The Duke's Masked Wife

Chapter 104

104 Dresses, drama, & a death (5)

“See, that wasn’t so hard. I brought her back in one piece, Edgar,” Hazel released Alessandra’s hand the moment they reached the throne after circling the entire room. “I am owed a gift after saving her from your mother. Wonderful woman, isn’t she?” Hazel faked a smile.

“Priscilla Collins has always scared me more than my own mother. Who was a queen by the way,” Tobias added to show how much more Priscilla scared him than a queen. “My mother had the ability to punish me any way she liked but I fear Edgar’s mother more.”

“Of course, you would. Your mother’s idea of punishment was not letting you use certain rooms in the palace. She never truly punished you. Clearly the reason behind why you are like this,” Edgar shook his head.

“Like what?”

“An idiot,” Edgar answered Tobias’ question.

“I want to walk around with the Duchess now,” Princess Sofia Castro spoke up. “It’s my turn.”

“Run away,” Hazel whispered to Alessandra right before she walked back up to sit on the throne.

“Not this time princess. I’m going to spend time with my wife. When we come back over here you can walk with her,” said Edgar.

“Okay,” Sofia replied with excitement. She was happy to have a chance to question the woman who stole Edgar away from her. Just one more year and she would be at the age where she could start looking for a husband and the Duke was the only person she had her eyes on.


“He’s not coming back here,” Tobias shook his head, feeling sorry for his little sister. “My queen, tell me all about your conversation with the Duchess,” he went up on the throne to sit next to Hazel.

“Men should not involve themselves in things concerning women, Tobias. It is not a good look. If you wish to learn more about her, talk to her. I am not your little spy. Sit up straight. You’re slouching,” Hazel ordered her husband. She was well aware he was not a fan of Alessandra and only pretending to be so he could learn why Edgar was with her. ‘I will not allow Tobias to ruin this,’ she thought as her eyes lingered on Edgar and Alessandra walking away.

Edgar led Alessandra to the area near the throne that Tobias had provided for them. It was obvious Tobias chose this spot to keep an eye on the couple. “What did my mother say to you?”

“You were watching us? She spoke about meeting me but then the conversation was between the queen and your mother. The queen defended me when she hardly knew me.”

“Hazel has always been like this. I knew her before she became queen and after my many visits to the palace, I got to know her better. She is the one person I know to openly show their annoyance with Tobias. She would be a good friend for you,” said Edgar.

“Because she is the queen?” Alessandra asked as normally, anyone in her position would cling to others in powerful positions in order to be protected from other vicious young women.

“Because she is a good person. If you do not like her, you don’t have to carry on with a friendship simply due to her being the queen. You don’t need to build fake friendships with women in powerful positions because you are a woman in a powerful position. Always remember that you are now a Duchess, Alessandra. More than half the people in this room do not share a title grander than your own. Even if they do, screw them.”

Alessandra chuckled as she found Edgar’s last words to be funny. “How can I take some of the confidence you have, Edgar? Is there anyone you are afraid of?”

“Alfred,” Edgar quickly gave a reply. “Do not let him know I have admitted it. You will understand when you truly see how angry he can get. I’ve pushed the limit with him many times as a child and I still do it now because it entertains me just as much as it scares me.”

Alessandra could not imagine how Alfred was the one to scare Edgar. Even when he was clearly upset about something Alfred’s body language was still calm.

Alessandra began to look around the room at the people who had attended the ball. There were a small number of people she remembered visiting her father. “Edgar, who is the man glaring at me?” She tapped Edgar’s hand to draw his attention to a man she caught watching her with hatred when her eyes were scanning the room.

Edgar followed Alessandra’s line of sight and found a pain in the ass. “That would be Oliver and the young lady I assume he will soon wed. He’s the captain of the town guards and the one who visited the night I killed your father.”

“I see but what have I done to make him glare at me?” Alessandra failed to understand why a town guard would hate her.

“We used to be friends but now he views me as his enemy. Perhaps, he was glaring at me instead of you. He does it often.”

‘It feels like he was glaring at me,’ Alessandra thought. She felt the intensity of his gaze on her when their eyes met. ‘Why am I making all kinds of enemies when I’ve done nothing?’

“If it upsets you, should I poke his eyes out?” Edgar suggested it jokingly but there was some seriousness in his voice. He would hate to think Oliver was glaring at his wife. No man had the right to eye his wife with good or bad intentions.

“Don’t,” Alessandra replied, regretting mentioning Oliver to Edgar. She was positive he would poke out the man’s eyes. Now she was curious about what happened between Edgar and Oliver. When she looked back at where Oliver had been standing with his fiance, Alessandra found only the young woman was there. ‘Where did he go?’ She wondered.

“Duchess! I have been waiting for the opportunity to approach you. I cannot believe you were with the queen. Duke Edgar, you don’t mind if I come into your little area right?” Erin asked as she walked into the area where only Edgar and Alessandra were allowed.

Alessandra looked to her right to see Tobias trying to get a look at the woman who was near the throne. She saw him look away most likely because Edgar had not sent Erin away. “It was quite the experience. The queen is a lovely woman.”

“The entire room is dying to know what the queen told you and what was said when Priscilla interrupted the walk. There’s so much information to take in,” Erin touched her head. “There’s commotion in the back of the room because two friends wore the same dress.”

“I don’t see the issue. A dress is a dress,” said Alessandra.

“It is not!” Erin disagreed. “If you show up wearing the same dress as someone else, prepare to be compared to them from head to toe. It is serious business when it comes to dresses. Almost every woman here is scanning other dresses to see who has the best dress. I’m so happy you walked around the room with the queen because now people are talking about your dress.”

“They should. It is a beautiful dress. I hope you can find a lot of customers after tonight.”

“I think I shouldn’t have started off too innocent. Next time we are going bigger, Duchess. We’re going on the alluring yet elegant side,” Erin rubbed her hands together as an idea came to mind. “I’ll visit you tomorrow-”

“No,” said Edgar.

“I’ll bring along the nightwear I told the Duchess about,” Erin said, knowing the way to get on the Duke’s good side. “They’ll knock you off your feet, Duke Edgar.”

“Keep talking,” Edgar finally found the dressmaker to be useful.

“I don’t think this is how the two of you should bond,” Alessandra was in disbelief at how the conversation had shifted to her nightwear. “Edgar, is there a bathroom close by?” She asked as it was the only thing she could think of to change the subject.

“There is one close by. Do not follow us,” Edgar ordered Erin when he saw her left foot take a slight step forward.

“Hurry back, Duchess. We have a lot to talk about,” Erin said to Alessandra while she threw a glare at Edgar. Why couldn’t he let her and Alessandra go inside of the bathroom while he guarded the door? “Why is he keeping her all to himself?” Erin blew air from her nostrils like a dragon.

Edgar and Alessandra left the ballroom and entered a large hallway where there was no one else. A few lanterns were placed around to offer light.

“Just when I think you and Erin are bonding over something ridiculous, you two go back to glaring at one another. I thought you said she would make a good friend for me?” Alessandra looked to Edgar for an answer.

“I never mentioned anything about me liking her. She has been in our home for two days straight. We have not seen each other much for the last two days.”

“That is true,” Alessandra’s voice died down as she realized she had not spent time with Edgar unless they were eating or sleeping. “I will tell her to come the day after.”

“When will you tell her?” An unfamiliar voice was heard further down the hall.

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