The Duke's Masked Wife

Chapter 435 - 435 Found (1)

435 Found (1)

“For the last time, I am feeling fine. I feel no different than what I felt this morning. I don’t feel like vomiting. However, I am feeling annoyed,” Alessandra said, looking at Edgar who sat on the edge of their bed.

Alessandra tried to rest after taking medicine given to her by the doctor but the sound of someone constantly coming in and out of the room got on her nerves. It was even more irritating when she heard someone walking around the bed and fixing the blanket which did not need to be fixed.

Alessandra appreciated the concern but she felt no different from ten minutes ago when it was Alfred who asked her how she was feeling. She could not help thinking about how many days she would have to go through this. Alessandra could look at the clock and predict when someone else would come to check on her.

“Why is there so much noise outside?” Alessandra asked, trying to sit up but Edgar pushed her back down on the bed. After Alfred left, there was a constant loud noise like someone was banging something.

“Alfred and the servants are cleaning at the moment,” Edgar replied, somewhat telling the truth. Excitement filled the house as everyone rushed to prepare for children who had months to go before they made their grand entrance into this world.

“You’re lying,” Alessandra saw right through him. “I’m not a delicate flower, Edgar. I walked around on my own this morning and I was pregnant then. All of you are up to something.”

“We didn’t know you were pregnant this morning. A few things are changing up downstairs. We’ve picked out a room to use when it becomes troublesome for you to walk up the stairs. We need to start working on putting everything you’ll need in there now. To stop Alfred from bothering you, I let him clear out a room on this floor to turn into the baby’s room. That is the noise you are hearing,” Edgar explained.

Edgar underestimated the fact Alfred would have servants pulling furniture out of the room today.

“So what do I need to get you to stop bothering me?” Alessandra joked.


“Nothing. You are stuck with me like this until those little things crawl out of you,” Edgar replied.

Alessandra opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out. She didn’t know whether to address him being glued to her or the fact he said their baby would crawl out of her. Instead, she chose to enjoy Edgar’s excitement to become a father. He changed from only wanting an heir to wanting a house full of children. She had no plans of going through this many times but she still enjoyed seeing him excited.

“So, have you taken over Sally’s job? I told her to take a break since I wanted to rest but here you are tending to me. You can go back to what you were doing before I came home and bring Sally back. Nothing will happen in our home if you take your eyes off of me, Edgar. I would like some water,” Alessandra used as a last resort to send him away.

“We have a house full of servants. I only need to open the door and tell one to bring water,” Edgar replied, showing how he could ruin her plan but he knew he had pestered her enough. “I will still be at home if you need me,” he sat up from the bed. He had to check if Alfred was destroying his home.

“I know you would not be leaving home today,” Alessandra smiled. There could be a war happening outside their gates and Edgar would not bat an eye today. “Can you send a letter to Ruth to apologize for my sudden departure from her party? Your mother and I left in a hurry so I did not get to tell Lady Ruth goodbye. You don’t have to reveal that I am pregnant. I don’t need anyone else bothering me. We should only tell our friends.”

“I will send the letter as soon as I leave. Did anyone bother you at that party?” Edgar asked, only now remembering what his mother said about his father’s old lover.

“I confirmed the Viscountess and I will never be friends. I knew there was something wrong with her the first time we met each other. I did meet the woman Cassidy. She seems to be looking for your father. Do you know where he is?” Alessandra asked as she had no idea where Edmund was. She only knew Priscilla was still in town because she continued to socialize while there was no word from Edmund.

“I am not his keeper. I don’t follow up on where he goes. I will find you a female guard to join you at these parties you attend. Andre and Clyde will wait for you outside with Caleb.”

Alessandra was curious if Cassidy tried to speak with Edgar. “Have you spoken to her?”

“When I was young and my mother was away visiting my grandparents. She came to the home claiming to be a friend of my father and tried acting like she was my mother when she saw me. My father took her out of the house right after. That was how I found out what she looked like. I have not seen her again even now with the divorce. Do not concern yourself with their drama,” Edgar said, fixing the bed where he previously sat.

“I won’t. I only wanted to help get your mother out of that awkward run-in. I don’t agree with her having to see someone your father loved during their marriage. It is not fair and if I were in her position, I would lash out at everyone around me too,” Alessandra replied. “I hope she finds someone who can make her happy.”

Edgar didn’t have anything more to say. This was all his parent’s business which he wanted no part in. He didn’t need his father’s problems showing up at his gates or approaching Alessandra. Instead of running away to wherever he was now, Edmund should be here to tell that woman whether or not he wanted to be with her so she could stop going to people who did not care for her.

“Excuse me,” Edgar left to find Sally.

“Edgar,” Reed said when Edgar stepped out of the room. For three weeks, he was gone to carry out an important task Edgar gave to him. He returned with good news or maybe this might be bad news. “My group and I returned to Lockwood a while ago. I heard your news from Caleb. Congratulations on the baby.”

“Thank you,” Edgar closed the door behind him so Alessandra could not hear their conversation. “Did you find anything?”

“The information we received was right this time. We followed the lead and found her,” Reed said, handing Edgar papers with the information they gathered when they watched their target. “We found Melanie Barrett. Well, she is no longer a Barrett. She was so hard to find because she settled down in a small town where there is no court. She married a scholar.”

Edgar flipped through the pages of what Reed collected from watching Melanie and her new family. “Shit,” he cursed. Life had a habit of ruining good days.

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