The dragon's harem

Chapter 803 In School Clash

Chapter 803 In School Clash

The abomination was a rare kind with immense power and the ability to conjure limited clones of him within a certain area around his location under several conditions. He can't conjure more than twelve clones at once time, and the combined strength of the clones can't surpass double his power.

He's also limited by any magic clash, which means the moment a clone gets into a fight they can't modify their power. That's right; the clones operate separately from the main body and don't share thoughts, but that also allows them to die without damaging the main body.

His clone ability mainly relies on him predicting what fights are going to be hard and what is going to be easy and then adjusting the power output of the clones. But, since it's been over several thousand years since he was sealed, and the unnatural power of Arad's group, all of his predictions were thrown for a loop.

Eris's eye shifted toward the class wall that bordered the hallway, glowing purple and golden with magic. "Teacher…" She said, the veins on her arms bulging.

"I know." Lala replied with a smile, her eyes slowly looked at the door with a grin. She put her papers on the desk and stood, "Leave it to me; no one leaves the classroom." She started walking toward the door.

Eris stood and so did Lydia, cracking her neck, "We'll help."

"No, you don't. Sit still," Lala glared at them.

"You're a better healer than me." Eris glared at her, eyes flashing purple with plasma. "But do you think you're better than me?"

"Fine, follow me." Lala sighed, looking at the rest of the students, "The rest of you, seriously, stay still and don't leave the class. There is a small problem outside, we'll deal with it and come back."

As they walked out of the class, they saw one of the abomination's clones walking across the hallway. Lydia pulled her sword but Eris grabbed her by the shoulder. "Go help Jack upstairs. There is another one of those upstairs. Leave this to us."

Lydia nodded and rushed back, Eris and Lala should be enough to handle this fight.

"What a rare…no, what are you?" The abomination gasped, he immediately realized that Lala was related to Succubus, but couldn't tell what kind of creature Eris was.

Lala flicked her fingers, locking the whole hallway in a barrier spell. "We can fight reasonably here. No one would feel your magic." She smiled.

Eris walked forward with a smile, "Well, that means I can rely on you for support?"

"I can fight as well, but it'll be more efficient to just heal. I'm counting on you."

"I'll keep you alive, woman in the back. And for you brown-haired long ears, I'll cut you up to understand what kind of creature you are. To think new races were born in the time I spent sleeping." He lifted his hand, his finger burning with magic.

BAM! The small bone at the tip of his finger flew forward at a blinding speed, racing to blow Eris's head.

Eris's eyes managed to spot the bone, and she clenched her jaw at it on reflex, catching it in a bite. "This is all you got?" She mumbled with the bone caught in her mouth, plasma burning inside her throat.

"What kind of monster are you?" The abomination giggled, "That was faster than sound. Those reflexes aren't known in humanoids unless you aren't one."

CRACK! Eris shattered the bone between her teeth and opened her mouth, breathing a blast of plasma at the abomination, shaking the whole university.

"I've told you to fight reasonably, not blast the whole place." Lala gasped, "The barrier can't block shockwaves like that."

"I've barely tried, and this thing won't die if I don't go all out." She said, seeing the abomination regenerate with ease.

"Plasma? I sense draconic magic, is there a type of dragon that breathes plasma? Probably the red and blue gave birth to a new color?" He took a step forward, "How interesting, what would happen if I mix different dragons together? I can't wait to get to test it."

"You don't even know of purple dragons?" Eris tilted her head, staring at him with a confused face. "What kind of monster are you?"

"I'm an abomination, a superior creature to you mortals. I've been sealed for almost five thousand years and I've just been freed." He clenched a fist, "Care to come with me? I'd love to cut you open alive and see what you're made off."

"Good old blood and bones," Eris smiled, "And this…" She vanished from his sight.

^Invisibility? No, something is off…^ before he could finish thinking, Eris punched him in the guts with a fist burning with plasma. [Blood Thrones] Spears of compressed blood and plasma gushed out of her fist and skewered the abomination to the walls, burning him in a blaze.

"I see…" He mumbled, "You're a vampire, and that woman in the back is the one playing tricks." Lala was the one who made Eris disappear by hiding her shape and presence for a fraction of a second.

The abomination's leg twisted and a spear-like bone flew toward Eris's chest at a horrifying speed charged with an eldritch magic that neither she nor Lala could tell what it'd do.

Knowing that she couldn't take the hit even if she could regenerate, Eris ignited a burst of flame beneath her right foot and spun around the attack, swinging a round kick at the abomination's head.

This was an attack she prepared specially to kill Arad, a magic that she spent days and weeks developing one step at a time, making sure that everything fit together. A dose of plasma rushed to her foot, followed by a surge of fire and lighting that covered it, it was then overcharged vampire blood magic, one that evaporated the blood and finally topped with a divine smite.

The moment her foot hit the abomination's face, his body spun in the air and smacked the ground, bouncing back in the blink of an eye. The impact felt too heavy for him to even speak, such strange elements shouldn't be mixed together, yet Eris was putting all of them into a single attack. The catch was that he couldn't keep them together, so they exploded inside his body right after impact dealing an internal shockwave of damage.

"I bet you think this is an ultimate move of some kind. Sorry to break it to you," She clenched her fists and engulfed them in the same mixture, "This is my regular attack." She smacked him with a fist that sent him to the wall, and she kept hammering him with an endless barrage of fists.


Upstairs, the other abomination felt his pair getting beaten up downstairs so he tried to punch a hole in the ground. But at that moment, he felt several strings wrapping around his body.

"Those strings…a magic trap?" His eyes looked around at an inhuman speed, "Found you." He flung a bone at the ceiling, crumbling a vent. "You're hiding there, trapper." The abomination smiled, but as soon as the dust cleared, he noticed that what he dropped wasn't the person who laid the traps, but another trap, a stack of explosives.

"Of, fuck." The whole hallway exploded, throwing the abomination outside, that is how Jack made his traps to function. The main priority of the internal traps is forcing the conflict outside.

"This trapper is smart." The abomination growled, expanding wings from his back to stop, but that was too late, he already hit another set of strings which were laid above the garden in the air. Their position was pre-calculated to catch anything that got sent by the first trap.

"Another one?" The abomination gasped as tens of black metal spikes flew from the ground and trees, piercing his flesh.

He dropped to the ground and tried to stand. "But mundane weapons can't harm me…" He tried to look for the trapper again but noticed that his magic sense had disappeared. Those black spikes seal off magic, they were pretty expensive.

Immediately after his magic was sealed, five steel disks flew from the bushes toward him. He struck two down with his fists, but the other three wrapped around him with strings that were attached to them. Less than a second later, a powerful survey of lightning used those wires as cables to fry him, this trap could only activate if the spike trap had activated.

Jack was sitting on a street light a fair distance away from the abomination. He simply jumped from his class's window and sat there to watch his handiwork. His traps work in a chain, the moment you're caught in one; they keep coming until the target dies.

The abomination wasn't stupid and he realised that. After taking the lightning hit, he fell down pretending to be dead.

^The traps should stop working if the target dies. Staying on the ground like this for a few seconds should deactivate them.^

Jack smiled, ^That was a smart move. It would've stopped my trap chain if they were the ones I made before coming here. But those spider threads I got from Arad can detect electric signals, as long as they detect some from you, the traps won't ever stop.^ The strings could detect the brain and heart's faint electrical signals like a medical monitor, the caught abomination can't fake death.

But, now that Jack could sense what the abomination was through the wires that came back to him, he knew one thing. ^The bastard has seven hearts and two brains, one in his intestines and one in his left butt cheek. His skull is either empty or contains another organ.

The ground beneath the abomination opened up and a raging flame started eating him up.

CRACK! But, as if something changed, it happened too fast for Jack to react. The abomination jumped, burst through a building, and arrived at his location. The only thing could do was stare at the abomination fist as it approached his face.

"Got you!" The abomination smiled.

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