The Duke's Masked Wife

Chapter 516 Begging (2)

Katrina's silence gave Alessandra her answer. All the money Katrina had gained over the years would be left behind for someone else to take. That is if there was money left behind because of the way Katrina spent money. Katrina had done foul things to get money only to be left without it.

"Let's get to the point. Have you come here to find out why I never liked you? Why I treated you less than a servant?" Katrina asked as she did not want to talk about being hung with Alessandra or about money.

"No," Alessandra shook her head. "I don't need to hear your excuses or reasoning. I've long passed wishing to know why you hated me so much. I've settled on the fact you are just a foul person. I come to see the state that you are in now. To see you caged up. It is quite satisfying."

Before her marriage to Edgar, Alessandra would have never pictured Katrina like this. Sitting in a cell while the town talked about her. Ready to ruin her reputation. 

"I hope that somehow Clark will be the one to get father's home-"

"That house belongs to me and Kate!" Katrina yelled. It could not be given away to Clark.

"With you and Kate gone, it has to go to someone else. It is unlikely that you will ever see the light of day again and as for Kate, I don't know what the future has for her, but I doubt she shall remain in that home. With all the ridicule about her mother's past, her crazy husband, and her father who lost his title, why would she stay here?" Alessandra asked, knowing this reality would hurt Katrina.

"You are no stranger to how the Barretts are. They will not take in Kate with her ruined life. Perhaps uncle Clark could take care of her. He knows what is like to become the black sheep of the family. Then again, Kate has things to be punished for so maybe she will find herself in a cell near you," said Alessandra. 

"You!" Katrina got to her feet and reached her hand out of the cell to try grabbing Alessandra. Alessandra was not close enough for her to reach.

"Kate and I could have been great sisters, but you filled her head with the idea that she needed to compete with me. You should take this time to look back and realise how you ruined your daughter's life. That is all I have to say for now. Though I greatly dislike you, I cannot ruin my peace by yelling at you or attempting to pull your hair. I've long given up on that part of my life," Alessandra softly spoke.

She did not want to go down memory lane to when she was sad and hated every second of her life. 

"It is enough that you have witnessed me living the life you wanted for yourself and for your daughter. Edgar, please find out what they did to Mario. He needs a proper burial. I am going back upstairs," Alessandra said, turning to leave. She could not hold back her sadness that Mario was gone any longer. 

Edgar tried to hold her hand to walk her back but Alessandra did not let him.

"I want to go back alone. Please do not spend all night down here," Alessandra said as she did not want his time wasted on the people here. 

"I will be up shortly. Make sure you eat. It is not just you who needs to eat," Edgar gently touched Alessandra's stomach before she left. He waited for her to be out of sight before turning to Katrina. "Well, she was easy on you, but I am hardly the same. We should have a bit of fun."

Meanwhile, Alessandra slowly walked back up the steps leading her out of the dungeon. Her mind was filled with different things she should have done to help Mario. She tried not to blame herself for his death as she had asked him to come to live here with her, but he refused. Still, she knew he had died because of her. Katrina only went after Mario because they were close. 

Alessandra stopped walking and rested her body on the wall as she started to feel light-headed. It wasn't only that she had moved on from her life with Katrina that she was so calm, but she was trying not to stress her body during this time. Mario's death made it quite hard for her to keep calm. 

Alessandra took a deep breath. She was in need of air as she suddenly felt hot. 

"This is why you should have let me walk with you," Edgar said, placing one hand on her back and the other under her legs to lift her. "No more time in the dungeon for you."


"I am your husband. I would be a terrible one if I couldn't sense that something was wrong. Are you alright? Do you hurt anywhere?" Edgar asked, worried that Mario's death must be too much for her to bear. Even after his death, Mario was still causing problems for him.

Edgar began to take her up to their room so she could rest and go to sleep while he took care of their guests. 

"I am fine. I just need some air. Do you think you would be able to find his body? I don't want him to rest wherever they placed him," said Alessandra. It was the least she could do now.

"I will try. I don't mean to ruin you mourning the loss of your friend, but it should be noted in the early that if we were to have a boy, I would not allow the name Mario as a tribute."

Alessandra wanted to be angry with Edgar, but a chuckle escaped her lips. "How is that what is on your mind now, Edgar? I wasn't thinking of doing that. I thought of what more I could have done to help him pay off his debt and get away."

"He loved you and could not stomach seeing you happily married. He would have never accepted your help. Not when he knew I would have to aid you. Wouldn't want to give me that satisfaction to know I had to help him. Men are stubborn like that," said Edgar. 

"I suppose you are right, but I can't help thinking of how much more I should have done to help him. He never once betrayed me and he was my friend for years. Please have everyone involved in his death punished. I don't care if it is through the guards or of your own ways. They should not get away with killing my friend." 

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