The Duke's Masked Wife

Chapter 149

149 New relationships (2)

The next day, Alessandra and Edgar arrived at the palace a couple of hours after breakfast. Once again, Alessandra was in awe of the beauty of the palace.

“It would be so fun to sit around painting everything my eyes land on. It’s just as beautiful in the daytime as it is at night,” Alessandra commented.

“It might look beautiful but it’s full of many horrible people and secrets. A couple more visits here and you will never wish to be in the palace. Make sure you never leave the queen’s side and be wary of anyone she tells you to avoid. Caleb,” Edgar looked at the large man he made come along to protect Alessandra.

The palace guards’ priority was the queen’s safety and he did not trust them to keep Alessandra safe.

“Never leave her side. I don’t care who tries to order you away from Alessandra’s side, you must not move,” Edgar gave an order.

“Yes, Duke.”

Edgar wouldn’t be by her side as he would be with Tobias and the queen had her own section in the palace where he would not be able to wander around as easily as he could with Tobias’s side.

“As soon as you are ready to leave, send a servant to find me. Just because she is the queen does not mean you have to remain by her side forever,” said Edgar. As soon as Alessandra wanted to leave, they would leave.

“Okay. Though I think it would be hard to get me out of the palace. There is so much I would want to see and paint. I must keep it all in my memory to paint tomorrow. Oh,” Alessandra noticed Hazel standing by the top of the steps she walked up to go into the ball. “The queen is here but not the king. I suppose you will have to go looking for him. I will see you later, Edgar.”


“Wait, Edgar touched her hand to stop her from getting out with the help of the coachman. “I will walk you up. I have to go this way anyway,” he got out of the carriage first then offered Alessandra his hand for her to use to step out.

“Thank you,” Alessandra accepted his hand and carefully stepped out of the carriage. Thankfully, unlike the night of the ball, there were not countless people watching her every move.

‘Thank goodness I do not have to be a third wheel today,’ Caleb thought as he exited the carriage after Alessandra. He was surprised Edgar willingly came to the palace but it seemed like Edgar was trying to do everything to make his wife happy. ‘How touching.’

Alessandra and Edgar walked up the steps hand in hand to where Hazel stood waiting for them both.

“Good morning, Duke and Duchess Collins. I’m so happy the two of you could come to pay the palace a visit today,” Hazel greeted the couple with a smile. “I hope it was a pleasant trip here.”

“Good morning, Queen Hazel,” Alessandra curtsied as Alfred had taught her. “The journey here was good.”

“I see. Duke Edgar,” Hazel turned her attention to Edgar. She looked behind him where Caleb stood. “A guard for your wife? Do you not trust how safe the palace is? No one would hurt her while she is by my side. You worry for nothing but it is fun to see you like this. Tobias is waiting for you where the men train. Have a nice day and do not look to interrupt my time with your wife.”

“I’ll do as I please. Next time, invite her when your husband is not around.”

Hazel couldn’t disagree with Edgar. She also wished Tobias would not be free today while the Duchess was visiting. “No offense, Edgar but I also did not want you to be in the castle today. It is your wife I wanted. Tobias is not here which means there is time for you to flee and have a carriage pick up the Duchess later or I can give her mine.”

“You have always been useful,” Edgar complimented Hazel. “But we both know Tobias will buzz around Alessandra like a fly if I am not here. You will owe me for distracting your annoying husband. The guard stays. I will see you soon Alessandra,” he ruffled her hair and enjoyed every moment of her glaring at him for messing it up.

“And yet you don’t see how he is wrapped around your finger. Go away all of you,” Hazel ordered the line of maids behind her.

“Yes, Queen Hazel.”

“I wanted it to be just the two of us today. I wish to get to know you, Alessandra. Please refer to me as Hazel today,” Hazel held Alessandra’s hand for them to walk together. “You have no idea how long I have been waiting for some company.”

“There are many young women who would love to keep you company,” said Alessandra.

“Honestly, they are all like a set of dolls with no personality. Well, their personalities do not match mine. Plus, it only makes sense for me to become friends with you. Our husbands are always close even though it always feels like Edgar is trying to kill Tobias. They are just like their fathers. How about a little tour before we sit down?”

Alessandra’s eyes twinkled hearing the mention of a tour. “Yes, please. I have always been curious about the palace. I could not imagine waking up to something this grand every day. There are so many things to paint.”

“You love to paint? So do I but I have to admit I am not good at it. My mother wanted me to have a talent and my love was always painting but since I wasn’t good at it from the start, she paid more attention to music. You have no idea how glad I am to be living far away from my mother. Whenever she visits I feel her breath on my neck. Oops,” Hazel covered her mouth.

“I will not tell anyone,” Alessandra chuckled.

“You are easy to talk to Alessandra. A little bit more and I would have shared my life story with you. Tell me, how is marriage treating you? Is it everything you imagined? Is the fire blazing?” Hazel spoke softly so not even Alessandra’s guard would hear.

“Uhm, it has been going better than I imagined. I honestly had low expectations for marriage but Edgar has changed my mind. Is that normal?” Alessandra asked Hazel as she was married for longer than she was and might have felt this.

“It’s completely normal. You found someone who goes above and beyond your expectations. In this town, that is not easy to come by. Let’s keep this between us but I also did not expect much from my marriage to Tobias. He completely changed what I had in mind and that is why I fell for him. Though there’s time I feel like strangling him,” Hazel laughed as though it wasn’t the king she spoke of killing.

“Queen Hazel,” servants greeted Hazel and bowed as she walked by.

“If you walk by them twice, will they do that again?” Alessandra asked.

“They certainly will. They’re respectful but I honestly dislike hearing Queen Hazel all day. Sometimes I think of running away from the castle to be normal for a day. Would you join me? We can leave our husbands behind,” Hazel suggested as it sounded like fun.

“If you need one day to relax, please call on me.”

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