster's halves fell to the side, he sheathed his blade and took a stance, taking a deep breath as the veins on his body bulged, and glowing red like magma.

[Lava Blade] His sword ignited inside the sheath and started dripping magma as Tempo unsheathed it slightly out.

[Dance of the magma streams]

Tempo flashed across the city in the blink of an eye, a net of boiling magma streams spread across all the streets, cutting and burning all of the monsters, even ripping the massive boulders the beavers used to block their streets into shreds.

From above, Arad could see what resembled a red glowing spider next to magma covering the whole city. That wasn't a simple spell, Tempo ran through all the streets and slashed the monsters manually, and the lava streams were the trails left by his blade. The city was several kilometers wide, which made Arad smile, "He might be faster."

Tempo slowly opened his lips, breathing a massive stream of fire as he stood right outside the city, his hair had started burning and his eyes were dripping flames. He rested the blade on his shoulder and took a stance, "You're the aggressor!" He shouted, his voice booming like thunder, "I'll not stand still while you harm my friend's beautiful and peaceful people."

"ME? Since when we were friends?" Flatail pointed at himself.

"Tempo! Leave that one to me; the city would get damaged otherwise." Arad suddenly stopped falling and Flatail looked around with a dumbfounded face. "We're not falling?"

Arad floated with gravity magic and opened his arms with Flatail barely holding onto his back.

The cavern's wall exploded and a giant four-headed hellhound that's almost twenty meters tall lunged out with open maws, aiming for the city. It was only for a fraction of a second, but Flatail cried his eyes out seeing such a huge monster.

Everything halted, the rubble froze in mid-air and even the monster got stuck floating. Baffled, the beast looked up and saw Arad T-posing in the air, glaring at him with glowing purple eyes. Arad's gravity magic had developed a lot, and this was its simplest application, nullifying gravity in a certain area or to certain objects.

"I can't really use any magic other than this as I need to keep focusing on my void." Arad said with a smile, remembering that he was trying to adjust his void to cure Zul so he needed to be careful.

He pulled the adamantine sword out of his mouth like a magician and lifted it up, blood gushed from the blade and extended upward. "Zia, I'll be borrowing your body if you don't mind." He said.

"[AH! Master! Please use me as you like…aw!]" Doma smacked Zia in the head. "[Calm down you pervert vampire nun maid combination. He's only using your brain so hold still!]"

Doma was using a curse to give Arad access to Zia's brain, the maid he got from Vlad alongside the vampire army. The curse was simple, Arad could use a portion of Zia's brain to cast his magic, but in exchange, she'd feel like she was having the worst headache of her life.

Doma would usually enjoy seeing her suffer, but Zia had hit her with an uno reverse card. Zia enjoyed the pain and was giggling with a horny face inside Arad's stomach.

Arad swung the sword down and sent a slash of blood that sliced the beast in half.

Arad then used gravity magic to push the rubble and the beast's corpse outside the city and then dropped them. He then landed beside Tempo with Flatail shaking in terror above his shoulder.

"That was an impressive slash. Was it a blood art?" Tempo looked at Arad with a large smile.

"Yeah but…not my best." Arad looked at his fist… "I only have access to a tenth of my magic and even my physical abilities are halved."

"Why is that?" Tempo looked at him. "You looked pretty strong."

"A third of my magic is reserved for my wife, Mira. I'm also split in half now with Gemini as I left my clone as a guard back at the university; it's attending the classes now. The clone has half of my brain and physical powers. And over all of that, I'm trying to focus my void into something that might be able to cure Zul, so… I can't say that was a good attack."

"Sorry to say this. But are you an idiot? Coming here with all those limitations." Tempo looked at him.

"My wives take priority, then the duties of a dragon, and lastly this." Arad sheathed his sword.

"I'm neither married nor a dragon so I don't understand those. Fair enough to me, I'll protect you." Tempo smiled.

"No need. I'll be the one protecting you; I can still fight like this with ease. I've been in far worse conditions." Arad remembered the time he became a human in Merlin's labyrinth.

"You're weak and could still kill that thing?" Flatail gasped, looking at Arad's head with a shocked face.

"So the rumor of you trashing the second layer of hell isn't false." Tempo giggled, "This is getting interesting."

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