The Duke's Masked Wife

Chapter 519 Circle (1)

"That is the only way I will ask Edgar to release your mother," Alessandra said.

Kate opened her mouth to give an answer, but words would not come out. If she confessed to the things she did, then she would be ruined alongside her mother. She could never return to this town. Not that she ever could since her parents and late husband had completely destroyed her life here. She would have to move far away so that no one would recognise her. 

Kate thought of what would happen to her if she would confess. She was only a child back then so they could not punish her for it now. The court should take pity for all that she endured with Simon. She would be free after she confessed to everything.

"I will go now and tell the court. When I return, my mother must be set free," said Kate.

"I will need to hear from the court first what you have confessed to and then I will let your mother go. You should return home and wait until the court tells me that you have done your part. Leave our gates Kate. I wish to sleep and not be bothered by this. The sooner you go to the court, the sooner your mother will be released," Alessandra said and then turned to go back to where Edgar stood.

Alessandra wondered for a second if before Kate reached the court, she would give up on trying to help her mother, and just run away. Kate had that she needed to run away and start over, but Kate wasn't someone who could survive on her own. If Kate were to abandon her mother, she would have to run to the other Barretts to live with them or eventually return to town after struggling on her own.

Alessandra didn't care if there was no punishment for something that happened when they were children. Knowing that Katrina would be locked away was already enough and Kate was already suffering. Alessandra now wanted the truth to be exposed. Kate didn't need to be locked away to be punished.

  The people in Lockwood were harsh with their words and making someone an outcast. It was the opposite of the life Kate wanted which was why it would be a fitting punishment than Kate being taken to the palace dungeon. 

Life worked in a strange way for Alessandra and Kate to have switched places. With their faces and their lives altogether. 

"That was fast," Edgar said, impressed by how fast Alessandra had dealt with Kate. He watched Kate hurry back to her carriage. "What did you tell her?" 

"If she goes to the court and confesses what happened to me in my youth, I will have you release her mother," Alessandra replied. 

Edgar wasn't thrilled by this offer. "We've only just taken her. You want her released to get away-"

Alessandra placed a finger on Edgar's lips to shush him. "I never said she would get to run away. I just said we would release her. You still have a deal with the court you must keep."

Edgar stared at Alessandra as she walked away from him. He quickly understood what his wife had done. Edgar licked his lips and placed his hands on his hips as he watched Alessandra. "You cannot do something so sly and then walk away from me, my dear wife. Now I am excited," he followed after her.

"I suggest you get rid of that excitement quickly. I am not over waking up and you weren't in bed. There was no one to get me water," said Alessandra.

'She's turned Edgar Collins, the feared Duke into a servant,' Alfred noted. 

"I didn't mean to be gone for so long and it is not my fault you drink water like a fish," Edgar replied, taking a step back when Alessandra glared at him. The normally sweet wife of his was starting to scare him a bit. "My mistake. I will get you some water right away."

"I will do it myself. I feel the need to eat a few fruits and a bit of cake. Do not tell me about sweets," Alessandra pointed a finger at Edgar. She did not want to hear how it was not good for her.

"I wasn't going to say anything," Edgar replied, staying back with Alfred while Alessandra walked ahead. "I think you should take this one and feed her, Alfred. She's a different person these days when she wants to eat."

"Scared of your wife?" Alfred chuckled. "You should know this is just the beginning. I will enjoy seeing you walk on eggshells around Alessandra. There needs to be someone other than  me scolding you."

"Enjoy this too much and I will break every one of your precious plates."

"Edgar!" Alfred yelled. If Edgar were to break any more of his beloved plates, it might be what destroys the years worth of relationship between the two. Alfred would have to pack his bags and go live where his new plates could be protected. 

Alfred rushed to catch up to Edgar and smacked him on the back of his head.

"What the fuck?" Edgar exclaimed, touching the spot on his head where Alfred struck him.

"I should have done more of it when you were a child. A nice tap on the hand so you wouldn't be as you are now. Stay away from my plates or there will be more where that slap came from," Alfred warned.

The next day.

Alessandra sat in the drawing room awaiting when Edgar would be ready to leave. In her hands was the morning paper which showed Hazel and Tobias's big news. The palace had finally announced that there was a royal child on the way. To celebrate, there would be a festival in town. 

Alessandra was happy that Tobias and Hazel were in a safe space where they could announce their child so now the kingdom would not have to worry about an heir. Hazel's position as Queen could not be questioned with this announcement. 

Alessandra wished for Hazel to have a healthy baby first and foremost, but she also hoped the child would be a prince. There was nothing wrong with having a princess, but a crown prince was needed so no one in the palace would try offering Tobias more women he should take in case Hazel would not have a prince. Alessandra hoped Hazel could shut those old men up with this pregnancy. 

"I am lucky to not have that pressure," Alessandra noted as it didn't matter if she had a boy or a girl. 

Edgar stated from the very beginning that he needed an heir, but at this point, he did not seem to care whether this child was a boy or a girl. If her husband did not care, Alessandra was not going to worry about it. Alessandra was not in the same seat as Hazel who needed a boy quickly so the kingdom would have its future king.

There was also the fact that with a husband like Edgar, this would certainly not be her only child though she said it would be in the past. 

"I'm ready," Edgar said, fixing his sleeve as he walked into the drawing room.

While the kingdom would celebrate the future prince or princess at the coming festival, Hazel and Tobias sent invitations to their close friends to come to the palace to celebrate today. It would be the first time in weeks they would see Hazel who had closed herself away from others so she could not miss the chance to be a mother. She had not moved on from what Julia had done and found it hard to trust those around her. 

"Good. We must hurry to see Hazel. Our future son or daughter-in-law is in her stomach," Alessandra teased.

"Over my dead body."

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