The Duke's Masked Wife

Chapter 92

92 New friend (1)

“Fighting on church premises is not allowed,” Peter whispered loud enough for the two men to hear. He did not want the drama to shift to him. “Didn’t think I would ever have to explain that to a town guard and Duke. Take five steps back and then you’ll be off the church. You can fight there.”

“No need,” Oliver released Edgar with a shove. “I have better things to do.”

Edgar straightened out his shirt while he spoke, “If I were not in such a good mood, I would have your head, Oliver. You should thank my wife for living to see another day. I’m not putting up with you going around being in my business, Oliver. Do not bite the hand that fed you.”

“Are you saying that because you’re richer than me? Did you always think that when I came to your house as a child? Yes, I went for the food. So what?” Oliver clenched his fists to suppress his anger before he did something that would make him lose his job.

“Are you slow? I didn’t mean literally feeding you,” Edgar shook his head. Day by day others were slowly losing their comprehension skills. “How can you show so much anger to someone who helped you become a town guard? Furthermore, captain. As easily as I gave you the job, I can take it away because your emotions are interfering with your work.”

“You gave me this job? What bullshit,” Oliver scoffed. “I got my position based on my skills.”

“Obviously you had the skills. I wouldn’t have put my word in if you were terrible. However, you had no good background. That’s what the men making the decision seemed to care about so I put in a good word that you were connected to my family. You’ve been annoying me with the power I gave you. Isn’t that something, Peter?”

“Don’t involve me in this,” Peter muttered.

“You’re lying,” Oliver refused to believe Edgar’s words. “You wouldn’t do that for someone you’re not friends with.”


“I didn’t do it because you’re an old friend. I did it because the fool they wanted to choose was incompetent and would only make my work harder. I’m not expecting you to be thankful but I want this information to always be at the back of your mind whenever you are going around investigating me for nonsense,” said Edgar.

Still not believing Edgar, Oliver walked away without saying a word. There was someone he could ask to find out the truth behind him becoming the captain.

“He’s going to have a bad day after this. Why I’d kill myself if I found out someone I hated gave me the job I desired. Poor soul,” Peter shook his head feeling bad for Oliver.

“Kill yourself? Why not just quit?” Edgar asked.

Peter opened his mouth and then closed it when he realized it was an option. “Why are you still here, Edgar? We are most definitely not friends for us to be standing around chatting.”

“Find the person who sent the news to the papers and alert me right away. If anyone quits during that time, send me their name, description, where they were staying, and who they knew,” Edgar gave Peter an order.

“Isn’t this a bit much for someone announcing your wedding before you did? I knew you were petty but not this much.”

“It is not about my wedding. Every single girl who was taken or killed came here to make a confession to a priest. They all had something troubling them and it’s worth investigating if their information was being sold since it could link us to the culprit. I swear if it’s you spreading the information Peter, I’ll...” Edgar placed his hand near Peter’s neck as if he would choke him.

“I swear it is not me, Edgar. I was a scammer and a thief, Edgar. Not someone who talks about others and wants young girls to get killed. I have a heart when it comes to things like that. I’ll investigate it secretly and send anything I find to you. There’s no need for you to come here,” Peter patted Edgar’s back but then pulled his hand away when Edgar turned to look at him. “Alright, no touching. Yet you placed your hand on my shoulder.”


Collins Estate.

“What is wrong with the Duchess?”

Sally shrugged her shoulders at Alfred’s question. “She has been like this since the Duke left. Maybe she did not want him to go?”

Alfred didn’t think that was the case because he knew about their contractual relationship and Alessandra would certainly love to get Edgar out of the house. ‘Unless she has feelings for him already?’

“The Duke gifted her two kittens so maybe she is overwhelmed by the gifts? Her sister killed the one she was taking care of back at the Baron’s home. Kate also wrapped up the dead kitten in a wedding dress belonging to Alessandra’s mother,” Sally whispered so Alessandra wouldn’t know she was gossiping about what occurred the day Alessandra became engaged to Edgar.

“I have always hated that girl,” Alfred frowned as he thought about how awful Kate must have been to Alessandra.

“Don’t be so sad. Alessandra came into Kate’s bedroom and threw a bucket of shit onto her. That’s why I was no longer able to work for Kate. She would torture me for seeing her in a state like that. Honestly, I found Alessandra to be cool at that moment. I had never seen anyone go against Kate. Unfortunately, I let Alessandra down the moment I had to work for her. Why on earth is she so nice to me?” Sally asked herself.

Alfred watched Alessandra and thought about Sally’s question. “You were scared and she knew that. Technically, you did nothing wrong to her so you were deserving of another chance and you have been doing a good job from the moment you arrived.”

“It was honestly to keep a better job at first but then I realized she’s an underdog just like me and I want to see one of us win for once. There’s no chance for the daughter of a fallen house but there is for her. I was a fool for listening to the rumors and now I want her to prove everyone wrong but first, how do we fix this gloomy mood she is in?” Sally looked to Alfred for the answer.

They both had no idea what happened between Edgar and Alessandra for her to be sitting in a chair with her head laying flat on the table.

“Why do I keep falling into his traps?” Alessandra muttered against the table. Her mind would not let her forget having to kiss Edgar’s other cheek because according to him, it felt lonely. “Why? Why? Why?”

“That is it,” Alessandra abruptly sat up straight, startling both Alfred and Sally. “I am going to be one step ahead to avoid being teased by him. I am not his source of entertainment.”

“Sure,” Sally and Alfred muttered at the same time.

“Do not lack faith in me,” Alessandra shifted in her seat to look at the two people who doubted her.

“If I may-”

A knock on the door interrupted Alfred’s words.

“That would be the dressmaker, Duchess. Excuse me,” Alfred went to open the door. “Good morning, Lady Potter.”

“Lady Potter is my mother. Please refer to me by my name, Erin Potter. So it’s true. He actually married the girl they say is cursed,” Erin stated when her eyes fell on Alessandra’s mask. “No wonder my mother sent me instead of coming by herself. This will be interesting.”

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