The Duke's Masked Wife

Chapter 432 - 432 Expecting (3)

432 Expecting (3)

In the end, Alfred assured Alessandra that he was not going to faint. He did not want to miss hearing how Alessandra found out she was pregnant and what the doctor would say.

When the doctor finally arrived, Alessandra and Edgar left Priscilla and Alfred alone while they went into a room for Alessandra to be inspected.

Alfred and Priscilla sat in different chairs which unfortunately made them have to face each other. Priscilla avoided looking at Alfred and instead looked around the room they were in. When Edgar released her a month ago she had not spoken to Alfred. An apology was probably suited now but Priscilla did not know where to start so she kept quiet.

“There are plenty of items from Edgar’s youth in storage at your home. You should have the maids organize them to see what is good and send them here. There must be a few sentimental things Edgar can pass down to his children or he can look back on,” Alfred spoke up first.

“Very well,” Priscilla replied, having no issue with bringing what belonged to Edgar.

“Thank you for helping the Duchess today,” Alfred thanked Priscilla as pregnancy might not have entered Alessandra’s mind if Priscilla was not present.

“Must you always be so nice? You almost died a month ago because of someone who worked for me,” Priscilla said, turning to look at Alfred. “You shouldn’t be speaking to me so casually right now.”

“I shouldn’t but I want those things from Edgar’s childhood. The books and all even if they smell old. I will find the exact book to replace and put in the child’s room. Back then I was angry with you even though I expected you would try to kill me. More than a month has gone by and a child is coming into this world. The fact it is Edgar’s child means I will be stressed enough. I don’t have time to be angry with you,” Alfred honestly replied.

At his age, he did not need to hold onto grudges and seek out revenge. Alfred did not plan to get back at Priscilla by trying to kill her so when he looked at her, he felt nothing. As always, he hoped Edgar and Priscilla could fix their relationship. It was all he ever wanted and it seemed there was hope.


“Edgar by himself was a headache so you better hope it is not more than one in her stomach. Then again, it will be your headache to deal with so why should I care,” Priscilla stated since Edgar was not pleased with her presence and failed to properly acknowledge her. “Why am I still here?” She wondered out loud. She had better things to do than sit here uncomfortably awaiting news of Alessandra’s pregnancy.

“You should speak with the Duchess before you go. She’ll be disappointed if you leave without a goodbye. If my presence bothers you, I shall take my leave. I can hear the good news later,” Alfred started to stand up.

“You can stay. Edgar will paint me as the villain if you leave. He already accused me of getting his wife sick when he is part of the reason she is sick. I never thought there would be a day he would have children. So far he is doing better than his father,” Priscilla said because as far as she knew, Edgar was a faithful husband. There was gossip but she could tell it was all lies.

The women in these gossip about Edgar were similar to the type of women Priscilla tried introducing to Edgar but he turned them down. If lies were to be created, the least the people who started the rumors could do was create a more believable woman for Edgar to cheat with.

Some of the people in the town found Edgar and Alessandra’s love to be too perfect for their marriage to be full of happiness and not have any drama so they tried to look around for what the couple was hiding. Priscilla was tired of the questions fools would ask her when it was obvious she knew nothing about Edgar’s marriage and did not care to know.

“Am I late?” Heather rushed to the drawing room. “My carriage wheel got stuck.”

“They are with the doctor right now. I will get some drinks and snacks for the two of you,” Alfred said, getting up from his seat. There was nothing more to say to Priscilla and his presence was making her uncomfortable. It would be awkward to sit near someone you tried to kill no matter how much time passed. “Edgar,” Alfred stopped before he could leave the drawing room.

“Where are you going? The doctor is packing up while Alessandra is changing out of her dress to rest. She is pregnant,” Edgar confirmed.

“Congratulations Duke Collins,” Heather said, excited for the married couple. She was aware of their want for a baby.

“Thank you. You can see her now if you wish. She is in our bedroom. You can go too,” Edgar rolled his eyes at Alfred. Alfred was like a child eagerly waiting for their parent to let them open a present.

“I will be quick to not bother her,” Heather replied then left the drawing room with Alfred.

Only mother and son remained now.

Priscilla avoided Edgar’s gaze she knew was on her. It wasn’t in the deal for Alessandra to leave her alone with Edgar.

“Thank you.”

Priscilla’s eyes widened and without thinking, she looked at Edgar. “Did you just thank me?” She asked, not believing she heard him right. Maybe the house had a ghost or something.

Edgar looked around the room and replied, “You are the only person here. There is no one hiding in the walls.”

“It is strange for you to be thanking me. A few minutes ago you were accusing me of getting your wife sick when it was you who put her in this position. By the way, I have not broken our deal of staying away from each other. Your wife pleaded with me to come here. It is hard to say no to her when she makes you feel guilty,” Priscilla said, once again avoiding Edgar’s gaze.

Silence fell upon the room once more as mother and son were not used to being together but not arguing with each other or simply mentioning something the other disliked.

“I am not over what you tried to do to Alfred but I cannot deny you were helpful today and Alessandra would like your advice in preparing for the baby. I don’t see why when you had servants to do everything for you. She has plenty of people here to help her. What?” Edgar shrugged his shoulders when she seemed offended by his words. “It is the truth.”

“None of them know what it is like to push a baby out of your body. There are still plenty of things I had to be aware of. I wasn’t the best mother but I won’t sit and take your jabs,” said Priscilla. She was not desperate for Edgar’s attention to sit through this.

“I am not fond of it but Alessandra would like you around and as of right now, you do not seem like a threat. One day a week for an hour, I will give you entry to our home to visit Alessandra. If you wish to see your grandchild grow up, I recommend you do not ruin this rare second chance I am giving you. You must send a message a day in advance when you plan to visit. If you behave, I will increase your visits. That is all,” Edgar finished, having no more to say to his mother.

Edgar was thankful there was someone to keep an eye on Alessandra when she was not home but this didn’t magically fix the strained relationship he had with his mother. They needed more time. Alessandra wanted his mother here and during this time, he planned to give Alessandra all that she wanted to please her.

Priscilla was surprised to hear Edgar was inviting her to visit the home. “I understand. I must go now. There is no point in me staying here when she is going to rest. You might know by now but that woman is in town and she is looking for your father. She tried speaking to Alessandra and I am sure she will do it again. It was,” Priscilla started but she was reluctant to say it was good to see Edgar. “Goodbye,” she said in the end.

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