The Dungeon Monsters Keep Offering Sacrifices

Chapter 94: Scheduled Slaves Rebellion (2)

Chapter 94: Scheduled Slaves Rebellion (2)

The dungeon monsters keep offering sacrifices – 094

EP.94 Scheduled Slaves Rebellion (2)

Before the auction began.

Contrary to the fervent atmosphere of the banquet hall, the atmosphere in the underground prison was dark and gloomy.

The underground prison, a temporary space where slaves to be sold at auction were confined.

Various races were gathered in the underground prison.

From the moment they entered, they were deprived of the right to be respected as living beings.

They were merely commodities waiting to be sold.

The reason for being accommodated separately by race was also for such a purpose.

It was a precaution taken by the Demon World Merchant in case the merchandise got damaged for some reason.

The stories of those trapped in the prison were extremely diverse.

Adventurers who failed in dungeon conquest attempts.

Mercenaries sold into slavery or kidnapped mercenaries.

Among them, there were also noble-born illegitimate children.

Of course, monsters were not exceptions either.

They too had various stories.

Some monsters were dragged here while leading a wandering life, and there were dungeon masters who fell into slavery with massive debts to the merchants.

There were even cases where dungeon masters sold their subordinates to repay their debts.

Or there were those who were imprisoned as the dungeon failed, so various stories coexisted in one place.

Meanwhile, those imprisoned also knew their fate of being sold somewhere.

Until their fate reached its conclusion, there would be no relief from the shadow of despair on their faces.

Even amidst this, there were those who sang songs of hope.

Especially in one section of the prison, instead of being buried in despair, they gathered their hands to pray and spread songs of hope.

They knew that hope was the power that illuminated the darkness.

“Oh, goddess. Please pity us and grant us the strength to overcome this difficult trial.”

Priest Rephina of the White Church prayed quietly.

Rephina had filled every moment with prayer since being imprisoned.

Perhaps someday the helping hand of the goddess would come.

She hoped that her faith and earnest expectations would be conveyed to the goddess, igniting the spark of hope.

After finishing her brief prayer, Rephina looked around.

Beside her was another priest, a man named Talin.


Talin’s condition was not so good.

He was still lying on the cold floor with bandages around his body.

The wounds he had sustained during dungeon conquest had festered due to lack of proper treatment.

If not treated properly, his life might be in danger.

The reason they ended up here was simple.

As priests of the church, they had ventured into dungeon conquest but failed.

In addition to their failure, they were captured by the monsters guarding the dungeon.

And now, being sold here was their story.

“Talin, hold on a little longer. Surely, the goddess will hear our prayers.”

Rephina comforted the struggling Talin.

Fortunately, Talin was also a devout priest.

Even in the worst situation, he never let go of the thread of hope.

Rephina gently touched his shoulder and turned her head back.

Behind her were seven holy knights.

But they were all trainees, not full-fledged knights.

Even with only experienced knights present, the situation was uncertain whether they could escape from here. Trainees were all there were.


In reality, escaping from here was almost impossible.

The situation was so difficult, but Rephina did not despair.

Perhaps all of this was a trial sent by the goddess.

If they could overcome this trial, they would surely be rewarded with greater growth.

“Let us all pray.”

Rephina spoke quietly.

At her words, Talin, despite his painful condition, forced himself to rise.

The two priests, along with others who had not yet been officially ordained as knights, also joined hands.

Their prayers continued in this hellish space, hoping their earnest hearts would reach the heavens and the goddess.

Someday, we seek salvation from this hell.

How much time had passed?

Footsteps echoed in the quiet underground prison.

The footsteps soon stopped somewhere.


It was precisely where Rephina and her companions were imprisoned.

Sensing movement, Rephina opened her eyes.

“Who are you?”

Outside the bars stood a small demon.

With a red face and small wings, this little demon had a tiny stature that only reached Rephina’s waist.

The small demon remained silent, gazing at them quietly without answering Rephina’s question.

An awkward silence ensued.

After a moment, the small demon spoke.

“I am a servant who serves Sir Sernu. I have no permitted name, so please feel free to call me.”

Rephina grasped the current situation.


She didn’t know who that was.

But it was certain that this being had a connection with those who had imprisoned them here.

And now, such a being had sent its subordinate to them.

Perhaps conversing with the small demon in front of her would reveal what was happening.

“But what business do you have with us?”

Rephina replied in the most courteous voice possible.

There was no reason to upset the other party with an oppressive attitude.

And the small demon also treated them gently.

And her prediction was correct.

The small demon pulled something out of its bosom and handed it through the bars.

It was a small glass bottle.

Inside the bottle was a liquid, and even at a glance, one could feel its divine power.

Why did the item the demon handed over exude divine power?

Rephina harbored doubts.

There were a total of nine glass bottles there.

At the same time, Rephina noticed that the number of people in her group, including herself, was nine.

“That is a potion that temporarily boosts divine power.”

The small demon handed them a potion.

But the characteristics of the potion troubled her.

A potion that supposedly boosts divine power.

“Why would a demon like you have such a potion?”

Naturally, nothing good came out of Rephina’s mouth.

“Oh, please do not misunderstand. I did not come here to argue with you, priest.”

The demon’s words calmed Rephina down as well.

“I am simply here to convey the words of my master, Sir Sernu, to Priest Rephina.”

Rephina made an incredulous expression at the small demon’s words.

She had not informed the other party of her name.


It wasn’t entirely incomprehensible.

They dared to traffic priests affiliated with the church; they must have this level of information.

“The potion I just gave you temporarily boosts divine power. Oh, and you need not worry about side effects. High-ranking priests also participated in the creation of this potion.”

Rephina bit her lip at the small demon’s words.

An unidentified potion that boosts divine power.

It was too strange that such a potion was made under the participation of priests affiliated with the church.

Not only were they involved in its creation, but now the result was in the hands of a demon.

Rephina wasn’t foolish enough not to understand the implications.

“To think there are those who collaborate with demons…”

Rephina murmured, seeming disappointed, but the small demon simply continued its story.

“Your task is simple. Before you go on stage later, drink that potion. And-”

The small demon’s request was simple.

They just had to drink the potion and attack the designated target as specified by the demon.

In return, everyone here would be safely released, the small demon promised.

Rephina hesitated for a moment at the small demon’s request.

‘Surely it’s not a trap?’

If the small demon’s words were true and the effects of the potion were real, it meant there was a slight chance of escaping from here.

Escape was impossible with the current personnel anyway.

So, they were just praying.

At the small demon’s words, the others also harbored hope in their eyes.

‘Using the power bestowed by the goddess for the sake of a demon…’

Even if it was against her will, there was no choice.

Sigh… Sigh…

Above all, Talin’s condition was deteriorating.


Perhaps the current situation itself was a lifeline granted by the goddess?

Rephina consoled herself with that thought as she looked at Talin.

When Rephina glanced at Talin, the small demon handed her something else.

“This is an advanced potion. It would be better if at least one more person could maintain a better condition to meet our demands. If you wish, we can also write up a contract.”

Rephina felt both bewildered and relieved at the contradictory sight of the demon trying to heal the priest.

The idea that if they followed the demands, they might escape from here filled her mind.

The advanced potion the demon handed over was insufficient to heal all of Talin’s wounds.

But it could buy them some time.

“But who is the target?”

By now, she was curious.

Why was someone asking for their help to this extent?

In this prison, not only themselves but also many monsters were imprisoned.

Was it plausible for such a large group to be ordered to attack someone?

“If the target is a member of the same church, we will not do it.”

Rephina was firm.

If the target to be attacked belonged to the same church, she would absolutely refuse.

“Oh, don’t worry. They are not the same species as you.”

While the small demon and Rephina were talking, another entity approached.

This time it was a different monster, a skeleton wearing ceremonial robes.


(It’s your turn.)

Of course, Rephina couldn’t understand the skeleton’s words.

“Clack clack.”

(Sir Sernu has added one more condition.)

The skeleton conveyed Sernu’s commands without omitting anything.

The small demon nodded as it listened to the skeleton’s words.

And then, casually, it said to Rephina.

“It’s almost time. Just remember one thing. After drinking all the potions I gave you and going up, there will be a figure wearing a black mask. Attack that figure.”

According to the skeleton, along with Arch Lich, the black-masked figure beside it was also to be attacked.

However, if the small demon were to instruct them to attack both targets at once, the burden on Rephina’s side would be too heavy.

The small demon had served Sernu for a long time.

And it realized that Sernu was currently more focused on the figure with the black mask than Arch Lich.

So, it only mentioned that.

“I’ll give you five minutes to prepare.”

The small demon said so and handed over a key.

It was a key to the iron chains restraining Rephina and her companions’ hands and feet.




Coming to this auction was truly an excellent choice.

Could it be that with these jewels alone, we can sweep up the monsters…

It requires a whopping 5000 jewels just to draw 10 monsters in the gacha.

The talk goes to gacha.

In fact, most of them were 1-star monsters.

Buying 10 1-star monsters for 5000 gems?

It was truly the worst value for money.

However, this auction house was not the same.

At most, with hundreds of jewels, several monsters came into my hands.

‘I should take this Gargoyle back to Earth.’

I initially didn’t want to bid for the Gargoyle, but I changed my mind after hearing the auctioneer’s words.

‘Could Gargoyles really have such characteristics?’

All Gargoyles found on Earth were F-grade monsters.

But it seemed that injecting strong magic power into Gargoyles made them stronger.

It was a fact unknown even among hunters.

Upon hearing that, I quietly ordered Arch Lich.

-We’ll bid again this time.

Arch Lich did well in proxy bidding according to my orders.

Thanks to that, all the monsters put up for auction were in my hands.

‘I hope auctions like this happen frequently in the future.’

That was a sincere feeling.

It was the most enjoyable content I had experienced so far.

I eagerly awaited who would appear next.

“Alright, everyone participating in the auction! The next item is a group of humans!”

The atmosphere cooled down at the auctioneer’s words.

“Let’s not auction that.”

I whispered to Arch Lich, and he nodded.

The group of humans belonged to the church, with two priests and seven trainee knights.

There was no need to bid for trainee holy knights who were not even official holy knights, and the priests didn’t seem particularly useful.

“Yeah, it’s not good to monopolize too much.”

Besides, we were currently sweeping through the auction house.

As a result, other monsters were giving us looks of disapproval and watching me and Arch Lich closely.

This time, I quietly looked at the stage, intending to yield the item to others.

Shortly afterward, church members appeared on the stage.

There were exactly nine of them, and it was easy to tell who the priests were and who were the trainee holy knights.

There was one female and one male priest.


I found myself clicking my tongue as I looked at the priests.

With only two priests, one of them didn’t look so good.

They had bandages wrapped around their body.

“Alright! Who will take all of them?! Wouldn’t it be refreshing to unleash the anger you’ve harbored against the church on them? Haha!”

The auctioneer said, turning his head in this direction.

It felt like he was looking at me.

‘What’s this?’

And then things suddenly took a turn.


The monsters around began to scream.

It seemed that the priests and trainee holy knights on stage suddenly sprang forward.

The problem was.

The fact that they were coming straight for me.

They didn’t have weapons, but there was a faint light in their clenched fists.

Even without thinking, I could tell what that power was.

‘Divine power…!’

Why were they attacking me all of a sudden?

And why were the chains the slaves were holding easily released?

“Damn it!”

There was no time to think.

I just had to stop the approaching attackers right away.

Fortunately, some of the trainee holy knights were blocked by the monsters around them.

But the female priest who was still approaching with fierce momentum was the problem.

I immediately raised my hand and cast a spell.

The skill I obtained last time, Holy Shield.

Although it was a C-grade skill, it was said to be a shield created with the protection of the goddess and divine power.

But it was my first time using this skill.

I needed a moment.

“Protect me!”

Arch Lich snapped his fingers in response to my command.

Instantly, one of the skeletons next to Arch Lich exploded.


The sudden explosion startled the attackers, causing them to hesitate.

‘This is it.’

While the attackers hesitated for a moment.

“Holy Shield!”

Divine power gathered in my hand as a shield-shaped barrier unfolded.

The magnificent Divine Shield flashed like light, illuminating the surroundings brightly.

At the same time, it collided with the fist of the approaching female priest.


The collision between the opponent’s attack and the Divine Shield I unfolded made a loud noise.

The clash created a huge light like thunder and lightning meeting, causing a powerful shockwave to spread around.

Contrary to the aftermath that spread around, I remained unfazed.

The same was true for the opponent.

‘Maybe it’s because similar attributes collided.’

Normally, there should have been some effect even when similar attributes clashed.

But the source of the power now was Divine power.

Perhaps the current situation was also due to the special nature of Divine power.

I just accepted it calmly.

However, the female priest seemed quite surprised.

She looked at me with an astonished expression and stuttered.

“W-why do you possess the power of the goddess…?”

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