The Duke's Masked Wife

Chapter 119

119 Fun (3)

“What? I don’t think- I don’t. Wait a moment,” Alessandra paused to clear her thoughts. “Ow!” She touched her forehead after Edgar flicked it with his finger.

“What naughty thing are you thinking of? I was suggesting we go down to the creek and wash off the paint but please indulge me with what you were thinking. I wish to know what scenarios you thought of and if I can make them come true. Go on,” Edgar urged her to tell the truth. He wanted to hear in detail what came to her mind a moment ago.

“I simply thought you were suggesting we use the tub together. There is nothing else,” Alessandra started walking toward the stairs to go to the creek as Edgar was recommending. It would be easy to just use a bathroom but she wanted to see the creek and possibly step foot in it if the water wasn’t too cold.

“There is nothing wrong with having innocent dirty thoughts when it comes to your husband. It is natural in case you didn’t know that by now. You can express what is on your mind just as I do. I’ve told you, I’m not a fan of acting like sexual desires are taboo, Alessandra.”

“I thought you were suggesting we would wash the paint off of each other. You have to admit you set me up. You could have stated we were going down by the creek instead of being so vague. Good morning,” Alessandra greeted passing servants.

“Good morning, Duchess. Duke Edgar,” the servants returned the greeting.

Alessandra looked back, noticing the servants mumbling something to each other. They were most likely trying to figure out why they were covered in paint and not in a rush to remove them. “Your servants will believe that I have cursed you and now you are going crazy. They are looking at you strangely. I’d bet they never expected to witness you walking around with shapes painted onto your face.”

Edgar briefly glanced at the maids covering their mouths as they passed by to hide their smiles. “I don’t think they are acting like that because they think I have gone crazy. They seem to be enjoying watching a couple have fun.”

“It will no longer be fun if we do not reach the creek in time to easily wash away the paint. It is already becoming hard,” Alessandra scratched at the paint drying on her hands. “I’ve learned a valuable lesson today. Never stain the floors or Alfred will scold me. I will place something on the floor to catch paint whenever I paint.”


“Do whatever you want. Alfred will eventually get over it by not visiting that room to see if there is any paint on the floor. He hates the sight of any mess which is why I used to purposely leave my bedroom messy as a child to torture him. One day I thought he was going to pop from anger,” Edgar recalled the hilarious moment. “Alfred was my first target.”

“It’s scary to think about what kind of child you were. It’s surprising that Alfred has not retired or run away from you. He must truly love you to stay this long and vice versa.”

“Alfred does not have family members he cares to talk to so he has chosen to spend the rest of his life here until he thinks I no longer need him. He shouldn’t have added that last part as I will always need him. We do not share blood but I view him as family. It has only been the two of us for years until you came along,” Edgar said.

Alessandra and Edgar reached the first floor and exited the back of the house following a path in the garden that led down to the creek.

“Do you have any family I can get along with?” Alessandra asked to get the conversation going again. “So far, we don’t seem to be surrounded by the best family members. There’s no hope for me so I wish there is a side of your family I can fit in with. Please.”

“There is but they are spread out all over the kingdom. It is honestly my mother and a handful of family members eyeing my wealth that I do not get along with. I will introduce you to my grandmother when we have time to travel. I’ve been thinking about the two of us taking a little trip. We skipped our honeymoon but it is not too late to have it. I have another home with the perfect view of sunrise and sunset.”

“Really?!” Alessandra exclaimed. This was on her list of things she wanted to do. “Is it in Lockwood or somewhere further away?”

“It is further away. I have one home in every town to stay in when I travel for business or when Lockwood becomes irritating. Pick a town you wish to visit and I’ll have it prepared for our visit,” Edgar said.

“You,” Alessandra stopped walking. “You really are wealthy.”

“Ha! You only realize that now? Did it not occur to you how large my estate is or the numerous gifts I purchased for you without hesitation?” Edgar kept walking towards the sound of water flowing up ahead.

“Looks can be deceiving, Edgar. I’ve witnessed my father buying the Baroness extravagant gifts but we were drowning in debt. I am aware you have money but to own a home in every town is not something I expected. It is most definitely not cheap to pay the servants you have here and the ones tending to the homes in other towns. No wonder Sally and Erin found me to be odd when I mentioned finding an income source.”

“Hmm. We are out of sight from the servants,” Edgar stated when they reached the creek. “The water is low enough for you to walk around without your hips and upwards getting wet. Come to me, I will help take off your shoes. If you do not want your dress to get wet, you can take it off and remain in your undergarments,” Edgar started to take off his shoes.

Alessandra looked around and saw that there was no one around except for her and Edgar. The dress she was wearing needed to be washed but she did not want to hand it to a servant dripping wet with water. She reached behind to untie the strings holding her dress together.

“I’m surprised you are taking it off. Let me help you,” Edgar came to her side and untied the strings.

“My undergarments are no different from what I wear to sleep and there is no one here. I hope no one will pass by. Do you normally come down here to stand around in the creek?” She glanced over her shoulder to get a view of him.

“Not to stand in the water but I would sit and read a book. The sound of water rushing down against the rocks is calming and hardly anyone comes down here to disturb me. You have a small bruise on your back,” Edgar said after the strings were all untied. “It looks like a recent bruise. What happened?”

“Oh, that’s from when William’s servant pinned me down to the ground. It has already healed but it left a mark. Thank you for helping me with the dress. I’ll tell Erin to bring dresses with the strings, buttons, and zips to the front,” Alessandra said as she stepped out of her dress and carefully placed it to the side. “Oh,” she looked down at her feet when Edgar touched her to take off her shoes.

‘He’s such a gentleman,’ Alessandra smiled.

“I prefer the ones with the way to untie your dress at the back. It means you will have to ask for my help when we are together,” Edgar said. “Be careful not to step on anything sharp now that you are barefoot.”

“Yes father,” Alessandra joked as it sounded like Edgar was her parent.

There was a moment of silence between them before Edgar replied, “Alessandra if you wish to give me a nickname I’d prefer it be dad-”

Alessandra splashed water at Edgar to end his sentence before it could go left. “Don’t get ahead of yourself.”

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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