The Duke's Masked Wife

Chapter 452 - 452 Perfect wedding (3)

452 Perfect wedding (3)

“It is time for us to take our leave, mother. Do you want me to visit you tomorrow? You’ll be all alone tonight,” Kate said, hugging her mother goodbye for the fifth time. It was harder to let go now that the moment was finally here.

“Nonsense,” Katrina fixed a strand of Kate’s hair that fell out of place. “You need to enjoy your time alone with your new husband. I won’t feel alone tonight or any other night. We can plan a meeting as a new family when you’ve settled into your new role.”

“Okay, but I will send servants to check up on you. Goodbye,” Kate hugged her mother once more.

“Let me help you,” Katrina bent down to help pick up Kate’s dress from dragging on the floor. Simon was already outside getting the carriage so she did not want Kate to keep him waiting. “Do you remember everything I told you about your wedding night? Do not let him hurt you. Get up and leave if you have to. If you let him hurt you once, he will continue to do it. There will be a little pain when he starts to have sex with you, but it should go away quickly if he is gentle.”

“For the last time, Simon will not hurt me. I don’t know what you experienced with my father, but you cannot keep putting Simon in the same box already. You know Simon would not hurt me as you would not have allowed us to get married. Stop worrying mother,” Kate placed her right hand on her mother’s cheek to calm her. “I will be fine.”

“I know you will be fine, but as your mother, I cannot help worrying about you. You will be fine,” Katrine agreed with Kate. Kate did not come this far to be held back by her mother who could not handle her only child leaving. “Simon!” Katrina called her son-in-law. “I wanted to say goodbye before you leave,” she placed her hand on Kate’s lower back and pushed her toward where Simon stood.

“Goodbye, mother. I hope to see you soon,” Simon replied from where he stood. He did not care to go through the unnecessary hugging again. The mother and daughter were acting like he was taking Kate out of town. “Kate, we should move now to get home in time for what I have planned.”

“I am coming,” Kate walked to the carriage with her mother holding her dress to help her. She stepped inside the carriage with Simon’s help and after she sat down, Kate waved goodbye to her mother once more.

“Goodbye!” Simon waved to Katrina. The happiest he was today was finally leaving the wedding so he could get to what he looked forward to. Once moving away from the church, Simon placed one leg over the other and looked at Kate. “You look splendid. I can’t get enough of you.”


“Thank you. I told you the dressmaker I picked does wonders. She was worth all the money we spent. We should get dressed one day and have a painter come to create a portrait for us. Why are you sitting there? Come right here?” Kate patted the space beside her.

Simon did not move from his spot. “I like being on this side to get a better look at you,” he said.

“I suppose you should savor the way I look in my wedding dress before I have to take it off. Now that we are going home, can you please give me a hint about the gifts you have for me? I cannot stop thinking about what they could be,” Kate said, unable to wait until they were home.

“We will be home shortly, Kate. It wouldn’t be good for me to tell you what the gifts are now. You might start running,” Simon replied.

Kate chuckled. “I wouldn’t jump out of the carriage and start running home. I can wait.”

Simon smiled, enjoying how oblivious she was to what was awaiting her. He had to pat himself on the back for a job well done. He played the part of a good man better than he thought. Now, his reward would be watching her reaction when he showed the person he truly was.

The trip to their home was full of Kate speaking about their wedding and Simon giving the responses she wanted to hear. For some reason, the trip to their home felt longer than it should have been, but the newlyweds finally returned to their home.

Simon, being the gentleman that he was, opened the carriage door, and lifted Kate out of it. Her dress was a hassle and he could not wait for her to try slowly walking to the door.

Kate wrapped her arms around Simon’s neck, loving being carried into their home. She loved the fact the dress would not get dirtied with Simon carrying her like this. She held onto him tightly as a servant opened the door for them. She bit her lip to refrain from asking about the gifts again as Simon took her up to the room they now shared.

When Simon reached the room and began to open the door, Kate was excited to finally see her gifts, but the sight before her caused her to let out a scream. “W-What is going on?” Kate held onto Simon tighter and tried to get down at the same time. Her body started to panic because of what was in the room.

Simon put Kate down so she can stand on her own two feet. “Do not think about it,” he said when Kate turned to open the door. “You were so excited about my surprise and now look at you trying to run away when we are just getting started. You wanted to speak with my parents to introduce yourself, didn’t you?”

“Are you crazy?” Kate softly asked. She wanted this to be some sort of joke Simon was doing to scare her and for the two corpses in chairs beside their bed to be fake. However, the stench in the room confirmed the corpses were very much real. Kate trembled as she walked back away from Simon until her back pressed against the door. She tried to feel around for the doorknob without him noticing.

Simon ignored her trying to run away. She wouldn’t be able to get out of this room no matter what she tried to do. “I’ve been telling them about you from the moment I bumped into you at the ball. They didn’t think you were the right choice but I don’t care for their opinion anymore. They don’t have the eyes to see what I see in you. How perfect you are,” he brushed his hands against what remained of his mother.

“Don’t look at me like that, Kate,” Simon feigned hurt, but he enjoyed every second of watching the happiness from her wedding disappear. “Weren’t you happy to become a Marchioness? Why are you sad now? There’s a price to pay for what you want. You got the title you yearned for so now it is time for me to get what I want.”

Kate pulled at the doorknob to make her escape. Simon was crazy and she wanted no part of this. No matter how hard she tried, the door would not open as if it was locked from the outside. “Help!” She banged on the door for one of the servants to hear and help her.

“I told you, my servant’s loyalty is the reason I cannot fire them.”

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