The Elysium Across Deep Space

Chapter 11: Showdown- The New Versus The Old

Chapter 11: Showdown- The New Versus The Old

The Old Arts. Bits and pieces of records from the Old Era, carefully collected and curated. They were also known as the Scattered Arts. These archives of ancient knowledge were once viewed as treasure to those in power.

But now, it has fallen from grace. Many from the New World were even beginning to refer to it as the “Crude Arts”. However, anyone immersed in the Old Arts and its research, would find this appellation quite grating.

Shrouded by the darkness of night, Wang Xuan remained composed, but he was ready to strike. He had made up his mind to accept the challenge. The other party had made it clear that it was his intention to seek him out, and that he was a practitioner of the New Arts, he saw no reason to back down.

"What should I call you?" he inquired.

"Zhou Yun," the young man known as Yun responded, his smile revealing a set of pearly white teeth.

As he spoke, his entire demeanor changed. A dangerous aura emanated from the man. His gaze was sharp, almost piercing, as though he was looking at a prey, and he began to silently advance.

"Funny, I could’ve almost sworn that your surname is Ling," Wang Xuan met his gaze, unflinching by the approaching threat.

Zhou Yun's eyes narrowed slightly at that suggestion. The sharpness of his gaze intensified. His aura grew even more menacing.

Wang Xuan was astute in perception. He was able to catch that slight movement. There was no need to continue probing about the matter. It was all the sign he needed.

Zhou Yun beckoned, "Come, let's see how your Old Arts fare against my New Arts. We’ll see if the scattered remnants from the archives of the distant past should be put up for display in a museum."

He advanced with a smile on his face. He was like a beast ready to pounce. Despite his eagerness, he was not approaching his opponent in a straight line. This suggested a wealth of combat experience.

Qin Cheng shouted, "Why should he spar with you? Who are you? Where are you from? What do you want?"

He was somewhat concerned for Wang Xuan. After all, their opponent came prepared. It was unlikely that he would pick a fight with Wang Xuan without preparation. The man was obviously confident of his abilities to take him on.

Wang Xuan gestured for him to stop talking. There was little left to say. The decision was already made. He would spar with the person before them.

Zhou Kun, Su Chan, Kong Yi, and others attempted to intervene, worries were written all over their faces. But Wang Xuan had already agreed to the duel.

"Let's make it clear from the start—this is a friendly spar. No excessive force, and let's keep it controlled," Zhao Qinghan's voice broke the silence. As her words faded, sounds echoed from the distant landing pad, and two humanoid robots swiftly approached.

These frigid metallic automatons possessed intelligence and were armed with lethal, highly advanced weaponry. They positioned themselves at the lawn's edge, their focus trained on the would-be combatants. Zhou Yun eyed the two automatons. He knew it was a warning from Zhao Qinghan. She might not have worded it out, but it was directed at him. She feared he would go overboard and spill blood with his Transhuman Arts.

He nodded, "Alright, it's settled then. I was curious to see if those practicing the Old Techniques still have a path forward, or if they've truly declined."

Zhou Yun was a tall man with short hair and tanned skin. His muscular form gave him a formidable appearance when he took on an offensive stance.

Wang Xuan activated his internal cultivation technique, expelling the impurities and the alcohol from his body. He hadn't exactly been sparing with his drinking tonight, which might put him at a slight disadvantage.

"Do you need a break?" Zhou Kun inquired.

Qin Cheng hastily nodded, "That's right, after all that drinking, our reflexes might be a tad bit affected."

"Give me a few minutes," Wang Xuan responded.

Then, he closed his eyes, drawing upon the core techniques of the practitioners from the Early Qin tomb. He followed its distinct rhythm, envisioning the radiance of stars and moonlight transforming into a gentle rain of light, permeating his body. Simultaneously, he visualized impurities exiting his body through his pores, and being washed away by the lunar radiance and starry shower.

These visualizations were not uncommon; various existing internal cultivation techniques and meditation methods were known to have such practices. However, it was the frequencies and rhythms that were crucial. The lineage of the Early Qin practitioners was truly remarkable, and the effects were astonishing.

Many could see a pure white light enveloping Wang Xuan, as if he had garnered the favor of the stars and moon. It gave him an air of ethereal tranquility.

This amazing spectacle left everyone in awe. They knew not that the Old Arts can be mastered to this degree. Perhaps the Old Arts are not obsolete yet! Are the words that appeared in many of their minds.

After six minutes, Wang Xuan opened his eyes and said calmly, "I’m ready."

His tall, well-built frame radiated confidence in the moonlit night.

"Just what I’ve been waiting for!"

Without hesitation, Zhou Yun charged forward, with a gust of wind following in his wake. His astonishing speed caught many of the onlooking students off guard. The only thing they saw were the deep footprints he left behind on the lawn. The ground he tread upon shattered, leaving behind ruptured earth and grass, a testament to the immense power he wielded.


Wang Xuan's reflexes were lightning fast. He lifted his foot and sent a long wooden table laden with self-serve food hurtling toward Zhou Yun. What sent shivers down everyone's spines was how Zhou Yun was not even fazed. It was like he was a human with the strength of a lion. He was able to shatter the sturdy wooden table with a strike of his palm, Showering the onlookers with splinters. The crowd ducked away with terror on their faces.

Zhou Yun was ferocious. The sheer force of his attack could easily prove fatal if it struck a person. But Wang Xuan displayed an agility that was unprecedented. He was able to sidestep his opponent’s lunge, allowing to charge past him harmlessly.

With a swift twist of his hand, Wang Xuan's palm sliced through the air, missing Zhou Yun by a hairbreadth. The force behind the strike sent ripples through the air.

Zhou Yun was undoubtedly a formidable opponent. In the split second of he missed his mark, he swung his right elbow backward, colliding with Wang Xuan's outstretched palm, resulting in a muffled thud. Both of the combatants recoiled from the impact, but Zhou Yun recovered quickly and pressed forward.

He quickly pivoted himself and made another attempt to close in on Wang Xuan. He leaped into the air. There was an untamed wilderness in him. He was just like a tiger pouncing on its prey. He was aiming for Wang Xuan.

This time, Wang Xuan decided to meet his attack head on. With a swift movement, he spun and delivered a kick at Zhou Yun who was in the air. A resounding thud echoed like a muffled thunderbolt, sending ripples of powerful sound that shook the onlookers.

Zhou Yun was sent soaring, but his agility was impressive. Although slightly staggered, he was able to land on his feet.

"You do have some tricks up your sleeve," he locked his gaze onto Wang Xuan, taken aback by the unexpected challenge.

“You’re using techniques from the Old Arts. What about the New Arts that you’ve been talking about?” Wang Xuan asked.

"Wouldn’t it be better if I can defeat you using the Old Arts? That way I wouldn't need to resort to using the New Arts," Zhou Yun responded. Intense aggression was radiating from his body.He was still poised and ready to strike. He gave off the air of a dangerous man.

"The technique I'm using might be from the Old Arts, but my strength doesn't solely come from techniques like chi gathering and inner cultivation. I’ve been keeping up with the times. Integrating my techniques with genetic advancements was something I did long ago." Zhou Yun was not concerned about revealing the foundation of his strength. It was merely an enhancement of his own physical strength. The secrets of the Transhuman Arts were still safe.

The New World transfers among the onlookers knew what he meant. Long ago, researchers on New World had been working in this field, focusing on gene optimization and editing for newborns. However, most of these efforts were conducted in secrecy to avoid public backlash.

Zhou Yun's formidable physical strength didn't originate from chi gathering and inner cultivation. It was purely a result of genetic modifications. It made his strength terrifying and practically beyond the level of ordinary individuals.

Wang Xuan ceased speaking. This time, he took the initiative to attack. Since it was clear that Zhou Yun’s intentions were clear, there was no need for words. The only course of action left in front of him was to strike and defeat his opponent.

The two combatants moved swiftly, their punches and kicks producing faint sounds reminiscent of thunder and wind, sending shivers down the spines of onlookers.Such force, if directed at a person, could cause severe injury, if not outright death.


The lawn beneath their feet erupted as they landed, their immense strength creating deep craters, shattering the ground around them, and sending debris flying.

The Old Arts, when practiced to a certain extent, indeed surpass the capabilities of ordinary individuals. In ancient times, they possessed immense destructive power, which contributed to their enduring popularity for many years. However, mastering these arts is no simple task.

Whether due to changes in the environment or the distractions caused by the dazzling advancements in modern technology, fewer and fewer individuals are able to master the Old Arts. They could not continue to grow once they have reached a bottleneck, condemning their potential to be forever limited to that height.

Consequently, the Old Arts have gradually faded into obscurity, making true masters a rarity.

Wang Xuan's performance was truly remarkable for someone his age. He has managed to overpower even Zhou Yun, who possessed exceptional genetic enhancements. With the initiative seized by Wang Xuan, Zhou Yin was being forced back. He was rapidly losing ground.

How is it possible for Wang Xuan's lean frame to possess such explosive power?


Wang Xuan's fist sent Zhou Yun reeling, his blood churning as he staggered back. He could even taste blood in his mouth. Wang Xuan swiftly followed up with a leg sweep. His leg arced through the air, grazing Zhou Yun on the shoulder.

Despite avoiding the full brunt of the attack, Zhou Yun could feel a searing pain shooting through him. His clothes were immediately torn upon impact. Blood was trickling down his back. His shoulder might have suffered a fracture had he not evaded.

He’s a monster! That was the only way Zhou Yun could describe him. Even with his robust physique and enhanced genetic makeup, he could not withstand a direct hit from his opponent.. Others would likely fare even worse.

Despite having undergone genetic optimization, Zhou Yun found himself unable to fully defend against his opponent's punches and kicks. The sheer strength behind each blow was terrifying. He did not even dare to imagine what would happen to his head if Wang Xuan’s punch connected.

"Hoo!" He exhaled a breath, quickly stepping back, and his entire demeanor changed.A faint blue mist appeared around him, clinging to his skin. It gave him a mysterious aura.

"You wanted to witness the New Arts? Come on then! I’ll show you!" Zhou Yun growled.

Gasps erupted from the onlookers. They have not seen someone in such a state before. And even from a distance, they could feel the danger oozing from him. The New World transfers were tensed up. They understood that this was the manifestation of the New Arts, tapping into supernatural forces that, once unleashed, could have profound consequences.

"Wang Xuan, if something feels amiss, call out to us immediately," someone reminded. The worry in their voice clear.

Wang Xuan halted his movement, refraining from an immediate counterattack. He opted instead to observe the extraordinary power that he was sensing from Zhou Yun.

His opponent charged, enveloped in a faint blue mist that looked like light. He launched a full-fledged assault against Wang Xuan.

"Not good!"

Wang Xuan evaded, realizing that Zhou Yun's torrential barrage was a mere smokescreen. The true threat lay in the blue mist, its delicate azure radiance appeared to be distorting the space around it. Is that thing warping reality itself? A shiver of dread coursed through Wang Xuan. Yet, he swiftly rationalized that it could not be a spatial distortion. Zhou Yun was incapable of such a feat. Perhaps it’s distorting my perception then?

Drawing upon the legacy of the Early Qin practitioners, Wang Xuan rapidly bolstered his mental focus, dispelling the haze of confusion. He was shocked. Surprised by the fact that Zhou Yun's supernatural ability—the azure light surrounding him—could influence one's psyche.

Had he been careless just now, it would have spelled certain defeat for him.

Wang Xuan swung his right palm with tremendous force. The power behind would have sent a normal person flying with a force that could shatter their bones. Zhou Yun met his attack head on this time. His right fist emitted a faint blue light as it collided with Wang Xuan's palm.

They both let out a muffled grunt when their fists collided.

Zhou Yun felt a surge of immense power crashing into him. It felt as if his fist was about to snap. He was even bleeding through the gaps between his nails. It sent a chill down his spine. His opponent was capable of harming him despite his supernatural abilities. He was fortunate that his finger bones were not shattered outright.

Wang Xuan, on the other hand, felt something unusual. He retreated from his opponent, alarmed. A mysterious force was seeping into his body. It must be the blue glow!

In an instant, a tingling sensation spread through his arm, and even his internal organs felt uncomfortable. He quickly retreated.

"Hah! Now you know the power of the Transhuman Arts! It is something that far surpasses your imagination. The Old Arts are truly outdated!" Zhou Yun declared, not stopping his advance. He swiftly shifted his body, moving like a gust of wind, his form enveloped in the faint azure glow.

Zhou Yun could not afford to give Wang Xuan a chance to catch his breath. He knew that he had to end the battle quickly.

"What is that thing? Old Wang, let me know if you can’t hold on anymore!" Qin Cheng grew anxious. He glanced around and grabbed a table. He was ready to intervene for his friend’s sake.

"That is the New Arts! It taps into the realm of supernatural forces!" Zhou Kun whispered. He was telling Qin Cheng the truth with his explanation.

"In the Western world, they refer to that kind of energy as the God Factor. Here, we call it the Supernatural Element."

The sparring match continued. Wang Xuan found himself caught between a rock and a hard place. It was his first encounter with supernatural forces, a realm he was entirely unfamiliar with. He was being affected in mind and in body.


Suddenly, with a faint crack of thunder, Wang Xuan activated an ancient Daoist technique, causing a resonance within his internal organs. It was a unique form of physical technique.

"It's the Five Organs Thunder Resonance Technique!" someone exclaimed.

The onlookers were all students from the Old Arts Research Department, and they were well-versed in their field. It did not take them long to recognize Wang Xuan’s technique. This particular physical technique was exceedingly challenging. One would say that it was almost impossible to master it through conventional means. At least, none of them had succeeded in doing so. The fact that Wang Xuan managed to wield it was astonishing.

His internal organs rumbled like they had thunder contained within them, elevating his metabolism significantly and accelerating it further. Thin wisps of blue light emanated from his pores, casting a faint glow around him.

Zhao Qinghan's eyes sparkled with interest as she instructed her automatons, "Quick, record this. To think that there's a way to counteract the New Arts like this. Even though Zhou Yun has tapped into supernatural forces, his initial attack was neutralized by the Old Arts on the first attempt. It's truly remarkable."

With his body returning to its normal state, Wang Xuan unleashed his most potent technique. Thunder resonated within his body and his hands cleaved forward with the force of lightning.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The faint blue light enveloping Zhou Yun’s body was scattered by the collision. He was sent flying backwards through the air. Blood was pouring through his mouth.

Zhou Yun, who had mastered the New Arts, was defeated. This left the spectators astonished. Wang Xuan had defeated Zhou Yun with the Old Arts!   

Wang Xuan approached, intending to further observe the dissipating blue glow on Zhou Yun's body.


Zhou Yun swiftly rose and launched another attack at him. Wang Xuan quickly grabbed his arm, the resonating thunder within him dispersing the blue light substance. He then struck Zhou Yun's abdomen with a powerful punch, causing him to bend over in pain.

"You’re still thinking of attacking me after your defeat?" Wang Xuan delivered another palm strike to Zhou Yun's spine. It caused him intense pain and rendered him immobile.

Wang Xuan's body was sweaty and sticky due to the exertion from activating the Five Organs Thunder Resonance technique, which had accelerated his metabolism and expelled a lot of sweat. Feeling somewhat fatigued, he sat directly on Zhou Yun, “No sudden moves.” he warned. He was ready to react to any petty tricks his defeated opponent might try.

"Tell me, who are you?" Wang Xuan inquired sternly.

At that moment, a small airship descended, and a middle-aged man emerged, followed by a young woman in her early twenties. She remained silent, her displeasure evident as she walked behind the man.

"Hmm?!" The middle-aged man's expression changed when he saw Zhou Yun pinned beneath Wang Xuan.

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