The Dungeon Monsters Keep Offering Sacrifices

Chapter 76: Summoning Monsters

Chapter 76: Summoning Monsters

The dungeon monsters keep offering sacrifices 076

EP.76 Summoning Monsters

Waking up from my slumber, I found that the clock already pointed to the afternoon. 

Lunchtime had already passed. 

Thanks to that, my stomach was making a tremendous noise and writhing. 

Maru, I need- 

I was about to habitually ask Maru to prepare food, but I immediately shut my mouth.

I was too afraid to say it because I remembered Marus homemade ramen from the day before. 

I need to educate myself again. 

I didnt know he would learn by watching a video of making bone broth. 

He even freely used a smartphone 

I realized that the undead were a more intelligent race than I thought. 

If you do something strange again, Ill be in trouble. 

Thats why I planned to teach Maru how to cook directly. 

Marus cooking isnt bad, but its kind of well. 

By the way, is Maru doing household chores? 

I heard the sound of a vacuum cleaner running from beyond the door. 

Maru had become someone who shouldnt be absent from my side. 

He perfectly handled basic cooking like ramen, as well as dishwashing and cleaning. 

Is that all? He also knew how to operate the washing machine well, not only washing but also hanging the laundry neatly and putting the dried clothes in the closet. 

There really isnt a separate homemaker? 

These days, he showed signs of improving day by day, to the point of running the vacuum cleaner and even mopping. 

Maru handled tasks smoothly as I taught him. 

Thanks to that, I didnt have to do household chores myself now. 

It went smoothly without lifting a finger. 

Should I bring more skeletons while Im at it? 

Currently, the altar level of my dungeon is 2. 

Naturally, I couldnt summon high-grade monsters. 

Maru was originally just a 1-star. 

Hes now 4 stars, but Maru was originally a 1-star skeleton soldier. 

The demon sword sacrificed by Celia, and because of that demon sword, I gained a skill. 

Eventually, utilizing the demon sword and the skill, Maru was able to evolve into a 4-star. 

Should I try making a skeleton unit this time? 

A unit made entirely of bones would be dedicated solely to household chores. 

They wouldnt emit a rotten smell like ghouls or zombies, nor would they need to consume anything or sleep well. 

Skeleton monsters were beings that worked full-time, 24 hours a day. 

They were truly beings born to do household chores! 

Since were on the subject, I should bring one more. 

Before upgrading the altar, I could only bring a 1-star skeleton soldier.

However, now the altar level was 2. 

Who should I bring if I summon? 

Since it would be a creature dedicated to household chores anyway, it didnt matter much. 

Soon, Maru and I were planning to actively roam the dungeon. 

At that time, we needed someone to take care of household chores.

 If the altar is level 2 

Perhaps this time, I could summon a 2-star monsters? I

 immediately took out my smartphone and launched the game. 

[El Dorad]

Quickly skipping unnecessary screens by tapping continuously, I entered the dungeon. 

[1st Floor, Area 1]

Mid-boss: Death Knight () 

As soon as I saw the appearance of Area 1, I first checked the skeletons. 


Its natural for everyone to have desires. 

Looking at the monster list, I felt a slight desire. 

Its a bit disappointing that its only 2 stars. 

Maru is currently 4 stars. Not only 1 star, but even 2 stars felt a bit ambiguous. 

Just in case. Even if the altar level is 2, I might not bring a 3-star monster. 

Lets just check. 

I immediately touched the 3-star skeleton knight. And I commanded him to come to the center of the dungeon where the altar was. 

I remembered that Maru tried to sacrifice himself at first instead of being summoned. 

This time, it would probably change to summoning instead of sacrifice as well. 

The skeleton knight quickly arrived at the altar. 

Hopefully it works, but since the chances of failure were high, I also summoned a 2-star skeleton Warrior. 

Well, shall we go up to the altar? 

Just as I clicked on the altar to offer the skeleton knight as a sacrifice. 

Suddenly, Celia appeared and pushed the skeleton aside, then stood on the altar. 

To offer Celia () as a sacrifice, the level of the altar is extremely low. -`

Please upgrade the altar.

Whats going on? 

Why did Celia suddenly climb onto the altar? 

What does this mean? 

Celia just stood quietly on the altar. 

Seeing that scene, I couldnt help but tilt my head in confusion. 

Could it be that the command got twisted somewhere? 

Everything was going well until now, so suddenly having a twisted command? 

The chances seemed slim. 

Ah, could it be rebellion? 

Did I do something to upset her? 

I closed my eyes and pondered deeply. 

Of course, there was a point to be pointed out at. 

No, it seemed like more than one thing. 

Did I push too hard? 

Maybe I had given Celia too much work. I felt that way for a moment. 

Celia held the position of the overall manager. Not only the current dungeon but also the four subordinate dungeons needed attention. 

With already plenty to do, there was a shortage of personnel to handle the tasks. 

So the solution was the deputy system. 

The problem is really the deputies. 

The current deputies under Celia were monsters that looked like worms. 

Its name was Little Worm. Even if I put it in the deputy position right away, it would be useless because worms couldnt handle tasks while wiggling. 

Its was essentially just for show. In the end, it probably wouldnt have been helpful to Celia. 


Feeling that way, I felt a little sorry. But I had one excuse for myself. 

Actually, the last one that came out during the deputy selection was Little Worm. 

The problem was that if Little Worm refused, there was a warning that the price of the next deputy selection would double. 

The current price of the deputy selection is 10,000 gems. If it doubles from here, it will be a whopping 20,000 gems. 

Considering that the price of 5,000 gems is 110,000 won, its a considerable amount. 

Of course, its money I can earn quickly with my current abilities. But I have to look to the future. 

There was no guarantee that there would be no such disadvantages in the future, and the situation might even worsen. 

Im sorry, Celia, but choosing Little Worm was the right thing to do. 

There might be situations where I have to refuse if its really urgent or I need a specific monster. 

Then theres nothing I can do, but not now. 

Celia made a somewhat sulky expression and descended from the altar. 

I have to do something since Im sorry. 

Like a gift, for example. But I had something else to do now. 

Should we start again for now? 

The skeleton knight climbed onto the altar where Celia had descended. 

Offering a Skeleton Knight () as a sacrifice is not possible due to the low level of the altar.

Please upgrade the altar.

As expected, its not going to work.

It seemed impossible to summon a 3-star monster with the altar level at 2.

How far do I have to raise it, anyway?

I wasnt hoping for 5 or 6 stars.

At least if I could reliably summon around 4 stars, that would be great.

It would be even better if a dimensional gate that could be freely accessed could be opened, but the chances of that seemed slim.

Even if it existed, the level would have to be extremely high.


In that case, all I need to do is really raise the level of the altar, isnt it?

Come to think of it, I upgraded the core of the dungeon, and there were still sacrifices left.

As that thought crossed my mind, I immediately took action.

A new window popped up before me.

The trait True Dungeon Master has been activated.

I first activated the trait.

There are sacrifices that have been absorbed.

Please select the item to be rewarded with the absorbed sacrifices.

  1. Upgrade Dungeon Core (not selectable)
  2. Upgrade Dungeon Altar (not selectable)
  3. Create an Empty Dungeon

But I couldnt select.

When I tried to select the item, another window popped up.

There is an insufficient number of sacrifices to upgrade the selected item.

There werent enough sacrifices.

Ultimately, I didnt have an immediate choice.


There was no other option.

Lets move on from here.

The skeleton knight on the altar descended, and next, the skeleton Warrior ascended.

Offering a Skeleton Warrior () as a sacrifice is not possible due to the low level of the altar.

Please upgrade the altar.

No, this doesnt work either?


I didnt expect even 2 stars to be impossible.

This is really frustrating.

There wasnt much to ponder about.

I knew that continuing to pursue something thats clearly not working would be pointless. 

The only option left was a 1-star monster. 

Since I had only considered skeleton types from the beginning, the choice was easy. 

Lets go with the Skeleton Soldier. 

A 1-star monster wielding an old sword. 

This time, the Skeleton Soldier ascended onto the altar. 

Offering the Skeleton Soldier as a sacrifice.

Caution! The monster has been confirmed to belong to the Dungeon Master.

Conflict! The monster will be changed from a sacrifice to a summon.

There is a history of summoning affiliated monsters before.

[Monster Summoning] has been unlocked.

You will soon be able to receive the Skeleton Soldier.

As expected, can only summon 1-star monsters for now. 

Although it was disappointing, there was one significant gain. 

Monster Summoning. 

Upon examining the system, it wasnt necessary to bring the monster all the way to the altar for summoning. 

Simply touching it brought up the summoning window. 

There was also a limit to the number of monster that could be summoned. 

[Monster Summoning] (2/5) 

Maru () 

Skeleton Soldier () 

There were five monster that could be summoned immediately. 

But for now, the purpose was not to summon for battle but simply for household chores. 

We dont need to summon more right away. 

Shortly after, a bright light started emanating from the smartphone. 

Having experienced summoning Maru before, I quickly placed the smartphone on the ground. 

Soon after the light disappeared, the Skeleton Soldier appeared on the smartphone. 


As soon as he saw me, he straightened his waist into a right angle. 

What should I say? Like the Arch Lich and Maru, they all seemed to have excessive behavior. 

Is this an undead trait? 

But I couldnt say anything. 

He had just been summoned to Earth. 

Everything must be bewildering for him. 

At times like this, a good supervisor was needed. 


As I called out his name, Maru briskly bounced into the room. 

Hes a newcomer. 

I introduced the Skeleton Soldier next to me to Maru. 

By the way, hell need a name, wont he? 

Since he would be living with us from now on, he needed a name we could call him. 


This time, I pondered a bit longer. 

Naming is always difficult, so I was careful. 

How did I name Maru again? 

Surely, I called him that because he seemed to listen well, like a good dog. 

Right, Ive got it! From now on, your name is Coco. 

Immediately, a suitable name for the newcomer was decided. 

Maru and Coco. 

It was a good match. 

Maru, take good care of Coco. 

After bowing once, Maru left the room with Coco. 

Now, if Coco also became proficient in household chores, then I truly wouldnt have anything to worry about. 

Is this the life of a ruler? 

I lay down on the bed for a moment, staring at the ceiling. 

Now, all I have to do is focus on increasing my strength. 

Soon, I would enter the dungeon with Maru. 

One regret was that Marus rank was only 4 stars. 

He was B-rank as a Hunter, but I couldnt help but feel a little disappointed that he wasnt a bit higher. 

Well, its still a happy concern. 

Suddenly, there was the sound of a dish breaking beyond the door. 

But I didnt pay much attention to it. 

Thats how you learn. 

As I had such meaningless thoughts, 


an alarm rang. 

Whats this? 

I immediately looked at my smartphone. 

A special mission has been issued!

A special mission? 

I immediately touched the screen.

Dispatch Maru () to the dungeon Nest of the Evil God.

Reward: 5-star transcendent ticket for Maru ().

Time limit: 4 hours.


As I skimmed through the contents, it was a mission to send Maru somewhere. 

The problem was the destination. 

Nest of the Evil God? But thats mine, isnt it? 

It was the name of my own dungeon. 

Why send Maru there? 

What danger could there be? 

But with Celia in my dungeon, I wasnt worried. 

Celia alone could handle any intruders.

 I wasnt worried at all. 

I really cant figure it out. 

No matter how much I thought about it, I couldnt understand why this mission had come up. 

But one thing was for sure, the reward was good. 

If Maru becomes 5 stars, itll be amazing. 

In essence, having an A-rank Hunter by my side was almost the same thing. 

The problem was having to send Maru. 

Based on past experience with dispatches, the likelihood of Maru returning immediately was extremely low. 

Will I have to manage without Maru for a while? 

Fortunately, I had brought Coco as Marus successor. 

Plus, there was still a 4-hour buffer for completing the special mission. 

Clang Clang  

The sound repeated. 

I immediately got up and left the room. 

Not now. 

There was something urgent to attend to. 

I had to train Coco with Maru for the next 4 hours!

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