The Dungeon Monsters Keep Offering Sacrifices

Chapter 85: The Beginning of the Banquet

Chapter 85: The Beginning of the Banquet

The dungeon monsters keep offering sacrifices 085

EP.85 The Beginning of the Banquet

A carriage made its way through the mountainous path.

Inside, a woman dressed in black sat gracefully. Her flowing blue hair seemed to emit a subtle glow, adding to her beauty.

Ugh, isnt this too boring? Are we still far from the gathering place?

She complained with a sigh. She had been sitting in the carriage for hours already.

If only the carriage were more comfortable.

Even now, it shook violently as it moved forward. It wasnt because of the carriages poor quality.

The road she was traveling on was a mountain path, rugged with rocks and tree roots, far from smooth.

Thanks to that, the carriage jolted heavily once again.

Ah, damn it! Cant you drive this carriage properly?

It was natural for the ride to be unpleasant.

I apologize.

the woman vented her frustration at the coachman for no reason.

The coachman lowered his head, calmly apologized, and gently pulled the reins.

But that was all.

Please bear with it, Lady Arcane. Well arrive shortly.

Another person inside the carriage spoke up.

This person, also a woman, addressed the one sitting across from her as Lady Arcane with respect.

Fine. Ill endure it when I see Stia.

Arcane and Stia. Just by looking at them, they seemed like ordinary noblewoman and her maid.

But they were not nobles.

They were not even ordinary humans.

Every time they opened their mouths, their tongues were extraordinary.

Long and slender, with split tips reminiscent of a snake.

That wasnt all.

Their skin had a glossy sheen like scales, feeling firm yet smooth.

While this might be charming in itself, the biggest issue was their lower bodies, which were not human legs but snake-like bodies.

Yes. Their upper bodies were those of attractive women, but their lower bodies were composed of snake-like forms.

They belonged to a race called Lamias, monsters with a blend of snake and human features.

Arcane was the master of the Lamia Dungeon.

And as the masters attendant, Stia was accompanying her to participate in the social circle hosted by the Demon World Merchant Association.

Its not so bad, though. The mountain air near the Demon World is always refreshing, no matter when you smell it.

Arcane leaned her head out of the window.

As always, the air in the mountain range adjacent to the Demon World was sweet.

Even though they were only at the beginning of the range, it was different from the mountain where her dungeon was located.

If there were a dungeon here, how wonderful would it be?

Then, it would be close to the Demon World, and there would be many benefits in trading with the Demon World Merchant Association.

Perhaps the transportation cost wouldnt be added to the goods prices just because the distance is far.

But unfortunately, reality wasnt so.

Her dungeon was not only distant from the Demon World but also from the current mountain range.

No matter how vast the mountain range was, this was the only place connected to the Demon World.

However, it wasnt just the mountain range that bordered the Demon World.

Next to the mountain range was a huge lake, but it was too dangerous to cross.

The Diat Lake

A large lake that supplied the finest ingredients.

But nobody knew what lived beneath its surface.

Even the Demon World Merchant Association didnt cross the lake.

Crossing the lake would significantly reduce the transportation time, but that never happened.


In the end, she was in a frustrating situation.

Of course, the Associations technology had advanced.

They had many artifacts.

With artifacts utilizing dimensions, trading could be done easily, but she knew it was meant for VIPs, not for herself.

I need to expand the dungeon quickly.

Then, the Association would pay more attention to her dungeon.

And she needed to prove her worth in this social circle.

As Arcane pondered a hopeful future, the carriage suddenly stopped.

No! Drive the carriage properly!

She was about to shout in frustration when something was sensed outside.

I apologize. It seems an unwelcome guest has intervened. I will deal with it promptly in the Associations name.

The coachman, belonging to the Demon World Merchant Association, lowered his head again.

Such matters would be resolved swiftly.

As Arcane waited quietly, voices of humans were heard outside the carriage.

Dont make it difficult fo us and just pay the toll quickly!

Yeah, if you hand over everything you have, we might spare your lives, you know? Hehe.

Arcane glanced through a small window.

There were nine humans gathered, and their equipment didnt seem impressive, they werent adventurers.

They seemed more like a group of thieves trying to extort money from travelers passing through the mountains.

And the thieves also noticed Arcanes face peering through the small window.

They recoiled at the sight of her face.

Oh, wasnt that smooth bitch on board? Is she some noble lady?

Even the carriage looks fancy. Did we ask the right folks?

Im gonna go first! Im gonna go first!

While they were shouting aimlessly, the coachman, who had been driving the carriage, stood up from his seat.

Stop. I was bored, and this turned out nicely.

Arcane stopped the coachman and opened the carriage door before stepping outside.

Whats whats this?

The confident demeanor of Arcane startled the group of thieves.

It wasnt because she simply came out, but because her lower half was different from a humans.

Even if they were ignorant of monsters, it was impossible not to notice that her lower half was that of a snake.

S-Shit! Its a monster! Run, everyone!

As soon as someone shouted, the group turned and started running away.

Arcane muttered softly as she watched them flee.


She smiled slightly and lowered her body.

Then, with her blue eyes, she scanned each fleeing prey. When all calculations were done, she sprang into action.

Her body slid smoothly on the ground with agile speed, and there was no one who could escape her grasp.

The seven fleeing thieves were caught in no time, feeling a sense of hopelessness as venom was injected into their bodies.

One of them swung a weapon, but it couldnt pierce her scaled skin.


Eventually, all of them succumbed to Arcanes venom.

As they felt their bodies stiffening, they closed their eyes in despair, realizing they were about to be consumed by the monster.

This entire process took only a few minutes.

Too bland, isnt it?

Arcane shoved the stiffened thieves into her mouth, still alive.

While she enjoyed her dinner, Stia neatly piled the remaining thieves inside the carriage.

There was still a long way to go.

During the journey, they would serve as Arcanes entertainment.

Taking care of the masters emotions was also part of the assistants duty.

After a brief incident, the carriage started moving again.

Once again, a dull and boring time ensued.

Time continued to pass, and soon, the carriage she was riding entered the Demon World.

Now, they were not far from their destination.

At the same time, she was excited.

Who will entertain me this time?

Just the thought made her joyful.




Inside the venue where the social circle was held was filled with rich mystique and unique beauty.

The ceiling resembled a night sky, sparkling with starlight in the darkness.

Everything was magical yet so intricate that it felt like looking up at the sky.

Tall marble pillars supported the ceiling, creating a serene atmosphere, surrounded by ornate candle lights and gold-carved decorations.

Lavish tables were set, displaying rare delicacies.

Monsters belonging to the Demon World Merchant Association, dressed in elegant attire, approached the attendees of the gathering, offering drinks with smiles on their faces.

In one corner, artistic performances enhanced the atmosphere, though the performers, all humans, didnt look well.

Their faces and bodies were bruised, and shackles adorned their legs.

They played their instruments with all their might, knowing that any mistake could cost them their lives.

Of course, nobody cared about that.

Instead, attendees freely enjoyed the food, trying to get accustomed to the atmosphere.

And as the mood intensified, a man appeared in the center

He was a muscular man with dark brown skin, exuding a strong presence.

Introducing himself as Thunderhead, he continued speaking.

First of all, it is an honor to share this special moment with you. This exchange meeting is a special opportunity to form solidarity and alliances between various dungeons and create new challenges and experiences.

Thunderhead held a glass filled with alcohol for a moment and quenched his throat.

We have prepared a modest dinner for you all. Please enjoy freely and mingle with others. Feel free to introduce your dungeons, or exchange goods and items. Thats what this gathering is for, after all. Hehe.


Any act of taking lives is strictly prohibited. Engaging in such acts will land you on the Associations blacklist. Otherwise, feel free to do as you please.

It was an extreme explanation.

While causing harm was overlooked, taking lives was strictly forbidden.

Those who understood the significance of being on the Associations blacklist listened quietly to Thunderheads words.

Of course, there are various events prepared for the banquet. For example, shall we call it dungeon duels? How about saving your strength for then and unleashing it at the right moment?


Everyone responded enthusiastically to his words.

This was not the first social gathering hosted by the Association.

On the contrary, it had a deep history, and even those attending for the first time had heard many stories about it.

For example, the benefits returned to the winning dungeon in duels, or the secret not-so-secret stories about unique items auctioned at the banquet.

We hope to form new connections here and move towards a brighter future together. We will now begin the social gathering hosted by the Demon World Merchant Association!

With Thunderheads words, the music resonated more energetically, marking the beginning of the official social gathering.

Sitting at his table, Arch Lich listened to Thunderheads words attentively.


Arch Lich nodded in agreement as he continued to write something in his notebook.

Beside him, Azmo was enjoying the surrounding beauty.

The Demon World Merchant Association is truly remarkable.

Azmo remarked, being intoxicated by the atmosphere of the banquet.

There was no such system as the Association on the Earth Azmo came from.

Each dungeon had to survive on its own.

The fact that there was an Association taking care of dungeons here on the El Dorad continent was surprising.

Of course, it was more about trade than care, but the existence of such an organization seemed impressive.


Arch Lich approached Azmo and suggested splitting up and acting independently from now on.

It would indeed be better to do so. I will explore elsewhere and rejoin later.

Azmo agreed with Arch Lichs suggestion and moved to another location.

Arch Lich remained in his place, still jotting down something.

Then, someone approached him, breaking his solitude.


It was a skeleton.

Just an ordinary one, not appearing particularly powerful.

Perhaps it was just a subordinate following its master.

Finishing his thoughts, Arch Lich continued to ignore the skeleton approaching him, still focused on his notebook.



The skeleton placed something in front of Arch Lich. It was a shining, high-quality diamond.

Arch Lich closed the notebook she had been looking at moments ago.

He realized that the purpose of the gathering was to interact with other dungeons.

Making connections like this might be helpful someday.

Glancing around, he didnt see Azmo anywhere.

Nodding to himself, Arch Lich discreetly pocketed the diamond.

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