The Duke's Masked Wife



"Are you looking for more business partners?" Alfred asked, carefully placing a cup of coffee on Edgar's desk. He avoided the papers with names of noblemen and well-known businessmen.

"No, I am just checking through again. We have not found who took all those young women and I don't want to miss out on anyone. Why are you bringing me coffee, Alfred? Must we go through this again?" Edgar looked up at Alfred.

After two weeks of Alfred sulking and acting like his life was over, Alfred was once again the butler but the deal was, he could not serve Edgar.

"I brought you coffee as a family member, not as a butler. I have not broken our deal," Alfred replied.

"You always have an answer for everything, don't you?" Edgar gave up. "Why did you let that in?" Edgar looked at the white cat stretched out on a chair. "It won't be long before it messes with my papers."

"It slipped inside when I opened the door. You should be glad it is not the black one. He is the true troublemaker. I will take it back with me on my way out. It is nearing time for Sally to feed them. They are like you missing the Duchess when she leaves. You should count yourself lucky the cats like you. Some of the servants say it is hard to get the cats to like them," Alfred said, watching the white devil scratch at the chair.

Blessing and curse were nothing like what they were as kittens. They only behaved around three people. Alessandra, Alfred, and Edgar. Sally was someone they liked but she had to bear with their bites from time to time.

"Hmm. How much longer until Alessandra returns?" Edgar asked, looking at the large clock. She was gone for more than an hour.

"I believe it is five hours more until she returns. Do you plan to keep yourself lost in work until she returns? I know searching for those girls is important but you should take a break. Not only when the Duchess is not present. Tobias should punish the other noblemen who have not come forward to help with the search," Alfred said as the others not helping meant more work for Edgar.

"I don't need anyone to join me. I don't trust any of them. I will be visiting Earl's home tomorrow. He has a new cigar business and invited men to test them out. I'm going to get a look around at the men there. One of them might be our culprit," said Edgar.

A knock at the door interrupted the conversation.

"Come in," Alfred answered as he walked to the door. It was rare for anyone to come knocking unless there was an important message. "Sally, looking for blessing? Honestly Edgar, it is time to pick another name for the cat."

"No, the Duchess has returned and she is here with a guest. She sent for a doctor and the Duke must come down to the drawing room right now," Sally relayed the message. Edgar's expression reminded her of how she felt when Alessandra returned early and spoke about a doctor. The expression would quickly change the moment he lays eyes on who Alessandra brought home with her.

Sally and Alfred stepped to the side to let Edgar pass by. Before Alfred could follow, Sally tapped his arm to tell him who the guest was. "Priscilla is here. She came in the carriage with Alessandra," she whispered. No one could forget the unfortunate event that involved Alfred and Priscilla. Before Alfred would go downstairs, Sally had to warn him.

Alfred didn't like the sound of Priscilla being here and Alessandra needing a doctor. "Thank you for warning me. Tell the other maids to stay clear of the drawing room. Don't go too far in case Alessandra needs you. I must go quickly before mother and son start to argue."

Meanwhile, Edgar hurried down the stairs in fear something had happened to Alessandra while she was away. Nothing had happened at the gatherings she attended so far but there was always that one gathering waiting to ruin the peace.

"Alessandra! Why are you here?" Edgar frowned when he entered the drawing room and found his mother sitting beside Alessandra. Alessandra was the type of person to bring home all sorts of things she found interesting during her trips out of the house but never did he think she would bring his mother.

He wished to know why Priscilla was here but first Edgar went to Alessandra's side to inspect her body for wounds. If someone threw something at her again he would go through with removing their hands.

"I have no wounds, Edgar," Alessandra said so he could stop searching for her. Now that Edgar was here, her excitement quickly grew, and with it, the plan she made on her way back home to break the news to Edgar went right out of her thoughts. "Your mother is here because she helped me today. I wasn't feeling well and she took care of me."

"Was she the one to make you sick?" Edgar asked.

"How would that be possible?" Priscilla glared at her son. He would soon eat his words once he learned how she had helped Alessandra.

"No, Edgar. She would not have come here with me if she did. I was vomiting and your mother said I might be pregnant. That is why I sent for a doctor to confirm it but I have not bled for a while now so it is true. I will need medicine to help with how uneasy I am feeling. Edgar?" Alessandra snapped her fingers in front of his face. "Please do not be broken when we are finally having a child."

"You are pregnant!?" Alfred exclaimed. "Since-"

"Hush you old fool. This is my moment," Edgar snapped before Alfred could be the one to ask questions. Edgar touched Alessandra's stomach where new life was slowly growing. Nothing about her looked different but something about their family was very much different. "It is about time they make their presence known."

"They?" Alessandra frowned. There was no way to know how many babies she was carrying but the norm was one. "You mean they as in one right? Since we have to wait to know the gender."

"You think your wonderful husband only put one child in there? How dare you underestimate my skills," Edgar replied, continuing to rub her stomach gently to not cause her any pain.

Priscilla wanted to wash out her ears with water to forget what Edgar said. She didn't want to hear about him putting babies anywhere. She wanted to ask who raised him but then she looked at Alfred patiently waiting for his chance to ask questions. She wouldn't put it past him to start crying as if he was the father.

"You know, I am starting to be concerned about the things this baby will hear," Alessandra muttered. Edgar's mouth never cared who was around. Whatever was on his mind, he would say it. "Alfred, you can ignore Edgar and come here. I am in need of- Edgar," Alessandra quickly tapped his shoulder. "I think Alfred is going to faint."

"The carpet in here will provide him with a safe landing," Edgar replied, more interested in touching her stomach than catching Alfred.

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