The Duke's Masked Wife

Chapter 99

99 The king is here (4)

“There is nothing for you to judge, Tobias. I do not care what your opinion of her is as it will not change the fact that we are married.”

Tobias ignored Edgar’s words and held out his hand mid-air for Alessandra to shake.

“My name is Tobias Castro, the current king of this land and friend of your husband. It’s nice to meet you.”

“Alessandra Collins, wife of your friend. Do I need to curtsy, your highness?” Alessandra had never been in the presence of royalty to know if she was meant to curtsy now or if she had missed the chance when she learned he was the king.

“There is no one watching therefore you do not need to show such etiquette but you should learn how to greet royalty for the next time we meet and please, study my face well so that you remember what the king looks like. I am still baffled you do not know what your king looks like. Do you not read the paper or walk outside to see statues made for me?” Tobias was still stuck on Alessandra thinking he was a stranger.

“No, your highness. I apologize for not knowing who you were. Next time I will most definitely recognize you, your highness,” Alessandra promised.

“When I am in Edgar’s home, I prefer to be called Tobias rather than your highness so many times. I hear your highness every step in the palace and sometimes I forget my own name. I come here to be different if you have not noticed it yet,” Tobias said referring to his clothes.

Edgar’s home rarely had guests which meant there wasn’t anyone to see Tobias being free to behave as he wanted. It was also a plus for Tobias that Edgar never spoke about the things he witnessed Tobias doing. Edgar would simply walk away or try tossing him out.

Tobias liked it when he didn’t need to wear his heavy gold crown or the clothes that itched his skin. Tobias did not enjoy the increasing number of people he had to meet daily and listen to their foolish ideas that never benefited the kingdom. He was losing his true personality because he sat on the throne following the rules laid out for how a king should be.


“Do you not enjoy being king?” Alessandra spoke up. She would understand if he did not as it was so much responsibility and he was expected to be perfect. One wrong decision from Tobias could affect the entire kingdom. She never wanted to know what such a weight on his shoulders felt like. ‘I can’t think that when I am a Duchess,’ she realized.

“I would never give up this responsibility I had planned for me the moment I was born but there are times when I wish to just be a regular person. I’ve just remembered why I am friends with Edgar. He has always treated me as Tobias and not king Castro. I come here to be hurt by him every once in a while.”

“So you enjoy Edgar choking you?” Alessandra didn’t know how to handle this. She hoped she had interpreted his words wrong.

“I am not into whatever it is you are imagining, Alessandra. Aren’t you concerned about what is on her mind, Edgar?” Tobias looked back at Edgar only to find him smiling. “I simply give your husband a pass because he treats me like two regular buds hanging out. Now, what are we having for dinner,” Tobias rubbed his hands together ready to eat something.

“You are not staying for dinner, Tobias. Return home and make amends with the queen for whatever you did to piss her off. Now it is not the proper time to get to know my wife when it is late and she is hungry. I will visit the palace with her soon if you leave now,” Edgar added when Tobias did not move.

“The ball does not count! The two of you must attend the ball tomorrow night and before you say anything, it was not me who put together this ball, Edgar. It was the queen. Something about her friends still looking for husbands so she wanted to have all wealthy families in one room to help everyone find a partner.”

“If that’s the case, why would I attend when I am already married? Do not get your hopes up-”

“I want to go,” Alessandra jumped into the conversation before Edgar could tell Tobias he was not going. “Erin has already picked out a dress for me and she will bring it tomorrow. It will be my first time in the palace and my first ball. Can’t we go? No, I am going,” Alessandra changed her words as she was not going to wait on Edgar’s approval for something she was invited to.

Edgar stared at Alessandra waiting to see if she would bulge. The ball would be more annoying than fun. “Fine,” he sighed, giving into what she wanted. “The both of us will be there only if there is a private section for the two of us.”

“You’ve seriously changed your mind? This quickly?” Tobias was flabbergasted by how quickly Edgar had changed his mind now that his wife wanted to go. It took Tobias a week to convince Edgar to visit Desmond’s home but Alessandra was able to convince her anti-social husband to come to the ball in less than a minute. ‘This heartless bastard has fallen in love,’ he thought.

Seeing this, Tobias was no longer upset by the fact Edgar had gotten married to a Barrett behind his back. Instead, he planned to use Alessandra to make Edgar do whatever he wanted. “Alessandra, if there is ever anything you need or anything you wish to talk about, please do not hesitate to visit me in the palace. I will alert the guards to always let you in, friend,” he smiled.

Alessandra didn’t like the smile Tobias was showing her. He didn’t seem to be a bad person but she had the feeling she was about to be used to get to Edgar. She never wanted to be used as a tool to control Edgar even if the king was being playful. She returned the smile but she was never going to visit the palace unless she was going with Edgar.

“So, about dinner-”

“I’m sorry, Tobias but Edgar and I had plans to eat inside of our room and spend time together. As Edgar suggested, we can meet at a more appropriate time,” said Alessandra. Edgar wanted the king to leave for some reason and unlike what she did earlier by having his mother stay, she was going to be on his side and send the guest away.

The corner of Edgar’s lips curled as Alessandra took him by surprise. He didn’t think she would be so bold in joining in to chase away the king. “You heard her. Run along back to the palace, Tobias.”

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