The Dungeon Monsters Keep Offering Sacrifices

Chapter 68

Chapter 68

EP.68 Half Goblin Mass Production Plan (1)


Celia chuckled as she read the report.

What should we do about this?

Dealing with the adventurers was a good move.

For those guarding the dungeon, stopping the invading adventurers was the objective.

In that sense, everyone performed their duties excellently.

Using Banshee to manipulate the Holy Knight to lure opposing adventurers into the dungeon was truly effective.

Thanks to that, seven adventurers are currently being controlled by Banshee along with various offerings.

If handled well, they could even form a force composed of adventurers.

Secondly, the response from Squall, the Orc leading the Red-Headed Tribe dungeon, was also satisfactory.

Its said that he overwhelmed the opponents with his unstoppable momentum.

As a warrior, such determination and confidence are essential.

He fulfilled his role well.

Lastly, the slimes method was also quite effective.

According to the report, they lured the adventurers into the hot springs.

While Banshee enticed opponents as a Holy Knight, the slime stimulated primal desires.

Theres nothing as enticing to a weary mind as a place to rest.

It was a strategy only the slime could pull off.

But there was a problem.

Doesnt this mean there are hardly any adventurers left?

So many adventurers have already died.

Too many have perished.

Of course, its not a complete wipeout.

Some adventurers are still wandering nearby, trying to escape.

But the goal this time is not merely to stop adventurers.

Its to evaluate four subordinate dungeons.

Among them, two have been evaluated, but there are still two remaining.

However, it was unclear if there were enough remaining adventurers to evaluate other dungeons.

Should we ask for more adventurers to be sent?

Celia pondered.

In fact, there was a separate reason why these adventurers came to the mountain range.

It was because nobles from the Sael Kingdom unilaterally hired them and entrusted them with requests.

Moreover, they did so secretly, in defiance of royal orders.

Naturally, Princess Elena vowed to identify the parties involved, but Celia intervened.

They couldnt miss out on this opportunity, especially since they came of their own accord.

Celia intended to utilize them to identify the shortcomings of her dungeon and others.

But it was in vain.

It seems the adventurers skills are just too low.

She sighed and pushed the documents aside with her tongue.

Then, she looked at the goblin lord beside her.

Goblin Lord, Ive read your report carefully. You mentioned that adventurers are needed to establish the guard unit, correct?

Celias calm words prompted a nod from the goblin lord.

Yes, thats right, kehek.

Nodding, the goblin lord retrieved something long.

It was a mana gun.

It was Celia who first gave this mana gun to the goblin lord.

Celia had also acquired this weapon.

it was a gift from Azmo during their first encounter on Earth.

Mana gun.

Its a weapon used by hunters on Earth.

Similar to crossbows used by adventurers or mercenaries, but with the difference that it can be easily fired as long as mana is replenished.

In other words, its a weapon that can be fired infinitely as long as theres enough mana. And naturally, if the mana grade is high, its power increases.

So this is the point,

Celia said as she picked up the mana gun.

Holding the mana gun, she immediately infused mana into it.

Celias magical ability was S-rank. It had already been experimented that injecting Celias mana into the mana gun produced tremendous power.

Knowing this fact, Celia personally recharged the goblin lords mana gun.

If the power was low, the meaning of the weapon would disappear. But this couldnt be done every time.

So, she considered another option.

It was a method to empower goblins to recharge the mana gun themselves.

Guard unit composed of half-goblins.

Handing back the fully charged mana gun, Celia spoke.

Goblins arent an exceptional race when it comes to mana. Even the goblin lord didnt have exceptional mana, so he relied on Celias strength.

Of course, among the goblins, there were those who utilized mana. Goblin shamans were the representative examples.

They used mana to perform various spells, but they were still goblins.

The power of the mana gun couldnt be maximized.

Eventually, a breakthrough was needed to solve this.

The goblin lord proposed it for that purpose.

It was the mass production of half-goblins utilizing adventurers.

The purpose was to create a guard unit using mana guns with them. Half-goblins. Literally, goblins with mixed blood, not of pure lineage. Here, it could be seen as human blood mixed in.

Celia didnt view this negatively.

Wasnt it she who initially gave human females to the goblins?

Coincidentally, that female also harbored mana. And given a little more time, the first child would be born.

Celia tapped the desk with her fingers a few times before speaking.

Ill capture all the surviving adventurers. It would be great if there was someone with mana among them.

The purpose of half-goblins was to cultivate goblins with strong mana.

To increase the probability of this, the opposing humans must also harbor mana.

Not just any mana, but high-level mana. The higher the level, the higher the mana grade of the half-goblins born between them would be.

By repeating this cycle, someday, powerful individuals with mana would be born among the goblins.

Then, not only would the overall strength of the goblins increase, but the establishment of Goblin Lords guard unit would also become easier.

This ultimately enhances the power of the dungeon itself.

As the dungeon grows stronger, it will undoubtedly expedite the masters plans.

With these thoughts in mind, Celia rose from her seat.

Most of the adventurers were already dead. Though there were survivors among them, they were significantly lacking in numbers to evaluate the power of other dungeons.

Ultimately, Celia decided to fold this evaluation here.

However, she had no intention of simply letting the surviving adventurers go. Shouldnt they pay the price for trespassing into the realm of a great master?

Capture all the remaining ones alive, she declared.

She planned to make appropriate use of the remaining adventurers.

From Goblin Lords plan to, if theres room, operating an entire adventurer unit using Banshee.

You, my master, are a great being destined to rule over even broader territories. To achieve that, more strategic cards are needed.

Inform everyone. Not a single injury is to be inflicted.

The shadow that had been waiting at Celias command disappeared.

Now, her orders would be conveyed to everyone within the territory.

With the goblin lord in tow, Celia slowly made her way out of the dungeon.




Pant Pant

Nariel and Isrin were crossing the forest.

Their breath was heavy, but they couldnt stop here.

We just need to get out of here, so lets push on!

Isrin encouraged, urging them forward.

There was nothing particularly special about why they were running.

This place was hell. There was nowhere safer. Just moments ago, they had been in the slime dungeon.

Perhaps they had let their guard down for a moment. The adventurers had felt safe because the slimes had treated them hospitably.

In other words, they had let their guard down, but that was unavoidable.

After all, seeing their comrade defeated miserably in battle against the orc had shattered everyones morale. And considering the time they had set out on their request, they hadnt had a proper rest for several days.

In such a situation, where would an adventurer who could just pass by a place to rest be found?

Moreover, since even the slimes had been friendly to them, they had all relaxed. But they were far from friendly.

Using such wicked methods.

The slimes tempted the adventurers to the hot springs and wiped them out in one fell swoop.

Their flesh began to dissolve in the acid.

The expressions of joy and happiness they had just shown were instantly replaced by screams of despair and agony.

In an instant, only bones remained as their flesh melted away.

Most of the adventurers met a futile death.

The remaining adventurers chose to scatter and flee in all directions.

This place is hell. It was a place that should never have been entered.

Thats why everyone thought so.

Its said that dispersing and fleeing from each other increases the chance of survival compared to staying together.

They hadnt accepted a commission!

They could understand why entry was prohibited by the Sael Kingdom and the Adventurer Guild.

Something was definitely amiss in the mountain range.

With these thoughts, Isrin lowered her head.

For now, it was a priority to leave this place first.

Other thoughts could wait until they were out of the mountains. Penalty?

They didnt even think about it anymore. Survival was the priority.

J-Jo, lets rest for a bit Huff

Nariel, panting heavily, stopped in her tracks. It seemed she had pushed herself to her limit.

Yeah. Lets do that,

Isrin agreed, realizing she had been running too much. A little rest was needed.

They found a suitable spot under a nearby tree and settled down.

Ah, I feel like I might survive now.

Isrin lay down on the ground completely.

Then, she looked up silently. Darkness had already descended.

The forest was filled with silence. And thanks to the branches stretching in all directions, not even moonlight could penetrate.

Do you think we can survive?

Nariel spoke weakly.

I Im glad I met you, Isrin. Youve always accepted me for who I am.

, Nariel continued.

So, Ive always been thankful. You never treated me differently even after knowing my true identity.

Nariel took off her deeply pressed hat. As she removed her hat, her hair cascaded down.

Im sorry for saying this only now. Ive been too ashamed until now.

With the hat off, her ears caught attention. Her ears werent those of an ordinary human.

They were pointed and elegant at the tips.

Nariel ran her hand through her hair and then spoke to Isrin.

So, what I mean is, if we survive this time, together with m-

Huh? Nariel, who was speaking, suddenly fell silent.


Isrin, who should have been right beside her, was nowhere to be seen.

She vanished as if by magic.


Nariel quickly looked around.

But all she saw was darkness all around.

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