The Epic Tale of Chaos vs Order

Chapter 109

109 Hellblazer Family (II)

“There seems to be a problem with your words. Cadet Levi enrolled in the Collapsing Lightning Military Academy, and there is still half a year on his mandatory service. He can not leave, and you can not take him unless you want to break the laws and defy the authority of the Imperial Lightning Fort.” Zarak’s eyes began to glow with blue light as he expressed that last part, generating immense pressure on the Marik and the others.

‘That is right. I am part of the Imperial Military Force now. Even if I am just a cadet, I am under their rules and protection, and not even Dukes would dare to defy their authority, as that would mean defying the Emperor.” Levi’s heart calmed, and a small smile appeared on his face.

Nevertheless, Levi immediately understood that things would not be so easy when he saw that Marik managed to stay calm under Zarak’s pressure and showed him a cold smile.

“The Hellblazer Family would not do something so impolite as to defy the rules of the Lightning Imperial Fort. Actually, Young Master Levi had wanted to enter Hellblazer University, but his merits and talent were not high enough.

He sent many letters during the past few months stating that desire. We have ignored them, but his recent accomplishments proved his might, so the university made a special place for him.”


Marik had just finished speaking when Levi shouted, full of rage. His choice of entering the military had nothing to do with his inability to enter a university, and he certainly never sent a message stating that desire.

“Young Master, how rude of you to call me a liar. Especially when I have proof that supports my words.” Marik kept smiling as he sent a folder to Zarak and Levi through his A.I. Chip.

Zarak showed nothing as he went through the folder, but shock appeared on Levi’s face.


In it, there were letters and audio files from Levi to Hellblazer University begging them to give him a spot. They were marked as sent from his A.I. Chip, and the voice in the audio files was an exact match to his.

Levi knew they were fake, but he could not prove it. He had zero talent when it came to hacking.

“Even if cadet Levi was desperate to enter Hellblazer University, that does not mean he could leave the Collapsing Lightning Military Academy.”

Zarak did not question the authenticity of the letters and audio files and only stated a fact.

Levi was also aware of that, but he understood they would definitely have something more hidden under their sleeve if they went through all this trouble.

Mirak’s cold smile only grew wider as he sent a second folder to Zarak and Levi.

Disbelief appeared on Levi’s face as he read the letter inside the folder, and even Zarak showed some surprise. They saw a letter from the Collapsing Lightning Logistics Department stating Levi Hellblazer’s transfer to Hellblazer University.

In the letter, there was Levi’s digital signature, meaning that he had asked for this, and it was dated a day before he fell unconscious battling with the Atrox Wave Champion.

“We use the correct channels for something so sensitive as a transfer in the middle of the year. Young Master Levi communicated with the officer in charge and went through all the procedures using his A.I. Chip.

We came in such a hurry because we could not contact him, but it seems that Young Master is perfectly fine.” Marik looked at Levi, and the smile on his face only grew nastier, as if telling the young man that there was nothing he could do.

Levi was having a hard time understanding what was happening. He knew the Hellblazer Family was powerful, but he never thought they could falsify so much information and find a way to bring him out of the Imperial Military Academy without breaking any rule.

“I find nothing wrong with this transfer order. Besides, according to this, you spoke with someone in the Imperial Lightning Logistics Department 16 days ago.” Zarak’s voice was calm, as if everything that happened had nothing to do with him.

“It is false! I have never contacted anyone in the logistics department, and much less express my desire to leave the Collapsing Lightning Military Academy.” Levi shouted with rage. He could not keep calm when something so outrageous was happening to him.

“Young Master, it is too late to change your mind. The logistics department has already emitted your transfer order, and you must leave with us immediately. If you refuse, we have the authority to make you comply.” Marik’s voice was full of mockery, and it was clear how little he thought of Levi.

Levi clenched his fist as he stared at Marik. He knew he could not win against the middle-aged man but refused to go down without a fight.

“Do you have any proof that this is false?”

Levi heard Zarak’s question and turned to this one before shaking his head. He had no way of proving the Hellblazer Family’s scheme.

“Since the cadet had nothing to say, I would like to ask a few questions before you leave.”

“Of course, Lord Zarak.” Marik showed a smile toward Zarak as he bowed. Initially, he was afraid that the Collapsing Lightning Pillar would interfere, but it seemed he was just being paranoid.

“The questions I have are not for someone currently in this room.”

Zarak’s words confused Levi and the members of the Hellblazer Family, but he just waited quietly, not offering any explanation for his actions.

After five minutes of waiting, the teleportation matrix in the room glowed, and the one that appeared was a man wearing a military uniform.

When the man reached the room, there was a confident expression on his face, but the moment he saw Levi and the Hellblazer Family members, all that smugness vanished. What replaced it was a sense of dread.

The man seemed to want to jump back into the teleportation matrix, but an invisible force grabbed his body and brought him toward Zarak.

Mirak was about to step forward when he saw that, but he stopped before doing it. There was no way he could interfere with someone so powerful as Zarak, and there was a clear apprehension on his face.

As soon as the man in military attire saw Zarak’s blue eyes, his entire body began to tremble, and his face grew deadly pale.

Levi frowned as he did not understand what was happening.

‘Who is that man, and why did Mirak and the others act like that?’

Something bad for Mirak was good for him, but Levi did not dare to lower his guard.

“Brat, have you ever seen this man before?”

Levi was confused by Zarak’s question. He saw the pleading gaze in the man, but there was no way he would lie in a situation like this.

“I have never seen him.”

Zarak’s eyes grew cold as he heard that, and the force that held the man in place began to exert even more strength.

“How odd. This man’s name is Frederik Loron, an officer in the Imperial Lightning Logistics Department. According to the transfer order, you spoke with him 16 days ago, and it was a video call, so how could you have never seen him before.”

Enlightenment appeared in Levi’s eyes as he heard that and a radiant smile appeared on his face. Mirak and the others were worried because Frederik was their inside man who plotted with them to generate that transfer order under false information.

In essence, Frederik Loron was a traitor, working for the Hellblazer Family and plotting to harm a cadet from the Collapsing Lightning Military Academy.

There was only one way in which the Imperial Military Force treated traitors.

Frederick knew there was no way someone like him could trick Zarak, so he threw another pleading gaze, this time to the Hellblazer Family.

Marik would have preferred if Frederik died before saying a single word, but it was clear that things would not end so cleanly, which is why he interfered.

“Lord Zarak, we should not discuss matters like this in the open. It would be best if you consider the bigger picture and give some face to the people we represent.” Marik did not have the power to influence someone like Zarak, so he wanted to put some pressure on this one by mentioning his background.

Levi clenched his fists when he heard that. This experience had proven that while the military’s rules and codes could help him, they were far from enough to guarantee his safety.

He was worried that Zarak would cave into Marik for fear of offending the Hellblazer Duke.

It was at that point that Levi noticed that Abin, who had not said a word or expressed any emotion this entire time, shook her head and stared at Marik with some pity.

Before Levi could even wonder the reason for Abin’s pity, Zarak raised his index finger and generated a small orb of revolving water before shooting it. Everything happened in less than a second and what occurred next were screams.

“AHHHHHHH!” Marik screamed in agony as that small orb of water landed on his right shoulder, destroying the muscles and bones, and severing his arm!

Terror appeared in the eyes of the other two middle age man from the Hellblazer Family. None of them could have stopped an attack like that.

“Keep screaming, and the next one will land in your jaw.” Zarak’s voice was eerie cold as he generated a second orb of revolving water.

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