The Dungeon Monsters Keep Offering Sacrifices

Chapter 66

Chapter 66

EP.66 Dungeon Monster Enhancement

As I touched the screen and leisurely observed the dungeon, an alarm popped up.

[Intruders have entered the dungeon.]

A group had entered the dungeon.

Oh, who invaded?

I quickly checked, and it was an unusual combination.

At the forefront, a Holy Knight was leading several individuals.

I touched each of the individuals who had entered the dungeon right away.

Touching them didnt trigger any special effects.

I only got simple explanations about each person.


It was a really straightforward description.

Out of curiosity, I clicked on each person one by one, hoping for a different description.

However, all the other individuals had the same description.

They are just ordinary adventurers, huh?

They all seemed to be just ordinary adventurers.

Considering their numbers, I thought they might not be adventurers but invaders from somewhere.

I stared intently at the adventurers on the screen.

Did they just form a party?

Dungeons are dangerous places, not only on Earth but also on the El Dorad continent.

Its challenging to conquer them alone or with a small group, so people always form parties.

The most basic form of a group is a party.

Adventurers who share similar goals gather and form parties to conquer dungeons together.

It seemed like these adventurers had also formed a party before entering.

I zoomed in on the screen to check their equipment.

Hmm Doesnt look as good as I thought.

The level of the equipped gear didnt seem significantly high.

At best, it was bronze grade?

Occasionally, there were one or two who seemed decent, but they still appeared to struggle beyond the silver grade.

If this is the level, it should be easy to handle.

After confirming the invaders level, I comfortably observed.

I realized that intruders had visited my dungeon several times before.

Among them were adventurers and even holy knights.

So, I assumed this group of adventurers had targeted my dungeon.

However, judging by their equipment, they were only at a mediocre level.

If they knew what monsters are here, they wouldnt come so casually.

Even the Holy Knight leading the adventurers wasnt an ordinary one.


[Controlling the mind of the Holy Knight Eric.]

Identity: Banshee.

A monster guarding the 1st zone of the dungeon, manipulating the mind of the Holy Knight.

These guys will be very useful.

The Banshees were monsters that came out of my previous draw and were also my monsters.

They were useless against high-grade beings, but against adventurers who seemed inconspicuous like now, they were nothing short of a disaster.

Sure enough.

The Holy Knight controlled by the Banshee lured the adventurers deep into the dungeon.

Then, the Banshees, lying in wait for defenseless adventurers, rushed in.

The unfolding events were like a battlefield.

There were adventurers stabbing themselves with swords, and others swinging their swords at their companions.

The inside of the dungeon staged a scene of bloodshed.

If I were not an Awakener but an ordinary person, I might have vomited on the spot.

I guess I should consider this fortunate.

Having worked as a laborer and experienced many things, scenes like this were not horrific to a terrible extent.

It was just numbing.

Of course, I couldnt deny that the individuals were pitiful, but in the end, it was a business.

If they didnt die and reached the center of the dungeon, it would soon be my last day.

So, all I could do was do my best.

Once the penalty is lifted this time, I need to make some significant changes.

I had been managing the dungeon too chaotically until now.

Considering the recent events and incidents, I needed to revise the command structure.

I had a brief thought, and the situation was already wrapping up.

There were seven adventurers left, all covered in blood.

And they were being controlled by Banshees.

A truly eerie atmosphere filled the air.

Following the Holy Knights orders, they ran out of the dungeon.


Behind them, the Death Knights were following.

No, whats going on here?

Why do these guys keep trying to leave the dungeon?

Could it be they have some kind of wandering restriction?

I immediately touched the Death Knight and gave a command.

The command was simple.

Just stay in the dungeon, and it understood without any issue.

The Death Knight somehow returned with a dejected look.

Well, it did return, but suddenly, it came back again.

And then, it began to move the corpses of the adventurers who had faced death a while ago.

Precisely, it was the command of Celia that prompted the Death Knight to start moving.

Indeed, the only one who can manage the Death Knight here is Celia.

It was natural.

Celia had the highest rank here.

The Death Knight began to move the adventurers corpses to a specific location.

The destination was the altar at the center of the dungeon.

It piled the bodies on the altar, one by one.

Celia nodded approvingly at the sight.

[Celia offers adventurers as sacrifices to her master.]

[Celia offers adventurers as sacrifices to her master.]

Simultaneously, alarms rang, indicating that sacrifices had been offered.

It had been a long time since sacrifices were offered.

Of course, absorbing these sacrifices completely would take time.

[Absorbing the abilities of the sacrificed adventurers. (Remaining time: 6 hours)]

A whole 6 hours.

Ill probably faint again.

And during that time, I would most likely lose consciousness.

Based on my past experiences, I realized that each time I absorbed the abilities of sacrifices, I would faint.

The difference now was that even if I fainted, there was someone to protect me.

That someone was Maru.

Actually, this place was my home, so it was safe.

But there is no absolute safety.

Just because its a home doesnt guarantee safety forever.

So, preparing for unforeseen circumstances from now on seemed like a good idea.

Maru, come here.

I turned my head and gave Maru a command.

From now on, when sacrifices were offered, Maru would guard me and my surroundings.

Fortunately, Maru understood my intentions well.

Drawing the demonic sword from his waist, Maru took position around me.

This should be enough.

Maru would protect me even at the cost of his life.

Now, I just had to wait for the moment of fainting.


[The offered sacrifices have reached a certain quantity.]

[Obtained a clue to unlocking the next system.]

[Dungeon Monster Enhancement System] (Locked)]

Another alarm sounded.

Dungeon Monster Enhancement?

It was a system list that appeared since obtaining the True Dungeon Master trait last time.

Of course, all of them were locked, so I didnt know their abilities.

Just speculations.

But now that I had obtained a clue that could be unlocked, I couldnt help but be excited.

Although it was still locked and couldnt be used yet, I believed that it would eventually be unlocked.

Could it be unlocked based on the number of sacrifices?

That was my last thought.


Suddenly overwhelmed by drowsiness, I simply surrendered my body to it.




The adventurers divided into two groups.

One group tracked the footprints of an unknown entity, and the other group investigated the direction the footprints had come from.

Among them, those tracking the footprints continued to traverse the mountain range.

Leading the way, Nariel confirmed the traces at the forefront and determined the direction of the path.

Beside her, the warrior Grektor stood guard near Nariel.

Many adventurers followed behind, forming a procession without letting their guard down.

They indeed showed a veteran-like appearance, not rushing but steadily moving forward.

How much time had passed since they followed the faint traces on the dirt path?

Before them, the sight of a dungeon appeared.

The problem was not just the dungeon.

In front of the dungeon, orcs had taken positions, observing the adventurers.

What, whats this!

Along with the orcs, goblins were also visible around them.

Adventurers were bewildered by the unexpectedly sudden situation.

Even the monsters in front were emitting an aura ready for immediate combat.

Darn it! Was it a trap!

The owner of the footprints they had been following was mostly skeletons.

But looking ahead, they couldnt find even similar beings.

Should they just run away?

But they couldnt show their backs here.

The moment they showed their backs, they would be attacked.

However, confronting them was also uncertain.

The number of opponents was too overwhelming.

As the adventurers hesitated, facing the dire situation.

I request of you!

Squall, among the orc group, spoke to the adventurers.

If you win in a one-on-one life-and-death battle with me, I will let all of you go unharmed.

In the situation the adventurers found themselves in, Squalls proposal was incredibly sudden.

Why would a monster propose first?

Given the current situation, the opponents forces were greater than theirs.

Perhaps it was capriciousness.

Maybe it was just a monsters entertainment.

But no adventurer could refuse that offer.

Rather, they were all hoping someone else would step forward, eyeing each other cautiously.

There was no way to salvage the current situation anyway.

No, even if there were, the damage would be devastating.

Even if they managed to break through those numerous orcs and goblins, not everyone here could survive.

Thats why they had to put all their strength into the one-on-one life-and-death battle the orc mentioned.

If they won, at least they could keep their lives, like a lifeline descending from the sky.

Let me go out.

At that moment, the warrior Grektor stood up from his seat.

Approaching the opposing orc with a large sword and shield in hand.

A cool breeze blew through the forest.

They looked at each other.

The chief of the Red-Headed Tribe, known as Squall!

Grektor spoke to the orc introducing himself.

If I win, its only fair you let us go.

Grektor asked again.

He wanted confirmation.

The adventurers were still needed by him.

Not out of mere humanity, but as tools to fulfill a mission.

Upon his inquiry, Squall nodded lightly.

Only after getting the final confirmation did Grektor also nod.

Though they didnt know why a monster would make such an offer, it wasnt bad for them.

While Grektor entertained such thoughts, Squall was also thinking the same.

Squall was confident because he had no reason to lose.

His earlier provocation was merely a lie to boost the opponents morale.

Dealing with fearful enemies was as uninteresting as it gets.

A moment of silence.

And then a silent roar began.

As if they had made a promise, both advanced simultaneously.

Squalls massive axe possessed destructive power that could even bring down the towering trees of the forest.

With such force, the axe swung towards Grektor.

But Grektor, holding his shield, was no easy opponent.


The axe and the heavy shield clashed, emitting sparks.

It was truly an equal situation where neither gave ground.

They continued to swing their weapons at each other and dodged each others strikes.

Unavoided attacks left minor wounds on their skin.

As the wounds accumulated, their blood and sweat scattered into the air.

Simultaneously, the battle was enveloped in extreme tension, and the atmosphere became heated.

Squall tried to overwhelm his opponent with his massive size, while Grektor countered with skilled techniques.

Only a delicate balance and heavy breathing filled their combat.

The weight of endless combat weighed them down.

As the battle continued, Squall gradually advanced forward.

It was a subtle but gradually gaining advantage for Grektor.

Regardless of being pushed back in strength, Grektor never gave up.

He blocked Squalls attacks and pondered while doing so, waiting for a chance to arise.

He simply waited for an opening to appear. And when the opportunity came, he swiftly swung his sword at the opponent.

However, Squall effortlessly avoided the attacks and retaliated with his axe.

Grektor stepped back, raising his shield. Squalls axe clashed with Grektors shield in mid-air, creating a chilling sound.

Ha-ha! You truly are a warrior!

Despite his attack being blocked, Squall laughed heartily, looking at his opponent.

I hope this battle continues! Cheers! I will dedicate this glory to the master!

Squall found the current situation extremely enjoyable.

When was the last time he approached a battle with such enthusiasm?

If possible, he wanted to subdue the man in front of him and practice daily. But he knew it was impossible.

The opponent had dared to trespass into the dominion of the master. For his selfish desires, he couldnt let the man live.

Squall gradually exerted more force. Whether it was a difference in species or experience, he felt the opponents strength diminishing.

However, he couldnt afford to reduce his own strength here.

That would be an act of disrespect towards the opponent, a trampling of the honor of a warrior.

Hence, Squall intensified his efforts.

Here I go!

At that moment, Squalls axe gleamed in the sunlight. Swinging through the air, it descended upon Grektor.


Blood started flowing from Grektors mouth. The greatsword and shield he held fell to the ground. Gradually, his posture began to crumble, and soon his head rolled to the ground.

But Squall didnt pick up his head. He simply closed his eyes and recited a mantra.

It was a good match.

The opponent was at least a good warrior. The honor of a good warrior must be preserved.

After finishing his mantra, Squall turned his back and recalled the recent events.

And shortly after.

[Squalls [Dungeon Monster Enhancement System] has been unlocked.]

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