The Duke's Masked Wife

Chapter 449 - 449 Excuses (5)

449 Excuses (5)

“Do not leave me with these people again,” Edgar replied, annoyed with the young ladies not far away from them. There was only so much whispering, giggling, and staring he could take from the two young women who left the room shortly after Alessandra had gone inside.

“Edgar, how are you to deal with our children if you get annoyed so easily?” Alessandra chuckled.

“They will be our children. All of you seem to think I like all children. Others,” Edgar looked behind Alessandra to where her mother stood with her sisters. “Are quite annoying. They are replicas of their annoying parents. Our children will not bother me.”

“Of course. How can I forget the way you think? Would you like to be introduced? I won’t stop you if you want to introduce yourself. My sisters are excited to speak with us,” Alessandra said.

“No offense but one of your sisters already annoys me. I am not too thrilled about meeting two more. I suppose I should let her see your wonderful husband but you have not told me how your conversation went. I don’t want to introduce myself to someone who might have disrespected you,” Edgar said, still not a fan of Melanie for abandoning Alessandra.

“There was no yelling so I think it went well for the first meeting. I won’t be inviting her over to our house any time soon but I don’t mind speaking with her again. There is more I want to know about and more I have to say, but I don’t feel like myself for some reason. I feel like I am not only angry, but I am jealous,” Alessandra admitted.

There was jealousy toward her sisters who seemed to have a good relationship with her mother. Alessandra didn’t want to feel jealous of her sisters. She didn’t want it to get in the way of getting to know them.

“It is also natural that you feel uncomfortable and unable to remain alone with her. You should have yelled at her as much as you wanted to. You have a right to,” Edgar replied.

In his opinion, Melanie should have the sense to leave her two other daughters behind for the first meeting and then have a second meeting to introduce the siblings. Melanie should have considered how uncomfortable it would be for Alessandra to see her mother with the two daughters she chose to stay with and raise.


“I don’t want to work myself up and I honestly do not have it in me to yell. It would be pointless to yell since it is like she doesn’t understand my feelings. All I heard were her excuses that are not good enough for me. It hurts but I got my answer about the woman my mother is. I don’t have to keep wondering anymore,” Alessandra said, feeling like a weight was lifted off her shoulder.

The reason her mother stayed away plagued her mind for years and now, she finally knew it. It hurt that there was not a good enough reason but now, she could move on.

“I need to properly introduce myself to my sisters,” Alessandra hooked her arm with Edgar’s. “I also hope they are nothing like Kate. I cannot go through dealing with an irritating sister while I am pregnant.”

“Say the word and I can make all of them truly disappear,” Edgar said, walking with Alessandra back to meet her mother.

To anyone, it would sound like Edgar was making a joke, but Alessandra knew how serious he was.

“Uhm,” Alessandra hesitated when she and Edgar stood in front of her mother and sisters. Mother would be appropriate but Melanie had not earned that title back. Was calling her mother Melanie alright? “This is my husband, Duke Edgar Collins,” she decided to not address her mother.

“Melanie Harris,” Melanie introduced herself with a small bow. “Girls,” she touched Melody’s shoulder for her to go next.

“Melody Harris,” Melody curtsied as she had practised at home.

“Claire Harris,” Claire curtsied. “We have heard a lot about you, your grace. Of your time out fighting beside the King when he was only a prince. Your tales have to reach even our small town.”

“Well, I am a well-known man around the Kingdom. The Collins are spread out all over the kingdom and like to boast about each other’s accomplishments. That is why stories of youth might have reached your town. It is nice to meet all of you. Time will tell if we can become well acquainted with each other,” said Edgar.

Alessandra leaned close to Edgar and poked his side. What he said was the truth but that did not mean he needed to say it out loud.

“Sister! We can call you sister right?” Claire asked, excited to have a new sister who held the title of a Duchess.

“You can,” Alessandra allowed it.

“Wonderful. I’ve been looking forward to meeting you since mother said we had a long-lost sister,” Claire said, trying her best to keep calm in front of the Duke.

“Long lost aren’t the words I would use,” Alessandra muttered as she wasn’t the long-lost person here. She was always in Lockwood while her mother disappeared.

“How did you manage to snag such a high-ranking husband? You will need to offer Melody some advice. She is of age to wed,” Claire pushed Melody forward.

“I am. I know the time for finding a partner has come to an end here in Lockwood, but I have asked my mother to let us stay here a while longer so I can socialize and hopefully find a husband. Then I would get to live near you. I hope you or your husband would be able to introduce me to a man with a good background,” Melody said, crossing her fingers behind her back.

The small town they came from had few nobles, unlike Lockwood. They were not in Lockwood for more than a day, but Melody preferred life in Lockwood more.

‘I thought she was sticking around town to build a relationship with me,’ Alessandra thought. Alessandra didn’t want to read into it too much. It was only fair for Melody to try finding a husband here while Melanie tried to make amends with Alessandra.

However, Alessandra knew she wasn’t the best person to help Melody find a husband. “Unfortunately, I do not know any single men I can introduce you to and Edgar is not one to matchmake. It would be better for you to find someone who can spend the rest of your life with on your-”

“But if you spread that you are looking for a husband for your sister, it would make it easier for Melody to find a good husband,” Claire spoke up in Melody’s place. She would also like help when it was her turn.

“By a good husband, do you mean a nobleman? I am a Duchess but I have no relationship with other nobles who are looking to marry. It is best for her to explore the town and find someone to her liking on her own. I don’t want to set her up with anyone I do not know,” Alessandra replied, sticking to the fact she would be of no use.

Claire took a step forward to hold Alessandra’s hands. “But-”

Edgar blocked Claire from touching Alessandra. He wasn’t enjoying how pushy the two sisters were and then there was their mother who said nothing to make the sisters stop asking. “Refrain from getting so close,” he warned the younger Harris. “You must find your husband on your own. I don’t care to set anyone up and Alessandra has no time for it. Drop it.”

He was gracious enough to let Alessandra be alone in a room with her mother while pregnant, but with her sisters continuously asking for help after she said no, and then trying to touch Alessandra was where he drew the line. This was Alessandra’s family, but Edgar did not trust any of them. It was his job to be suspicious of the people around her. Edgar did not care if her mother would view him as overprotective.

Claire was offended Edgar stopped her from touching Alessandra. “I was not going to hurt my sister. What kind of person do you take me for?” She asked.

“You are a stranger. I don’t know what to make of you aside from the fact you are pushy. As I said, time will tell how close we become with each. I would like to think none of you are here to make use of her title. To get married,” Edgar looked at Melody who avoided his gaze. “Or any other foolish plans you have,” he looked at Melanie.

Melanie grabbed Claire and Melody’s hands to pull them back behind her. “I am sorry their behaviour rubbed you the wrong way, Duke Collins.”

“I was not the one who owed an apology. Alessandra, you should take your sisters outside. I am sure they wish to apologize for being pushy and see you off,” Edgar said, releasing her hand so he could stay behind to speak to her mother.

“Okay,” Alessandra reluctantly replied. She left Edgar alone with her mother and received apologies from her sisters.

Edgar kept his eyes on Alessandra as he still did not trust her sisters. “Those tales about me tend to twist the more they get spread around. You should ask around this town to find more accurate tales. I found you for her sake to get her questions answered. Quite frankly, I don’t like you nor do I trust you. Let fixing your past mistakes be the only reason you are in town.”

“I’ve killed your former husband and I would have no issue killing you if you hurt my wife. Again,” he added as Melanie leaving Alessandra behind was the first time she hurt Alessandra. “Do not try using or hurting my wife.”

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