The Duke's Masked Wife

Chapter 147

147 War at the table (5)

“Edgar, men like you and I are used to these types of conversations but we should not let the Duchess hear what we are about to discuss. We should move to a private room,” said Edmund.

“I do not mind,” Alessandra said to Edmund’s surprise. If she asked about it later, Edgar would tell her what was discussed. Why wait when she could hear it now? “I am curious to know what happened to Jennifer and why you have come to Edgar instead of reporting it to the town guards.”

“It was my understanding that you did not like the maid? Didn’t she harm you?” Edmund did not see why she would want to know about someone who hurt her. Shouldn’t she be glad the girl was dead?

“Yes but that does not mean I cannot find her death to be peculiar. Why did she die not long after she left with your wife?” Alessandra kept her gaze on Edmund to try reading his expression. It was hard when he always seemed to look amused but she would succeed eventually. She deals with trying to understand Edgar daily and he was more difficult than Edmund.

‘She’s different than I thought,’ Edmund came to a conclusion. From their first meeting, he thought of Alessandra being someone who wouldn’t last but from the way she spoke to Priscilla and her gaze right now, he had certainly misread her. He was starting to understand why his son married her.

“It is an odd story and it places us in a bad position where we look suspicious. However, we had nothing to do with her death,” Edmund lied to protect his wife.

Edmund liked Alessandra but he didn’t trust her enough to keep what he needed to say a secret. Not after how she just went against Priscilla. Alessandra could try using his news to make Priscilla quiet. He found women loved to have something they could use against the other.

Meanwhile, Alessandra didn’t think Edmund was telling her the truth but she was not going to force the truth out of him. She only wanted to genuinely know what happened to Jennifer. Based on Edmund’s behavior, she knew Priscilla had something to do with the death and if this was correct, Priscilla should be exposed.

Alessandra did not like Jennifer but no one deserved to die with their killer left without any punishment. Alessandra wondered if she might one day eat her words as there was a lot about Edgar that she did not know. For example, what was he keeping in the dungeon he had placed Jennifer in? Was it just there for trespassers or something more?


“If you have nothing to do with her death, why are you here? This could have been said in a letter. If you are holding in the truth simply because Alessandra is here, I won’t care to hear what you have to say. I’m giving you one chance, to be honest. Are you here because my mother had something to do with the maid’s death?” Edgar asked, getting to the point rather than running around in circles like his father.

Feeling backed into a corner, Edmund decided to say what he knew. “Yes, I believe she may be involved. I’ve done my own investigation and found that your mother met with the maid once more before she died. I have no idea what was discussed but it cannot be a coincidence. I need to find more evidence of whether your mother had something to do-”

“What does this have to do with me?” Edgar questioned as he did not see the point of his father’s visit. He already knew his mother killed the maid. It wouldn’t be the first time she had killed someone out of anger. His mother’s family was always quick to hide whatever his mother did wrong. “I’m not going to help you hide what she did.”

“I know that you won’t but I cannot allow your mother’s actions to be found out-”

“Let’s be frank, you don’t want this to affect your precious little image, I do not have time to waste saving you from being questioned about the type of woman you have married. Handle this on your and do not come to me. I’ve talked about that maid who made more than I like. When you have finished your plate, please leave father,” Edgar bluntly spoke.

Edmund found Edgar to be a little bit harsh but he could not blame Edgar for not wanting to help them. They were terrible parents and Edgar had long grown tired of them. “I see. Do not speak a word of this to anyone,” he looked at Alessandra. “Do not try blackmailing my wife with what you’ve heard just now. There are many things about you I can find out and use against you if you do.”

Edgar’s faint laughter switched the attention back to him. “To sit here and threaten my wife while I am present, you truly are bold but I suggest you shut your mouth before I truly become angry. It appears my patience with having you in my home has run out. Do not pay a visit ever again unless I have called for you.”

“My biggest regret was not being more present in your life, son. I wanted to change the world and make it safer for others but in doing that, I wasn’t around for you. I’m sorry,” Edmund genuinely apologized. “It is not too late for us to try having a better relationship.”

Alessandra looked to the side of her at Edgar and found him to be causally eating his food, not affected by his father’s apology. She could see now that Edgar grew up with everything he wanted except his parent’s attention. As a child, he must have stopped caring about them. Now as an adult, they were forcing their way into his peaceful life. She wondered what else made Edgar treat his parents this way outside of them not being present in his youth.

“It isn’t but at the moment, I wish for you to leave.”

“Very well,” Edmund pushed his chair back and stood up. There was nothing more he could do if Edgar did not want to listen to him and his plans to bury what Priscilla did. “Good night,” he bid goodbye before walking away.

“Goodbye. Are you alright, Edgar?” Alessandra asked as something did not feel right.

“Does it look like there is something wrong with me? What is it?” Edgar asked.

“I do not know. You just seemed different while you spoke with your father. Once again, I am sorry for not siding with you. We did not make it to the end of dinner. What a waste,” Alessandra stated as Priscilla’s food was untouched and Edmund’s plate wasn’t empty. “Why would your mother kill Jennifer?”

Edgar poured himself some wine to get rid of the irritating feeling he had. “I would have to get inside her head to know. I’m surprised my father is helping to cover it up. He has exposed many of our family members and their crimes in the past.”

“This time it concerns his wife. Even though they argue a bit, you can tell he cares for her. What if I were to kill someone? Would you get rid of the evidence or take me to the town guards? If you would hide the truth, how would that make you any different from your father? You once said to keep my hands clean, you’ll kill anyone for me,” Alessandra recalled his words from a conversation they had.

“Simple. The public figure he has built up is a man of justice. He claims to expose crimes no matter who the culprit was. It is different for me when the town views me as a monster and I have no issue killing anyone. I would kill anyone for you and let the town know of what I’ve done. I don’t pretend to be anything other than what I am,” Edgar replied.

His father had built up this reputation of being a righteous man and fighting to expose evil around the kingdom. To hide a murder committed by his wife would go against how the public viewed him. Edmund’s enemies would use this moment to destroy him and everything he built.

Edgar on the other hand was authentically himself no matter who stood before him. No one could ever find him acting differently.

“Have you ever killed someone but never told anyone about it?” Alessandra just had to know.

“No, I always tell Alfred about anyone I have killed. He’s quite efficient when it comes to cleaning up the bloody mess. Are you afraid of me?” Edgar noted her surprised expression. “I have never claimed to be a good man when it comes to those things but I have never killed anyone innocent. Only those that wish to harm me and in the future, those that wish to harm you.”

“I see.”

“I don’t always resort to killing my enemies. Making them live without fingers, a hand, or a foot is quite entertaining,” Edgar grinned.

“Edgar, I am a little bit concerned by the fact you are smiling while talking about such things.”

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