The dragon's harem

Chapter 835: That’s it, you’re all dead…

Chapter 835: That’s it, you’re all dead…

"Can you believe it? His wives managed to stop one and the other happened to be when Claug was doing one of her schemes. Was it just bad luck?" A massive copper dragon growled, glaring at the others.

"Coincident or not, that dragon Arad is a big problem, we can't let him live." The large silver dragon growled. "His older brother Gojo is far stronger than him, but that won't last for long if the information I found is true."

"If Bahamut found out about this we're going to regret it. That's technically his grandpa." Another dragon growled.

"He won't find out. I've got my plans ready; we've been planning for this moment for centuries since we found that slab." The sliver dragon looked back, "Arad Orion dies here. He's alone in the desert so we can eradicate him. It's been a pain waiting for Vorvadoss, but it's finally the time."

"How much time will you need to kill him?" Another dragon asked.

"That's hard to guess. He isn't like any other creature. It's almost impossible with the will still within him." The silver dragon shook his head, "We can't risk agitating him or putting any kind of pressure on his soul, imagine it like a full sponge. We have to carefully lift and dry it out without applying any force; any outside stimulus would cause the power to spill out."

"We already knew that." Another dragon sighed; he was a large black dragon. "What about Doma? That jester shard?"

"We can't have her alarmed; she can ruin all of our plans. Like a guard dog can ruin a robbery by just barking and alerting the owner." The silver dragon looked at the sky, "I hope the news we got is right. I don't want to think about dealing with his mother."

"She won't even notice before we kill him. Once he's down, nothing can stop the Dracorage mythic, that meteor would drive all the dragons mad and start a new era." Another dragon smiled.

"Someone has to fight for this." The silver dragon pointed at them, "Spread across the kingdoms and keep watch, make sure all of Arad's wives and allies are spread far and between. Especially keep an eye on Mira, that woman is both his weakness and greatest power."

"Kill her too early and he'll flip up on us and we'll lose. And if we fail to kill her at the right time, he'll come back through her to bite us. The will is that tough." Another dragon, a large red one explained. "What about Aella?"

"That's a human in her. It won't be suitable; Mira is the only one carrying a void egg." The silver dragon shook his head.

"If we failed, won't he be forced to come back as mere wyrmling?" Another dragon asked.

"Are you a fool? How many times do I need to explain, he's only stunted due to the long time he spent knocked out. He'll come back at full force like a hungry beast, and he'll be even more furious as his child would've died."

The silver dragon expanded his wings and flew away. "Get everything ready."

Fifteen more dragons flew into the different kingdoms and left the rest there. "We'll go back to our lairs and help whenever we can, make sure to keep away from anything church or shire that relates to Tiamat or Bahamut, we can't have them finding out about this." One of the dragons said.

"Yeah...It's been..." Everyone froze as they felt something glaring at them from the distance. The dragons looked back in fear only to see a large brown bear standing on the peak of a mountain, glaring at them with glowing golden eyes.

"A werebear?" One of the dragons gasped, and another immediately figured it out. "That's the dragon slayer!" He gasped.

The bear's body shifted and morphed into a humanoid, he was indeed Alcott.

"It's him!" The dragons present there gasped.

Alcott silently stared at them from over the mountain, he was at least two kilometres away from them, but it was like a fly standing on a desk with a human sitting at the chair, not that far away from the dragons due to their size.

"I'll talk with him." A large gold dragon sighed, transforming into his humanoid form, and landed face to face with Alcott, "It's been a while, dragon slayer."

One of the dragons in the back survived the encounter and he recalled to the other dragons, that the scene looked strange. A seven-foot tall and muscular man standing face to face with a six-foot tall god dragon in his humanoid form, but even then, it was hard to figure out who the monster was.

The slayer's heart began to beat loudly like drums as his muscles expanded, his armor looked barely able to contain his body in place as golden flames burned from his flesh.

We all knew it, the slayer was a mere human, a mortal, a bug to us the dragons, but he, he alone seemed off, and the gold dragon couldn't attack first.

"Metallic and chromatic dragons stay in the same place silently and with very little magic to the point it's almost hard to notice them. Care to explain what's this, you aren't some double agents selling information in the Cold War." Alcott asked, thinking there were just some slimy bastards trying to sell information to each other about the other side of the draconic


"Nothing like that, we're here on another matter of business." The gold dragon smiled, "Just dealing with a common threat. Even we can work together, thanks to your efforts, slayer."

"I see...but what kind of monster needs this many greatwyrms?" After hearing about

Vorvadoss, Alcott expected a similar monster and was worried.

"A tough one indeed, but we also want to kill silently with as little damage to the environment. That helps the humans, right." The gold dragon smiled. "Don't worry, we won't disturb anyone. That we were staying low, we don't want the humanoids to freak out due to our presence."

Alcott nodded, "I see...the part where you care about humans was a lie, care to explain? You aren't staying low to hide from the humans but from someone else." Alcott wasn't having any of their bullshit. He had talked with countless dragons to the point he could tell if they were lying, figuring when a dragon was honest or being deceitful was a crucial part of being a mediator.

The gold dragon froze in place. "Come on, slayer... we really care about human...we'll..." "Spit another lie, and I'll slice your head where you stand." Alcott glared at him with a stern face, "If it's something allowed by the dragons' law, you can say it. I'm not here to hold you to human laws and morals. Each race is treated by their own values and ethics, that's the agreement we reached in the past years, right?"

When Alcott stopped the draconic war, the races of the world were forced to sign an agreement that stated that no one race could judge other races, and each was held to its own law. For example, chromatic dragons can kill each other to steal their hoards, it's perfectly fine, and cannibalism is common between them as well, drakainas are known to eat their mates most of the time if they're weaker, and there is also no paternity ethic, they just throw their children out. That isn't acceptable for humans, thus the agreement prevents such meaningless conflict.

There are some gold dragons here, it's still shady, but Alcott had no intention of pressing them further if he got an honest, dragon-acceptable explanation, otherwise, it's his job to

slay the rogues.

"Just tell him! It's a matter between dragons; he has no reason to press us." A copper dragon growled in the back.

"Now that sounded a bit honest....Care to talk to me in his place?" Alcott stared at the copper dragon with a gentle smile on his face.

"We agreed not to speak of it! Are you a fool?" The gold dragon growled and Alcott nodded. "That also wasn't a lie. Are you held back by magic?" Alcott tilted his head.

Thud! Ginger landed in the back, and she instantly felt the immense pressure released by all the great wyrms standing there. Her legs grew weaker, and she could barely breathe. "Alcott..." She gasped.

Alcott looked back, "Ginger, you followed me?" He smiled, "Hold a second, I'm coming." He turned and started walking toward her.

"Yo, slayer..." The gold dragon smiled as he saw Alcott giving them his back, "You're so confident when facing us that you dare turn your back?"

"Ghaaliin is right!" A large green dragon laughed, "That woman is a vampire lord, I can sense her blood is related to Vlad and even she can't breathe in our combined presence. I'm surprised he's even standing."

Ginger was also surprised, she was with Alcott for a bit, but this was the first time she was

with him in such a situation. The dragons' bodies hold so much mana that they are naturally emitting waves of magic, the same way electricity emits magnetic fields, and when that emitted magic gets to a certain point, it can fry smaller sources.

If Ginger was a phone, those dragons were large electric magnets emitting powerful waves

strong enough to kill her.

Alcott carried Ginger in his arms and walked backward toward the dragon before sitting her down. "Stand behind my back and don't move."

"How...can you..." She gasped.

"I'm used to it." Alcott turned toward the dragons, " to explain why you are lying? Magic shouldn't hold you from telling me..." It was agreed that dragons shouldn't emit Alcott from sensitive information and that he as well can't share that information.

"She's here, we can't talk." The dragon growled.

"That was a lie... How many times do I need to warn you? I can tell when you lie, and when you omit information on purpose, there is no magic holding you back from speaking, right?" Alcott wasn't falling to anything, he could see straight through their lies.

"I'll tell you." A copper dragon pointed at the desert, "There is a large beast there, we want to

kill him." "Shut up!" The gold dragon growled back at him.

"A monster in the desert?" Alcott tilted his head, "He can't be named Uranus, is he?"

"Uranus, Arad Orion, they are the same, right?" The copper dragon giggled, and the gold dragon's head rolled on the ground. He wasn't even aware that Alcott already killed him. "That's it, you're all dead..." Alcott growled.

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