The Duke's Masked Wife

Chapter 423 Working together (2)

Chapter 423 Working together (2)

"I was just mesmerized by the Duchess's beauty like everyone else was. I apologize if my staring angered you, Duke Collins. I'm sorry but this area is for women only-"

"A moment ago you were going to make sure no one comes this way. Only maids are allowed in this area. I've spent plenty of years in the palace to know the rules. You must be new," Edgar observed. He noticed how nervous the man became like he was hiding something more. "I was going to see if I could have a word with my wife. I am allowed to do that but I suppose we should all go back before we get into trouble."

"Was it you? We kept hearing someone walking by the bathroom. There's that annoying sound of glass clinking in your pocket," Reed said, looking at the bulge in the servant's right pants pocket. The sound of glass rubbing together kept annoying him when he was inside the bathroom. Someone did a terrible job at spying on them.

Edgar didn't care to question why Reed and Eleanor went into a bathroom together. He was more focused on what the servant was doing here. "Do you go around spying on couples who want a moment alone?"

 "No, I was just passing through. I saw the lady and the gentleman here sneaking off somewhere so I wanted to make sure the lady was alright. He is not supposed to be here just like you and I are not supposed to be here, Duke Collins."

Edgar took a step forward as he sensed a lie. "How long have you been sneaking around in a place you don't have permission to be to see him leave with the young lady? Why didn't you alert the guards? You chose to follow them despite knowing the rule that not just any man can come to this side once the women have gathered. Is there a lady you are keeping an eye on?"

"Certainly not, Duke Collins. I know there have been a few incidents where women were harassed so I only wanted to follow and see if it was a couple or a woman in danger before I alerted the guards-"

"You shouldn't be anywhere near that area to have seen us. I accidentally ran into the Duchess and other women but you had to have been stalking someone or maybe you are just a pervert who likes to peek at couples who want a moment alone. You're almost as bad as the creeps waiting for the moment a lady is alone. What would you like me to do with him?" Reed looked at Edgar. Something was fishy about the man before them.

"How much were you paid to follow someone? Don't waste your time lying to me. You might have fooled the idiot who let you slip in among the other servants but I know what that mark on your neck means. Who is your target?" Edgar asked, wanting a clear answer to get this over with quickly.

"Duke Collins-"

"Reed," Edgar gave Reed a command.

Reed knew exactly what to do and approached the servant who pulled a knife out of his pocket. "You need bigger weapons when fighting me," he said, pushing the hand with the knife back and taking the small weapon away. Reed covered the servant's mouth to stop him from alerting anyone nearby.

Edgar opened up one of the windows and stuck his head out to see how far down a drop it would be from where they stood. "If we throw you head first, I guarantee you will die before a doctor can find and help you. I don't like when people beat around the bush with me. I know your kind who have the mark of a raven burnt into your skin. Who are you after? Reed, you need to stop covering his mouth so I can hear him," Edgar rolled his eyes.

Sawyer, the servant, spat at Edgar when Reed removed his hand. "My business does not concern you."

It took Edgar a lot of restraint not to snap at the sight of spit dangling on his coat. "This was expensive and it gave me a lovely compliment from my wife," he said, taking off the coat he no longer wanted. "I'm trying to be on my best behavior but I won't be so-"

"Someone paid me to feel what it is like to fuck a noblewoman. We all have been wondering what the Duchess is like-"

Reed was impressed by the servant passing out after one punch in the face from Edgar. He touched the neck to see if the man was dead. "You almost killed him," he said.

"Not on my fucking birthday," Tobias groaned as he stumbled upon the sight of a seemingly dead man in Reed's arms. "What is it with your mind that you knew something was going on, Edgar? What did he do?"

"Be thankful he's not dead. Someone paid him to take advantage of the Duchess," Reed showed the mark on Sawyer's neck.

"Who the fuck let one of those bastards inside of the palace? Shit, good thing you left when you did. I will hold him in the palace dungeon and have him questioned. The women will soon return to the ball. This isn't something I would tell my wife to ruin the night. Hold him here tonight and you can personally question him tomorrow but you know there's a high chance he has no idea who hired him," said Tobias.

It was a growing business for people who wanted their hands clean. The customers were kept a secret and the person doing the job isn't told who wanted the job done. It kept both individuals protected in case one wanted to blackmail or kill the other.

"Why the hell is your coat on the floor?" Tobias asked, leaning forward to pick it up.

"He spat on it," said Edgar.

"Right," Tobias stopped right before he could touch the coat. "I know your head has a million and one thoughts going through it and you want to kill someone but Alessandra has been dealing with a lot of crap recently. Control your anger and enjoy the night with her. Reed," Tobias looked at the giant and squinted his eyes when he noticed the smudged color on Reed's lips. "You whoring bastard. Bring him so I can inform a guard to take him to the dungeon. What lady have you convinced to kiss you?"

"Mind your business, King," Reed replied. He wasn't one to kiss and reveal who the person was. If he was, he would rather tell Dominic before the big mouth King beside them.

"It is my business as King. I have to know everything happening inside the kingdom in order to protect the people. So, who is it? If you don't tell me, I will tell your mother you are going around kissing ladies," Tobias said.

"Fuck off," Reed replied, lifting the unconscious man in his arms to take him to a palace guard.

"Don't act like you aren't scared of your mother. I am and she's not even my mother," Tobias muttered, watching Reed walk ahead. He looked to his left at Edgar and put his arm on Edgar's shoulder. "Come let us go drink and dance with our wives. I'm surprised you haven't shoved me and told me not to touch you."

"Don't tempt me," Edgar replied, choosing to be civil on Tobias's birthday.

Tobias was pleasantly surprised by Edgar's reply and started to pat Edgar's shoulder. "Okay," he quickly removed his hand after the deadly look he received. I was taking it too far. You look like you would bite my arm. If I didn't need my hand when I am with Hazel-"

"Tobias," Edgar spoke before he could be given too much information.

"You have a dirty mind, Edgar. Hazel prepared gifts for me in her room. I'm supposed to visit her and open them when all the guests are gone."

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