The Duke's Masked Wife

Chapter 47

47 What kind of person are you? (1)

“The Duke and I were having a private conversation, Kate. You should go have breakfast and I will come to you when we are done,” Katrina said, attempting to turn Kate away before her heart could be broken once again.

Katrina no longer wanted to help Kate steal Alessandra from Edgar now that he was married. The only way they could do this would be to make Kate his mistress who runs his wife away. Katrina did not wish for Kate to have this reputation.

“Can’t I stay?” Kate looked to Edgar for permission. She did not understand why her mother was ruining this moment after they had just come to an agreement to make her become the Duchess.

“I don’t see why not,” Edgar shrugged his shoulders.

“See, it’s okay mother,” Kate’s smile widened. She took a seat in the chair next to Edgar. “Thank you for coming to see how we were doing after my father passed away.”

“Don’t thank me as the town guards said I needed to be here. I was just offering to pay your workers for having to clean up your father’s blood in the middle of the night. Do you accept it, Baroness?” Edgar stared at the older woman, picking up how nervous she was.

Edgar liked the way the older woman was starting to sweat as if the room suddenly became hot. Who could have known the Baron’s home was such a good place to toy with others?

“Yes,” Katrina replied. Her hand shook in fear of the possibility of Edgar’s marriage being mentioned. As long as Kate does not mention Alessandra, the news would stay hidden until Edgar leaves.

“That is really kind of you,” said Kate.


“You’re awfully kind to the man who killed your father. Is there something you want from me?” Edgar questioned as the young woman looked as if she was ready to jump unto him like he was her prey. He was tempted to push his chair back to get away from her.

“If you killed my father, it means he did something bad right? I hear that is the job given to you by the king.”

Kate’s words made Katrina look at her daughter with a confused expression. Regardless of what Desmond did, he did it with the interest of providing for his family. Providing for Kate specifically. Unlike Katrina, Kate endlessly loved her father. It came as a shock to hear Kate say these things just to look good in front of Edgar.

“I also think something took control of you last night, Duke Edgar. I heard you are sheltering Alessandra in your home-”

“Kate!” Katrina exclaimed. “We are here to talk about other things, not Alessandra. I am sure the Duke does not wish to hear what you have to say. We should just excuse her.”

“No no. I want to hear what she has to say. Please tell me what controlled me last night,” Edgar urged Kate to continue. His eyes twinkled, ready to watch the young girl dig her own hole. It was painfully obvious her mother was trying to save her from being embarrassed but the Baroness was being completely ignored by her determined daughter.

“You’ve heard the rumors about Alessandra right? They say she is cursed and if you look at her face you will die. You shouldn’t let someone like that into your home. You should bring her back to us before something bad can happen to you or one of your valued servants. I care for you which is why I say this.”

“Hmm,” Edgar hummed, intrigued by her stupidity. “What do you think about your sister, Kate? Do you believe from the bottom of your heart she is cursed? Do you wish for her to never be near you or your family ever again? I can make this happen if you desire it.”

“Really?” Kate was ecstatic to hear this. With Alessandra not around, the Duke was finally coming to his senses. “Please send her away. Alessandra has always been hard for us to take care of and she needs help somewhere to make her normal again. After seeing her face, someone truly did pass away. I have no clue what possessed her but the church might be able to help. I heard they have a special place for people like her.”

“You truly believe Alessandra has cursed me,” Edgar replied, using all his strength not to laugh at Kate just yet. He always wondered what the people stupid enough to believe these rumors looked like and now he had a clear image thanks to Kate. “Very well. I see to it she is somewhere out of reach from you.”

Katrina sighed as she picked up where Edgar was going with this. He was sitting here toying with Kate but Kate could not see it.

“Thank you, Duke Edgar. Where will you send her? To the church in Lockwood or the one in the next town? I hear the next one is extreme and can save anyone. Alessandra will be happy to hear we are helping her.” Kate could not contain her excitement about finally getting rid of Alessandra.

Of course, Edgar would want to send Alessandra away after spending one night with her. Now, it was time for Kate to take her rightful place beside him.

“I will keep her at my home,” Edgar replied.

“Yes, that’s the best...” Kate’s words trailed off as it slowly dawned on her what Edgar said. “What? Why would you keep her in your home? You are to send her somewhere far away.”

“You accepted that I keep her from being near your family. As my wife, Alessandra will not be socializing with all types of people. I have granted your request, Kate. You should be thanking me. Isn’t that right Baroness?” Edgar looked at the said woman. She flinched hearing him address her.

If there was anyone who wanted to dig a hole and leave right now, it was Katrina.

“As your wife? What sort of sick joke is this?” Kate began to laugh. She glanced at her mother, expecting her to also laugh along but Katrina whispered an apology to Kate. “You cannot marry her!” Kate abruptly stood up. “I will not let you marry her.”

“It appears no one in this house knows what the definition of a wife is. Alessandra is not my fiancee, she is my wife as we got married last night. There is nothing for you to object to. I would appreciate it if you keep your word and stay away from Alessandra. Due to the bad relationship she shared with you over the years, it is good for everyone to be apart,” said Edgar.

“You were aware I have feelings for you but you went ahead and entertained my sister. How can you be so cruel, Edgar?” Kate pressed her nails into the palm of her hand to refrain from crying in front of Edgar.

As her heart broke, she still continued to love him. Her hope for them to be together was still there.

“Cruel?” Edgar chuckled as this was the one time he could not be called cruel. “Yes, I was well aware of your feelings, and each time you tried to make a move, I rejected you. It is your fault for continuously chasing after someone who doesn’t care for you. Have some pride, Kate. You are the daughter of the late Baron.”

“Why her? Have you not heard that her face is ruined? People will talk about your marriage for years to come. She is not a woman suited for you, Edgar. I am much better. Take me,” Kate tried to walk up to Edgar but Katrina quickly stood up to block her daughter.

“It is a good thing I have never cared what others think of me. Alessandra and I will be fine. You on the other hand should work on appearing less desperate before others. As entertaining as this was, I shall pretend I never saw you act this way so you can keep your dignity. Baroness, see to it your daughter does not come near me nor my wife or you will be the only Barrett left,” Edgar gave a warning.

The childish chasing Kate did, had to stop now that he was married. He tolerated it because he understood young girls could hardly control their feelings but now, her desperation filled the room. It was more than overbearing now.

With eyes on the brink of tears, Kate said, “You will regret this. I will make you see you have picked the wrong woman.”

If Kate could not have Edgar then neither could the likes of Alessandra. To take Alessandra from Edgar, Kate planned to rise to their status where she would have the power to get rid of Alessandra once and for all. She should have killed Alessandra back then instead of just ruining her face.

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