The Duke's Masked Wife

Chapter 157

157 Out the window (1)

“Edgar, why aren’t you getting out?” Alessandra asked.

The carriage had arrived home, but Alessandra was the only one to step outside. Edgar remained seated and somehow as if Caleb had read Edgar’s mind to stay, Caleb had not moved.

“I have something to take care of. Go inside and inform Alfred that I will return later. Do not wake up and have dinner if I do not arrive in time. Do not look so worried, Alessandra. I am just going to have a little chat with the Baroness,” Edgar flashed a smile to rid her of her worries.

“Edgar, I do not believe you are going there to just have a chat. Is this your way of making things better? She’s just going to deny anything you ask her. We should speak with Mario instead and have him dismiss the rumors. You should not harm the Baroness or Kate.”

“I don’t intend to harm either of them. I’m simply going to have a chat. Go inside before you get too cold,” Edgar urged her. He was walking on a thin line between telling the truth and a lie when it came to what he planned to do with the Baroness.

Alessandra sighed, giving up on trying to stop Edgar. Hopefully, no one would die after his visit. She didn’t even understand why she was trying to stop him in the first place. She was certain once this rumor blew over something would pop back up again from Katrina or Kate’s mouth. If Edgar could put an end to it now there was no need to stop what he planned to do.

“I trust that no one will end up dead. I will see you later,” she turned around to walk up the steps.

With Alessandra no longer looking his way, the smile on Edgar’s face disappeared as quickly as it came. “To the Barrett’s,” he ordered the coachman waiting on the outside for the new destination.

“Yes sir,” the coachman closed the door.


“We are not going there just to talk, are we?” Caleb grinned knowing they were going to turn the Baroness’s world upside down for messing with the Duchess. “Should we have the entire household be buried with the late Baron?”

“I don’t plan on killing anyone yet,” Edgar closed his eyes as the carriage moved off once again.

Alessandra did not wish to have revenge on the Baroness and Kate for the way they treated her but Edgar was not going to leave them be. He did not know what happened between the two sides but he made it clear not to mess with his wife.

Katrina had poked at something which gravely annoyed him. It was the relationship between Alessandra and Mario. It was merely a friendship with a one-sided crush and he let it go but now this stupid rumor would have him hearing about it more than he liked.

“Caleb, get the best person you know to dig around about the Baroness’s past. I was playing around with it before while investigating her husband but now, I am curious. It seems like something she desperately wants to hide. She should learn by now that nothing remains a secret in Lockwood,” said Edgar.

“Why don’t we just kill her and the daughter? I can have them taken in the middle of the night and no clue is left behind as to who took them. We would have to take the uncle too,” Caleb proposed.

“No. One thing I regretted was killing the Baron so quickly. I’m going to have fun with the Baroness. I want to watch her crumble to the lowest point in her life and then we will get rid of her. Do not mention a word of this to Alessandra.”

“My lips are sealed,” Caleb acted out zipping up his lips.

After almost an hour’s ride, Edgar and Caleb arrived at the Barrett’s home.

“Is it just me or does the air here feel thick?” Caleb covered his nose as soon as he stepped out of the carriage.

“Do not sit or touch anything. You’ll end up itching the rest of the night as I did,” Edgar remembered his situation after sitting down in one of the chairs here. After what he endured, he never planned to step foot in this house again. If his skin felt itchy just from standing around, he might just burn the entire house down.


Edgar walked up to the front door with Caleb right behind him. From the corner of his eye, he spotted a maid running away from a window. Before he had to knock, the door opened revealing the butler.

“Good evening, Duke Collins. The Baroness and her daughter are-wait,” James tried to grab Edgar when he brushed past him and entered the house but Caleb stepped in between. “It is rude for you to just barge in and you know it.”

“Where is the Baroness? Speak quickly before I have him remove your tongue for being useless. I’m certain you know why I’m here and shouldn’t be expecting any kindness from me. Either you bring the Baroness to me now or I will find her myself-”

“I will take you to her,” Clark approached the trio with his hands in his pants and a sly smile lingering on his lips. He had caught wind of the rumors and knew why Edgar was here. It would be entertaining to watch the Duke take his frustration out on Katrina. It was about time someone brought that woman down from her high horse. “Follow me.”

Edgar ignored the butler and followed after Clark. Perhaps it was good he had not gotten rid of Clark for going against his warning and approaching Alessandra.

Caleb was right behind Edgar in case Clark or anyone else would try something funny.

To get on Edgar’s good side, Clark decided to say, “Those rumors are just-”

“I still don’t like you so don’t try to kiss my ass,” Edgar cut off Clark before nonsense could be sprouted.

Clark closed his mouth, slightly irritated with how hard it was to please Edgar. Yet again he wondered how Alessandra was able to make a man like this marry her. Did they have her personality all the way wrong? “You may not like me but don’t forget I am doing you a favor by taking you straight to my sister-in-law. I can also provide you with the cook. I think I am deserving of a proper conversation between the two of us.”

Edgar didn’t respond to Clark. He would have gotten to the Baroness with or without Clark’s help.

“Katrina,” Clark knocked on her door, anticipating the show to come. “Katrina, you have a special guest,” he knocked again after no response the first time.

“I’ve told you to-Edgar?” Katrina felt her stomach drop as soon as she opened her door and found Edgar standing there. “Duke Collins, what a surprise,” she forced a smile. “Why are you here?”

“Haven’t you heard there are rumors going around about my dear niece?” Clark happily informed Katrina. She was a fool to think the Duke wouldn’t show up. Now she stood before them like prey realizing it was about to be devoured.

“I need to have a word with you. Alone,” Edgar looked directly at Clark for the alone part. Clark was enjoying this but he was annoying the hell out of him.

“Please, come inside,” Katrina stepped aside to allow him inside her bedroom. She was not prepared to deal with Edgar just yet. The news spread faster than she expected therefore she did not predict a visit this soon.

Nevertheless, she composed herself and prepared to act oblivious about it. Katrina closed the door behind Edgar to stop Clark from enjoying this moment.

“Don’t die,” Clark offered her advice right before the door closed.

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