The Duke's Masked Wife

Chapter 425 Working together (4)

Chapter 425 Working together (4)

"Kate! Darling," Katrina called and ran after Kate who marched out of the hall and didn't notice her.

Katrina was ecstatic by Kate's news and after she received numerous congratulations for her daughter's engagement to Simon, Katrina was impatient to wait for the young woman to be finished with the Queen. Katrina waited by the opening of the hallway for when Kate would be done but she didn't expect Kate to be so angry when it was a joyous occasion.

"Mother, I am so sick and tired of hearing about Alessandra. Grace tries to take every opportunity to ridicule me. Like she has a place to speak when no man is desiring-"

"Kate, I told you to forget about Alessandra. You are engaged to Simon and yet your mind is plagued with that awful girl. This is a big night for you, Kate. I don't want to hear Alessandra's name from your mouth again. Come, there are people that I want you to meet," Katrina said, reaching out to touch Kate but Kate moved her shoulder.

"How am I not supposed to think about her when everywhere I turn someone is talking about her? She's not supposed to be without her mask. I-" Kate's words was silenced by Katrina suddenly covering her mouth.

"Do not speak of that here. There are ears all over the palace. You are to be a wife and sooner than you think, a mother. You have no time to think about Alessandra. It is not too late for Simon to take back his ring and promise to you. You must secure your spot as his wife and it certainly won't happen if you concern yourself with Alessandra. You and I," Katrina lifted Kate's chin to make her face her. "Are close to no longer being Barretts. Like the phoenix in those books I read to you, we will rise from the flames."

"They are making a mockery of us, mother. Your divorce, my father losing his title, and now Alessandra is threatening to reveal what happened to her face. I feel far behind," Kate admitted. It was becoming hard to catch up to Alessandra. Part of the reason was that she underestimated how much Alessandra changed.

"You won't be for long. Your dearest mother always has a plan and is looking out for your best interest. Stomach it for now, Kate. You will witness how I shall change their minds and have everyone afraid to speak ill of you," Katrina said. She started to make plans with Randall to create a business among the others in the red light district.

Katrina didn't care for the title anymore. What she desired was money. Money was what she needed to silence the people around her and Kate.

"Kate, forget about Alessandra. Hold your head up and show off your ring. I will deal with Grace for you," Katrina promised. Grace had nothing good to her name to be trying to ridicule Kate. "You'll be Marchioness soon so you need friends with the same status around you. No more making a fool of yourself, right?"

"Right," Kate agreed. She should have listened to her mother and focused only on Simon instead of trying to embarrass Alessandra. Her mind should be focused on her wedding which she would make the highlight of this season. "Who do you want me to meet, mother?"

"The Count and his wife wish to meet you. As soon as Simon returns from speaking with the King, you should stay by his side. We need to focus," Katrina said, looking down the hallway where Alessandra was walking with the Queen. Kate should be there but all hope was not lost if Kate listened to her from now on. "Come," Katrina led Kate to find the Countess.

Alessandra sighed in relief when she saw Katrina and Kate leaving instead of sticking around to speak with her.

"Missing Edgar?" Hazel nudged Alessandra. "I'm starting to miss Tobias too but don't tell him I said that. He will annoy me the rest of the night. I feel like pulling him away from wherever he is now so we can have at least one dance before his mother arrives. She prefers that we sit on the throne instead of being lost in the crowd with our guests. Mother-in-laws are stressful. I heard what happened with Priscilla. Her divorce is moving quickly."

"I have not heard any news about it. Edgar has not said anything since he confirmed they were getting divorced. I do know that many young ladies feel like love doesn't exist since a couple they idolized is getting divorced," Alessandra said. She found it to be a foolish reason to give up on love.

"Their divorce has mixed reactions. Many wonder why Priscilla would be foolish to divorce a man with a good reputation. They talk about her age and now rumors of a woman Edmund used to see are going around. Priscilla has fingers pointed at her these days but it is because someone is stirring the pot. Rose Collins," Haze informed Alessandra.

"It is not surprising she would get involved. Is it bad that after everything, specifically with what happened to Alfred, I feel bad for Priscilla?" Alessandra asked. Most would call her a fool for caring about Priscilla when the woman didn't like her with Edgar

"It is not bad. It just shows you have a good heart. I am not fond of Priscilla but I feel bad for her. This town frowns on couples who choose to separate instead of remaining unhappy. They will have much to say but luckily, Priscilla is not a woman you can easily break. It was bold of her to ask for a divorce and I have to respect her courage. Tobias, did you have someone lurking to see when the women are going back to the ball?" Hazel asked as it was too coincidental to run into Tobias and the other men so soon.

"Mr. Baxter must have drunk a bit too much because he started to get loud and take off his clothes. Not the sort of stripping I wanted to witness on my birthday so I got out of there before I could see anything I shouldn't. Drama amongst the ladies? Why are the four of you making an early escape?" Tobias questioned.

Alessandra went to Edgar's side while Hazel and Tobias caught up with each other. "Having fun or are you ready to start looking for ways to go home?"

Edgar was not over what the palace servant said but he was not going to make what lingered at the back of his mind known. "It is fun," he replied.

"That was not convincing but I will take it. If you don't mind, I would like to dance as soon as we go back out to the ball.  I can't let what Alfred taught me go to waste. In the next hour or so, these shoes will become unbearable for me," Alessandra said as the heel was uncomfortable to be standing around on for so long. According to Erin, beauty is pain so for one night she needed to put up with the shoes.

"We can go now. Do whatever you want, Reed," Edgar dismissed Reed from guarding Alessandra now that he would be by her side.

Reed looked at Eleanor who quickly avoided his gaze and walked with Heather. What happened to her boldness? Eleanor would soon find herself wanting his company as Dominic would want to dance with Heather and having no escort, Eleanor would be left alone.

"You need to check over if there are any guards who won't try to get engaged or kiss one of my friends. Luckily Hazel is married and Heather already has Domninc buzzing around her. And once again all eyes are on us," Alessandra added when they entered the ball and the crowd continued to stare at her. It was going to be a long night of everyone getting used to her face.

"Focus on your handsome husband instead of the babbling fools," Edgar said, leading her to join the other couples dancing.

"Of course," Alessandra chuckled. Once upon a time ago, she might have been nervous from the attention she was receiving regarding her face but now, it didn't bother her at all. People talked about her mask and now they were going to talk about her exposed face.

Alessandra and Edgar went to the middle of the room just as the music was about to change as a new dance would begin.

"I will apologize now if I make a mistake and step on your foot. Alfred taught me well but I am not the dancer I aspire to be yet," Alessandra said, curtsying in sync with the other women as the music began.

"Don't apologize. I will return the favor and step on your foot. Let that be your motivation to not mess up," Edgar joked but he would do it at least once to annoy her.

Alessandra also knew Edgar would step back on her foot in retaliation. She could only laugh but control her movement as Alfred taught her. Alessandra placed her right hand on Edgar's shoulder and kissed him on the cheek.

"I am liking this affectionate side of you. Unfortunately, my other cheek and lips will feel left out if you do not kiss them. So," Edgar pulled her closer, ignoring the judgemental stares of jealous people who secretly wish they could be in their position. "Give them equal attention."

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