The dragon's harem

Chapter 859: Slowly Falling Into Place.

Chapter 859: Slowly Falling Into Place.

Gojo's face hit the ground, and he started thinking as fast as he could. He didn't have any more time, whatever he decides in the coming fraction of a second will determine his life.

^I'm a void dragon...Korah had severed my silver thread once and I've died. That was a single cut that got welded, in the past minute, he had tried to cut my silver thread again, which had left it severed in multiple places. With the wild magic gone, it had grown still and would soon crack again, I need to stop stressing it out by being alive...But I can't just die...^

Arad and Alcott rushed toward him, both could sense his magic rapidly fading.

^Yeah...I've been in a human form for so long...that's it...^ The dice above Gojo's head started spinning faster and faster, his body turned into a tree and then he came back engulfed in a blinding light and smelling of lavender, and then a massive lightning bolt exploded from him and almost grilled Arad alive.

^Come on! I know it's here...If it can work with another person, it should work within me...^ The light slowly faded from Gojo's eyes as they turned pale grey...

It then clicked in his head, ^Got it!^

Just like Arad, Gojo's main soul is that of a void dragon, but he also has a human fragment of his father engraved into his being. When Vorvadoss slashed Arad's human soul, he was locked into his main draconic soul.

^Let's swap mine...^ Using the wild magic, he swapped his own souls, turning his human soul into the main one and the draconic into a secondary. This would allow his draconic soul to remain dormant as long as he's in a human form and doesn't use anything related to it.

With his draconic soul now resting and its silver thread slowly healing, the light of magic illuminated Gojo's eyes again. He pushed against the ground with his arms and sat up, growling, "It hurts." He sighed and fell on his back.

"You still alive?" Arad looked at him, "What was that light earlier."

"I'm barely holding on, but I'll live for now. That light was wild magic, I've got a decade's worth of gambling in a day." He giggled.

Alcott sat beside him, "I thought that light was you absorbing the portfolio."

"I've got other plans for it." Gojo looked at Arad, "What did you do with the greed portfolio?"

"I gave it to the girls. They need the power more than me. And I'm not the kind to be praised as a god, just not my thing." Arad shook his head.

Alcott laughed, "Most dragons would love to be gods." He looked at the sky, "What should we do now? Wait for Merlin to come pick us up?" He looked at Arad.

In a flash of light, Betty appeared beside them, "It'll be me. I'm quite low on mana but I can teleport you back home."

"You were watching from afar?" Alcott looked at her.

"Yeah, you three are really fools, who goes around and fights a god like that?" She sighed, "I know that he attacked first but...I can't believe you really killed a god." She pulled a small wander and waved it around, hid it, and then pulled a crystal ball glowing with vibrant rainbow-colored light. "There is no secondary magic or residual curses. Let's get back home, or to everyone else at least." She smiled.

"No." Arad lifted his hand, "I've really pushed myself beyond the limit coming here, I really need to return to hiding before my curses kick back again. I'll soon revert to my dragon form." He started flapping his wings. "Call me with magic. I doubt anyone would attack you now that we've killed a god, but stay vigilant." He flew away in the blink of an eye.

"I couldn't even get time to speak with him." Alcott sighed with a sad face, and quickly stood, "Can't be helped, we'll get a drink when he gets back."

"Me too..." Gojo cracked his back, "To be honest, I'm spent. As brother said, you'll be fine, probably, we hope..." He looked at Betty with a smile. "I need to rest a bit...I'll be going back to my kingdom." He started walking away.

"Can you even use magic?" Betty looked at him with a tilted head, "You're as dry as a desert."

"I got some contingency spells. For example, one that teleport me home if I'm out of mana and willing to go back." He looked at her with a smile, "I won't be teleported if I don't want to, but I can always use it to escape." He lifted a finger.

"Like this, now I'm willing to go home. If I spent what little magic I've got like in a weak spell." A bit of water splashed out of his finger.

ZON! Gojo immediately disappeared.

Betty turned toward Alcott, "That only leaves you and me. Let's go home, were you alone?"

"I've got some people to pick up on the way." Alcott smiled, "Can you use multiple teleportation spells?"

"With ease." Betty replied and the two went to pick up Cerilla, Jasmine, and Ginger.


Back in the Arctic, Liliana rushed around the magic court with the royal wizards. Minutes before they got notified of Gojo's death by magic, which caused mass panic, especially among those who knew how powerful he was. They never expected to hear of him getting killed in their lives.

Under Liliana's directions, the wizards worked their brains off trying to locate Gojo and retrieve his body, some even went as far as looking through ancient records of resurrection or lichdome even spells like [Speak with the dead] to try and get back to their king.

Unlike other kings, Gojo lacked a lot of qualifications but also lacked any bad traits. He wasn't greedy, his only care was magic, and he didn't discriminate as all humanoids looked alike to him, who was a powerful dragon.

With his power, the royal guard had far fewer things to worry about, and even natural disasters were immediately dealt with by him, like a large avalanche that threatened the capital, Gojo had just pushed it away.

As Liliana ran across the hallway with a large stack of paper, Gojo suddenly appeared mid-air and fell on her. She gasped, "Gojo? You're back?" She couldn't believe her eyes, "You alive?"

He shook him.

"Don't..." He grabbed her hand, "Shake me...I'll throw up on you..." He was at his limit.

As the ministers and the wizards around started panicking again, they began shouting questions at Gojo, some concerned about him and some wanting to understand what


"I'll explain later...I won, and that is what matters now." Gojo lifted his hand and then looked at Lilian, "Take me to my room." She glared around and found two maids. "Help me carry him." She grabbed him by the torso and each of the two maids grabbed one leg, dragging him to his room.

As they laid Gojo on the bed, Liliana looked at the maids once more. "Get us a barrel of mana potions, and get the kitchen to cook something big, two mammoths. Bring the third carcass to

the yard raw."

"Got it!" The two maids rushed out.

Liliana looked at Gojo, "You're going to sleep?"

"No...I don't need sleep, I need rest." He smiled, barely able to speak, "You want to know what happened?"

"If you can speak, if you can't just rest, we can talk later." She covered him with the blank.

"Korah, the god of gluttony. I've killed him." He mumbled and she froze in place, sweat gushing across her face. "A god?" she gasped.

"Dead... Brother and Alcott helped, but I've landed the finishing blow." He smiled, "Call a priestess of Bela. Tell her to ask the goddess of snow and ice about the matter."

"I believe you killed him...but I have to admit, even I still find it hard to believe that you killed

a god." She looked at him, stunned.

"He tuff piece of shit...I'd rather listen to Vars babbling about feet for a week than

do it again." He smiled, "But it's done. I've got this." He lifted one finger, and the portfolio

of gluttony appeared floating above it.

Liliana stood and rushed to bring the priestess. Minutes later the priestess managed to confirm from her goddess, that the divine order had indeed changed.

Lesser God Korah is dead, and Jordan has disappeared. The portfolios of greed and gluttony were released, and one was with Gojo, but it still didn't merge with him.

Gojo confirmed that he has no interest in the portfolio of gluttony, and thus wanted to give it

away to a certain someone.

Moments later, the priestess got a new promotion. "The portfolio of greed merged with someone, we've got a new demi-goddess of greed...her name is..."


Far away, Korah landed alone in a bathroom, puking blood as he gasped for air. "That

bastard...he even stole my portfolio!" He growled and punched the wall. At that moment, he could hear mumbling coming out of one of the stalls, followed by a large fart, a man groaned

like a dying pig inside.

Korah paused for a second and bit his finger. [Summon Demon]

The blue-skinned Oni woman who was ten feet tall appeared out of a dark magic circle. "Kill and turn him into a zombie. The gods can't track me now, we'll run and gather our forces."

One of the women approached the stall, hearing the man inside still mumbling... then suddenly, an old wrinkled hand pierced the stall's door and grabbed her by the nose, twisting her head with a horrifying amount of strength.

As the arm shattered the stall's door, Cain walked out patting his hurting back. Korah could feel his entire existence screaming to run away, and when he looked back, the windows and doors were all frozen solid in ice.

"AHHHH! Cain, it's been a while since we've been together....why are we wasting with him?" A woman of magnificent beauty who looked in her mid-thirties, had flowing golden hair and sparkling blue eyes sat on the ground, rubbing her face on Cain's legs with a horny face. Korah had seen her once before, and to him she looked as cold as ice, only staring at everyone else like bugs...Silent snow, the divine goddess of cold, snow, and ice; Bela.

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