The dragon's harem

Chapter 808 Beneath A Halfling

Chapter 808 Beneath A Halfling

Arad swung his fist with all of his might, and the abomination caught it. "Such an impressive raw power, but that's all you have." He swung a fist at Arad's face.

[Flash Burn] Tempo jumped in with a swing and slashed the abomination's fist. Betty came in after in a flash thrusting her light sword at the abomination's chest.

"Damn it!" She growled, seeing that the abomination's skin had turned black, so dark that looking at him hurt her head.

"Perfect Black is a color so black it absorbs all light and disperses it. You can never harm me with your light attacks." He twisted his body and threw a kick at Tempo.

Arad kicked the abomination's foot and grabbed him by the neck, "I'm the one you're fighting." He swung his head at the abomination, sending him flying with a powerful headbutt.

^Betty is the fastest one here and Tempo is more skilled with a blade than I am. I have more strength, but since I can't use any powerful magic as I'm still tuning my void to heal Zul, I'm holding them back.^

Arad rushed after the abomination, hoping his clone could return to him soon.

Betty landed far, swinging her palms in the air. Her body started floating and a long staff with a clear crystal on top appeared out of a flash.

Specs of light danced around her as the staff began orbiting her. After being a sorceress with a light dragon bloodline, she has studied magic. Betty didn't reach her spot as the chairman with just her innate power; she was a wizard who taught Merlin, and when talking about spells, she never ran dry.

^What is this?^ Arad froze in place and glanced at Betty as he sensed the overwhelming magic rushing out of her body, it was like nothing he had felt before. A flood of pure mana all dancing in rhythm, the feeling he got from her was that of a danger that he never expected to sense from someone as small as her. Not even Kinryuu had felt like her.

"Now you're a pain in the butt." The abomination growled, staring at her with an eye of disdain. "You're on the same level as the mages of the old war, to think someone like you existed in this age of peace. What kind of battle were you hoarding that power for?"

"Nothing… I was just looking for a way to grow taller that isn't painful." She swung her palm down, [Temporal Crack]

The abomination's body cracked alongside the space around him, but he suddenly disappeared, landing on the wall above her. "I'm quite resistant to time magic."

Her eyes turned toward him. [DIE]

With a single word, his body turned into dust as everything behind him melted away. Arad and Tempo could feel their souls quake at the word, but even this wasn't enough to kill the abomination. He formed back out of nothing and giggled, "Even word magic, where did you learn so many spells?"

"I thought your kind has a hatred for us halflings." She smiled as her nails sparked with arcing magic. "Don't you remember why?"

The abomination's face twisted, "Yeah, it wasn't the cause of that crazed bitch. It was since, you…your cursed kind is the only mortal race we failed to understand." He clenched his fist, "Why! Why don't you have ambitions, why don't you care about your deeds? It's disgusting to see the bastards who massacred my kind hailed as the least advanced race."

Golden chains wrapped Arad and Tempo, pulling them away from the abomination.

"Even I was baffled to see that my father spends his days smoking a pipe in our backyard, eating cheese, and drinking wine…" She smiled, "Even though, he was far stronger than what I achieved even after centuries.

Several years ago, Betty returned to her birthplace to visit her family, she was excited to show her parents how powerful she was. Only to be slapped with the harsh reality, that her father had already mastered all the powers she hoped to show him even before she was born. It didn't matter how strong she got, or how many rare spells she learned, she was still the same little girl he carried to mother for help.

Halflings never boast. They never show power unless they need to, and they don't care to advance or strengthen their country. Even to this day, the Halflings kingdom is still only composed of several small villages dotted around their land, living off the land farming and raising cattle.

When a halflings is born, they don't need to think about anything, no education, no work, and no goal in life. If they needed food, the farms of their families were bountiful, if they wanted housing, they could just build a house wherever they wanted as they don't have any regulation about that.

With all that time and ease of mind, halflings usually wander their land seeking adventure and amusement, for nothing more than the fun of it. It was what led Betty's grandfather to marry luminous, and the same path her father followed.

One day, she as well would be the lazy halfling relaxing on a chair in her back garden, doing nothing but eating cheese and laughing. No one would remember her, or know she can raise hell if needed.

Betty put her hands together, "Let me remind you, what halflings are."

[Double Expansion: Circus of Magic and Brilliance]

^What's this?^ Arad gasped, ^A torrent of magic is sucking me, I can't break free.^

^[Don't even bother, she is trying to push you away from the effect of her expansion. You won't beat her magic control inside her own expansion.]^

Arad and Tempo woke up sitting on the stands of a circus almost as big as the university itself, they looked at the stage where the abomination stood surprised. Tens of Betty clones dressing as jesters surrounded the abomination, giggling and laughing as magic gushed from their hair and nails.

A massive disco ball appeared in the sky with the real Betty sitting inside staring down at everyone. "Welcome to my show. The first trick is a storm of ninth-tier magic."

Arad started sweating, ^She's sitting in a glass ball, no, that is a prismatic barrier of nine layers. As each layer has its own resistance, it's almost impossible to reach her. Ninth-tier magic is the strongest magic that exists, what kind of storm is she about to pull?^

The disco ball started spinning and beams of multi-colored light flashed everywhere, each color carried a different element, lasers of pure elemental energy carried through light magic. Red was heat, white was cold, blue was lightning, and so on.

The abomination had nowhere to escape, but that wasn't all. Betty's jester clones lifted their hands, and the show finally started.

[Meteor Fall] A meteor started falling from the sky.

[Time Stop] Time stopped for everyone except Betty, her Jesters and spells.

[Reality Break] The fabric of space-time around the abomination cracked, making it hard to cast time or space magic, making escape near impossible. He can't make time move again, nor teleport away.

[DIE] She was ordering him directly to die using Word magic.

[Pillar of Dawn] A pillar of divine magic fell from the sky, a divine smite sent directly from the magic goddess herself as a ninth-tier spell right at the abomination's head.

[Summon Devil Lord] The devil lord of the fourth layer of hell got pulled out right from the arms of a succubus, straight into battle under Betty's control to do her bidding, and he swung a claw at the abomination. "To get summoned when it was just getting fun! Fuck you abomination!" He shouted.

[Final Flash] One of the jesters shot a beam of concentrated light from her hands, screaming her lungs away.

[Blade of Chaos] A jet-black sword of pure chaos emerged out of nowhere and flew directly at the abomination's neck.

[Divine Imprisonment] The same golden chains that pulled Arad and Tempo away chained the abomination in place and started draining his magic.

[Weird Dream] A blast of psychic magic rushed from one of the jesters toward the abomination, it could drive any living creature into insanity.

"What in the timbers!" Flatail screamed in the back and this when Arad and Tempo remembered that he and Filo were still there with the other beavers. Betty is trying to blast the abomination while still protecting them using almost half of her jesters to conjure several layers of prismatic barrier around them.

A blinding flash engulfed the circus as everything hit the abomination at once and Arad gasped. ^To cast a double expansion and use several ninth-tier spells at once…Where was she hiding all of that mana and magic skills? And was that a devil lord that popped out of nowhere?^ He didn't miss the devil even if it was for a fraction of a second.

Betty stared down at the raging chaos she created, a smirk on her face as her elongated nails dripped mana and faint crystal scales spread across her cheek and arms. "Do you remember now? Why do you hate us halflings? Stay put down and be shorter than me for all eternity." She only sat inside the disco ball since it was higher than everyone and she could look down on them.

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