The Dungeon Monsters Keep Offering Sacrifices

Chapter – 44

Chapter – 44

EP.44 True Master of the Dungeon

The expansive sky above turned into a dark and oppressive ceiling. From now on, they were inside the dungeon.

The entrance they came through was sealed shut as the assault team hunters entered cautiously, guarding against any potential dangers. Leading them, Seo Yeong-ho raised his hand.

Everyone, halt!

The assault team hunters stopped in their tracks as Captain Seo Yeong-ho surveyed the dungeon surroundings.

This was an Incubus Dungeon. It emanated a feeling of cold darkness and hidden desires, fitting for the habitat of these creatures.

The quietness, combined with the beautiful decorations on the marble walls, was enough to captivate anyone.

Indeed, Incubus.

As seductive as they were to humans, the interior was meticulously adorned with beauty. The dark ceiling held an aged chandelier, casting a golden glow with various gems, catching Seo Yeong-ho off guard.

Solid gold, perhaps.

Seeing the chandelier adorned with golden hues and various jewels, Seo Yeong-ho couldnt help but murmur. The chandelier was undoubtedly beautiful. The torches rising upward served as the dungeons sole source of light, casting a subtle dance of light and shadow even in the darkness.


The sight was enchanting. It was probably quite expensive. Considering the lavish carpet on the floor and the gold coins and jewels on the table, the dungeon was filled with high-end items. Even Seo Yeong-ho was enchanted by the beauty, and the hunters beneath him were no different.

How much is all of this?

This dungeon is a real jackpot!

Everyone envisioned a bright future.

If they conquered only this dungeon, all these items would be theirs. The hunters participating in this assault were nearly fifty in number, a considerable force.

Still, only this much treasure adorned the entrance of the dungeon. What wonders could be found at the dungeons core?

Even if they shared the loot among the hunters here, it would still be a substantial reward for each individual. Everyone was carried away with hopeful thoughts. When the atmosphere became too cheerful, Seo Yeong-ho regained his composure.

Focus, everyone! A moment of negligence could mean death!

Seo Yeong-ho shouted, breaking the uplifting mood. After all, once they conquered the dungeon, these treasures would naturally become theirs.

All buff-type hunters, activate your skills!

In an unknown dungeon, relying on the experience of the advance team, they had no choice but to move forward. According to the advance team, the sight of this beautiful place had captivated even them. Their memory only reached that point. They claimed to have fallen under the succubus and incubuss charm almost immediately.

But this time, the Phoenix Guild hunters were thoroughly prepared. They had artifacts resistant to mental manipulation, and hunters with skills to resist such influences were present to provide buffs.

Moreover, there was even a hunter capable of using rare divine power. This assault team reflected the strong determination of the Phoenix Guild to conquer the dungeon.

Now, with the charm of succubus likely about to start, they were prepared to resist. However, succubus might not be the only challenge; there was likely more to come.

The dungeon, filled with a dreadful beauty, awaited Seo Yeong-ho and the hunters as they began to advance.

But it was eerily quiet, to the point of sending shivers down their spines. It felt as if the space itself had died, leaving only silence. Seo Yeong-ho didnt let his guard down and continued forward.

Soon, a massive door appeared. The door featured intricate patterns, and the handle was made of golden chandeliers.

One hunter approached and lightly slashed the handle with his sword. Nothing happened. Confirming that nothing occurred, Seo Yeong-ho took hold of the handle and turned it.


With a rather noisy sound, the door opened. Three hunters entered through the opening.

They were Rangers responsible for leading and scouting within the dungeon.


Perhaps because nothing had happened so far, the tension seemed to ease. The three Rangers, without any caution, entered through the door crack and immediately faced their demise.


A sound of something whirling through the air accompanied by something being hit. With that sound, the bodies of the three Rangers collapsed.


Someone cursed, witnessing three people die right in front of them. Seo Yeong-ho also surveyed the situation to understand it better. Soon, a presence came into view.

Death Knight!

A Death Knight, an A-class monster, appeared.

Why is there a Death Knight here!

One of the assault team hunters exclaimed in despair. His words reflected the disbelief that a Death Knight could be present here. The advance team had only mentioned Incubus and Succubus dominating the dungeon.

But a Death Knight? No one had anticipated that. Although the Death Knight was an A-class monster, and nearly half of the 50 hunters gathered here were A-class hunters, there was a crucial difference. The abilities possessed by the hunters gathered here were tailored to confront Succubus and Incubus, not Death Knights.

Leader! Give the order!

They needed an immediate retreat. This place was definitely not an Incubus Dungeon. Suddenly, a statement made by the hunter with detection skills replayed in Seo Yeong-hos mind. He had mentioned sensing Incubus but not feeling the presence of Succubus.


Perhaps that hunter had been so focused on detecting Succubus that he missed the presence of the Death Knight. However, the advance teams story had not mentioned the word Death Knight. Moreover, although they could see Succubus in the vicinity, they couldnt find any trace of Succubuss shadow.

Could it be

Leading the advance team was the guild leaders son, Jung Woo-jin, and his brother, Jung Tae-young, held the position of vice-guild leader in the Phoenix Guild. Inside the guild, Jung Tae-young and Jung Woo-jin were known to have a good relationship.

Was everything until now just an act? Jung Woo-jin!

Seo Yeong-ho clenched his fist. If all of this wasnt a part of Jung Woo-jins scheme, then it didnt make sense. The amount invested in this assault was beyond imagination. If this assault team achieved nothing, it would be better.

It would only require bowing the head for a moment.

No presence was felt. But if the entire assault team was annihilated?

Now, the story changed.

It wasnt just about the invested amount. With a significant number of A-class hunters participating in the assault, if they faced complete annihilation, the Phoenix Guilds prestige would plummet instantly.

In that case, the greatest blow would be to the guild leader and vice-guild leader.

At the same time, the one who planned this assault, the vice-guild leader, would be burdened with more responsibility. If Jung Tae-young were to be expelled from his position, who would be next?

It was obvious even without looking.

Certainly, it would be Jung Woo-jin, trying to take the vice-guild leader position from his brother by orchestrating this scheme. It didnt make sense from the beginning.

How could the advance team survive in the dungeon and encounter nothing? But now, they understood the reason.

The advance team didnt even come this far!

They, too, hadnt encountered anything until they reached this point. Only when the large door was opened did the Death Knight appear.

We were deceived. Deceived thoroughly!

In a way, it sent shivers down the spine. The advance team must have thoroughly explored the ecosystem of the dungeon. Yet, they meticulously concealed their plan and executed it in this manner.

We need to inform the guild about this fact quickly.

Seo Yeong-ho immediately instructed the hunters.

Everyone, retreat! Maintain formation and gradually withdraw!

A Death Knight is an A-class monster. Even if the hunters were not prepared for the Death Knight, they were still A-class themselves. The story suggested that they wouldnt be overwhelmingly defeated by the Death Knights attacks. However, the challenge with the Death Knight wasnt the only issue.



Hunters who lost their lives to the Death Knights attacks began to move again. They were no longer human, they had been reborn as ghouls under the Death Knights skill.

Dont break formation, and deal with the ghouls too!

As some hunters approached to deal with the ghouls,




Whats happening?!

Ghouls are self-destructing!

Damn! Theres a Lich!

Seo Yeong-ho bit his lip. Following the appearance of the Death Knight, now a Lich was also present, creating the worst possible situation.

The Lich had a skill called Corpse Explosion, which could detonate all undead monsters below its rank. Some believed that Lich only exploded Skeleton-type monsters, but that was a misconception. In reality, a Lich could explode any undead monster, like ghouls.

The situation caused panic among the assault team hunters. While the Death Knight continued swinging its sword, the hunters sacrificed by the sword turned into ghouls and exploded.

It was a chaotic situation.

The advance team said Succubus!

Succubus my ass! A combination of Death Knight and Lich. Ive never heard of such a thing!

Thanks to this situation, they naturally blamed the advance team.

Pour Divine attacks on the Death Knight!

Fortunately, there was a hunter who knew how to use Divine power. If their attacks were effective, they could temporarily restrain the Death Knight. The Death Knight, being of the darkness attribute, was in direct opposition to Divine power.

Seo Yeong-ho instructed some hunters accordingly, and those few hunters unleashed a bright white light.


Whats that

The Death Knight didnt even blink. No, the Divine attacks were entirely blocked by the shield the Death Knight had raised.

A maid outfit?

A maid outfit was attached to the shield the Death Knight raised. It was genuinely bizarre. Simultaneously, all hunters lost their composure.

Dont try to align the formation! Just focus on surviving no matter what!

Seo Yeong-ho shouted desperately. At this moment, it was crucial for at least one person to survive this bizarre place. Surviving to deliver information about this dungeon was paramount.

This place was like hell.




The Lich held a thick volume in its hand. It was the Inspectors Note. The Lich hadnt stopped recording the events until this moment when the hunters invaded.

Until the hunters invaded, the Lich had not ceased recording.

The only skill the Death Knight used was turning the hunters it killed into ghouls and then using a skill to explode them.

How is it, Lich-nim? This perfume is very luxurious and gives off a pleasant fragrance from the body.

Azmo spoke while applying oil to the Lichs bones. The bones were thoroughly saturated in every crevice.

The Lich nodded.

It seems you like it, which makes me glad. Lich-nim is always welcome here. Please come by whenever you have the time.

In response to Azmos words, the Lich nodded again. At the same time, the Lichs hand moved.

This place is flawless.

It was the moment when Azmos dungeon was recorded by Inspector Lich. As Azmo applied oil to Lichs bones, he could only marvel silently.

Everyone is strong, not just Lady Celia.


Simultaneously, he felt reverence for the great being.

Indeed, this is a true master. I can entrust everything to them.

Azmo made a resolution.




Successfully supported the dungeon Temptation of Illusions.

Successfully repelled intruders.

Successfully completed additional missions.

You can purchase Lichs promotion bonus package once.

Azmo, the owner of the dungeon Temptation of Illusions, dedicates his dungeon to the master.

Became the ruler who possesses dungeons in both dimensions for the first time.

Acquired the trait True Dungeon Master (EX).

Due to the trait, the following systems are now available.

[Dungeon Monster Level-Up System] (Locked)

[Dungeon Monster Enhancement System] (Locked)

Suddenly, a smartphone blared with an alarm.

I roughly checked the alarms contents and pocketed the smartphone.

This place was inside a dungeon.

I had come to measure Marus combat power.

Although I wanted to check each notification that came up, I couldnt.

Maru, get ready.

A mana wave I had been feeling since a while ago.

Initially, I was unsure.

But by now, I was certain.

Lets clear out the rats first.

It was time to eliminate the one who had been persistently following me.

Hope you enjoy the chapter, if you wish to support me or read advance chapter you can do it Here


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