The dragon's harem

Chapter 829: Sena's Rage

Chapter 829: Sena's Rage

The whole room burned in an endless inferno of fire and explosions as Selica swung her bloodied fist at one of the bandit's burning faces. Just like them, even though she's somewhat resistant to the explosions due to her [Cartilage Skin], the fire still burned her just like them.

With her body pushed to the limit, fighting while suffering heavy blood loss and dehydration due to the burns and bleeding, her mind went down a spiral, approaching death with each passing second.

A right that was created by the overgod, each person is entitled to their system. That power shouldn't be used without the person being notified unless it's an expected natural progress or an effect forced by another mortal. Even though Aria could modify everyone's system however she likes, give them an infinite amount of poison to kill them, or straight up drop their HP to 0, such an act is forbidden by cosmic law.

But, there was one loophole. That law applied to everything under the overgod's rule. Selica was Sena's creation, and she had given her consent for Aria to modify her stats. It was like a parent speaking for their kids.

"Spend what skill points she has to empower her as much as possible." Sena said. There were some limitations, like Aria only being able to act with what Sena already has, but that was barely enough.

Inside her fire pit, brawling with over a dozen bandits while burning to death, Selica's skills started changing without her knowing.

[Cartilage Skin] =>[Scales Exoskeleton] With one skill point spent, Aria used that energy to force Selica's skin cells to evolve. The dead cells now grow upward into hard scales that cover her whole body, absorbing impacts and resisting heat. They also segmented her body at the joints, working as support for her muscles.

[Volatile Slime]=>[Volatile Infection] With one skill point, the glands that secreted her slime got infected by bacteria, and they replaced it. Now the bacteria are the source of Selica's slime, secreting it like cysts.

[Volatile Infection]=>[Volatile Disease] With a second skill point, the bacteria spread across Selica's whole body and to a residence in any place that could secrete or expel anything. Now her tears, spit, sweat, earwax, even piss and waste contains the volatile slime.

[Volatile Disease]=>[Volatile High Disease] With a third skill point, the disease infected Selica's immune system and took control of it. It now had replaced it as a crucial part of her body, the same way gut bacteria assist in digesting and defending the digestive tract.

[Volatile High Disease]è[Volatile Nerve Disease] With a fourth skill point, the bacteria infected most of Selica's nervous system, but instead of damaging it, the result allowed her to control the bacteria by giving them vague commands. She can now decide whether the slime explodes or not, when, and with how much strength to a certain upper limit.

[Volatile Nerve Disease]è[Volatile Virus] With a fifth skill point, the bacteria turned into a virus that spread across Selica's whole body and infected her cells, mixing itself into her being and becoming an ingrained part of the ecosystem of her body.

[Volatile Virus]è[Volatile Anti-disease] With a sixth skill point, the virus sacrificed changed its survival plan and started acting opposite to all known infections. Instead of harming Selica, or trying to infect other people, it tries to keep her alive by fighting other diseases and actively destroys itself harmlessly when in a body other than Selica's, unless Selica wants the disease to explode.

[Volatile Anti-disease]è[Immortal Reactor] With a seventh skill point, the disease broke through the limits of what is possible. It had taken residence in the fatty tissues around the heart, shifting from a heart into a strange core that pumps blood, mana, and the volatile slime straight into Selica's veins. The disease now repairs Selica's cells using her DNA as a blueprint, preventing aging as a result and accelerating healing far beyond humanoids limits. Even though the Immortal reactor makes Selica technically age-immortal and nearly disease- immune, it's limited by her stamina and nutrients, if starved, the reactor would lack the building blocks necessary for basic maintenance and would start deconstruction her muscles and bones to heal wounds.

As Selica swung her fists, the immortal reactor in her chest started beating. It digested her muscles and bones to rapidly form [Scales Exoskeleton] and trap moisture inside her body. As that was done while she punched the bandits to the death and they stabbed her over and over, the immortal reactor started turning its attention toward the bandits.

Selica can't use her explosions, but the core could force her body to create more blood, sacrificing more muscles and bone marrow in the process. That led to her new stab wounds causing a second blood splatter that contained explosive slime made by the immortal reactor, which burned even hotter and exploded far more violently than before, all in the hope of killing the threat.

By this point, Selica had looked fat and different than her usual self, a charred black monster with glowing red eyes and green mucus mixed into her bleeding body. To the bandits, she had become a nightmare that refused to die no matter how much she got stabbed. She'll eventually run out of energy and die at this rate, but the bandits had no way of knowing that.

After a minute, Selica had dealt enough explosive damage to the room's barrier to crack it a bit, sending a droplet of her blood into the empty ethereal realm that houses all demi-planes. Sena's head turned 180 degrees as her eyes glared with burning rage at the window. "FOUND HER." A deep growl filled with rage. She immediately teleported with Aria to where Selica


Selica finally ran out of steam and couldn't maintain her conciseness. With several of the bandits alive, but still suffering from severe burns and injuries, the gruesome fight seems to have ended in their victory, all thanks to their healer and wizards.

Selica's body started falling with blood dripping from her wounds, the bandits felt relief, but that didn't last long.

Selica fell straight into Sena's arms, the firelight illuminating their backs as Aria covered Selica with a white drape.

"What...Who the fucks are you!" One of the bandits cried, seeing the two strange figures appear out of nowhere.

"Selica, you've fought well. Resisted pain and suffering for far too long," Sena wiped her forehead from blood, "Take a respite of my blood and heal up. I'll take it upon myself to send those who harmed you into the depth of torment."

Selica's body started healing as Sena's blood flew into her. It only took a few seconds for her to look normal again. Sena then handed her to Aria and stood, staring at the bandits with a passive, black face with a deep silent rage boiling inside.

"Stepmom Gracie, do you hear me? I seek access to the immortality genes, death, the rebirth protocol, and the incubus kingdom of the nine hells." She put her hands together.

[One breaks the law, but granted.] Gracie replied with a giggle.

Sena combed her fingers together, [Life Expansion: Tentacle Dungeon of Ecstasy and Gore] Tentacles burst from her back and swallowed all of the bandits the corpses of those that Selica killed.

The demi-plane shattered the moment Sena started releasing her magic, and the world itself twisted around her.

Sena was the daughter of the overgod Cain and the mother of all dragons Tiamat. But from a young age, she was raised by her stepmother, Gracie, the goddess of love, and lust, and the

mother of all life.

Due to that connection, aside from Cain himself, Sena was probably the last person to piss off. Her tentacles exploded everywhere, filling the black void and trapping all the bandits in a

tight grip.

She first used her mother's access to death and pulled the souls of the dead bandits from hell, those bastards only ended up in the first layer, they deserve more. Her tentacles then killed the living bandits at once and added their souls to the mix.

A large bloodied womb appeared behind her back, bleeding rivers of blood as the howls of the dead bandits filled the air.

That was the womb of life, a creation of Gracie that's used to experiment with life itself. It was mostly used to bring species to life for the first time before dropping them into the mortal world. That was the place where all life started.

Sena used the womb of life to enact the rebirth protocol, something akin to reincarnation to birth them again into immortal bodies, and lastly threw them into the incubus kingdoms as sinners. That is the worst place to end up through the entire nine hells.

Sena walked away with Aria as the bandits cried, dragged on their faces by the large muscular incubus on the burning ember-filled ground.

"Bring the meat hooks." One of the incubi growled and turned back to glare at the bandits. "You've been judged into eternal torment. You aren't leaving this place, you won't get used to the pain or torture, your bodies will always regenerate into your current form, you can't go mad, and you can't fall asleep or feel joy." He waved his hand, "Hang them by the ankles."

Thud! Sena landed with Aria right outside Jordan's shrine. The other believers who stood there stared at them surprised. But they didn't have time for that, their bodies kneeled on their own as a sharp pain surged through their bodies. Their bones and cells screamed, the woman standing in front of you is life itself.

"Didn't you go a bit overboard?" Aria asked with a worried face.

"Those bandits had a trace of divine magic in them," She turned her eyes and glared at Jordan's shrine, "Not his, someone else's," Sena growled. "Once I find him..." She growled.

[Get a special place for a god.] Sena's voice boomed in the incubi's heads. [NOW!] All of the incubi fell on the faces, shaking, "As you wish, daughter of life."

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