The Epic Tale of Chaos vs Order

Chapter 111

111 Hellblazer Family (IV)

Magnus kept smiling after hearing Zarak’s threat, but a very sharp light appeared in his eyes.

“Is Lord Zarak going to protect him from now on and avenge him if he perishes?”

Zarak immediately shook his head, making it clear that Magnus had things wrong.

“I have never seen this brat before, so there is no way I would spend every waking moment protecting him. As for avenging his death, while I will kill any traitor in the army, I am not so free as to go around butchering every man that killed a soldier.”

Magnus’ eyes grew even sharper as he heard that, and some confusion appeared on his face.

“If you are not the one that will make me regret going after him, then do you mean the son of a lowly concubine could defeat me?”

Levi’s eyes burst with killing intent as he heard how Magnus referred to his mother. The wrath was so immense that it seemed he would jump forward at any second, but a hand landed on his shoulder before he could take a single step.

The one that stopped Levi was Abin, and the young man was surprised to feel that he could not move a single muscle under the weight of that hand.

Even after that, Magnus still did not look at Levi and kept his eyes on Zarak.


“You are also wrong in that. That brat’s talent and wits can not equal yours. Of course, that could change in the future, but as things stand, he has no chance against you.”

Magnus’ smile vanished. It was clear that Zarak was playing with him, but he could only endure it as the difference in power was too great.

Zarak only smiled as he saw the annoyance on Magnus’ face. He found it amusing to bother people accustomed to seeing others beneath them.

“The one that will go after you is my core disciple. That brat values friendship a lot, and if you go after one of his friends, your end will be excruciating.”

When Levi heard that, a flash of rage appeared in his eyes, and he focused on Zarak. Although he hated the Hellblazer Family with all his heart, he never intended to involve anyone else in that fight, but Zarak’s words pushed Cain into it.

Levi knew that even if he swore no one would interfere, Magnus was not the type to leave loose ends. Actually, he already had an idea why all this happened.

Until now, Levi had not been a threat, so the Hellblazer Family did not care about him, despite knowing the wrath in his heart. However, the news of his involvement in the Atrox Wave Champion’s dead must have spread, making Magnus act.

Magnus’ eyes narrowed as he analyzed every word Zarak spoke. After a moment, he performed a deep bow.

“I thank Lord Zarak for your hospitality. I will be leaving now.” Magnus turned around and walked to the teleportation matrix with the rest of the middle-aged men from the Hellblazer Family before vanishing.

Zarak saw the group leave and waited for a few seconds before turning toward Levi.

“It is time for you to leave.”

Levi stared at Zarak for a moment before clasping his hands and bowing. He was thankful for the man’s help but was angry that this one brought Cain into his feud with the Hellblazer Family.

Zarak showed a small smile when he saw Levi vanish past the teleportation matrix.

“Abin, is that geezer still looking for disciples?”

“Yes, Master. Lord Kyrin’s last disciple perished two months ago and still has not found a new one.”

“Give him the information about this brat. His Lineage is suitable for training that technique, and he has no true background, so he is perfect.”

Abin was surprised when she heard that, and a flash of concern appeared in her eyes.

“Master, more than nine people have died training Lord Kyrin’s technique. If that were to happen to cadet Levi, would not that alienate the Young Lord?”

Zarak immediately shook his head, making it clear that Abin’s assessment was wrong.

“That geezer may seem careless, but all those who trained his technique knew the dangers they would face, and they could leave at any moment. Not to mention that could be the only way that brat would have any chance of surviving the plots of the Hellblazer Family.

I have already figured out Cain’s personality. As long as I do everything in the open, even if Levi were to die, he would not blame me.”

“If that is the case, I will contact Lord Kyrin as soon as possible.” Abin nodded, showing complete trust in Zarak’s assessment.

Zarak knew that he could leave the task in the hands of the woman. She had been a long time with him, and her help had proved priceless.

“By the way, how is that brat doing?”

“Young Lord is still in a profound sleep. He is training an auxiliary technique that keeps improving his body despite being unconscious, increasing the saturation point of his cells, allowing him to devour more and more of the B-Grade Blood Solution.”

“Hahaha, good, very good. His talent in the Ego Eternal Path of Power is truly amazing. For that brat to show no signs of waking up, he must instinctively be using his own Ego Wave to remain in a state of Embryonic Breathing.

Although his heroic nature is a little troublesome, he is still young and will mature as he understands the cruelty of this world.”

An odd expression appeared on Abin’s face when she saw Zarak’s laughing and shouting. She had known her Master for a long time and knew very few things could arouse his excitement.

“Master, can I ask a question?”

Zarak turned to Abin and saw the confusion in her eyes. He smiled, as he already knew what she wanted to ask.

“You are wondering why I put Cain in the sight of the Hellblazer’s brat, despite knowing the danger that represented.”

Abin showed no surprise that Zarak figured out her question. She would have found it weird if he had not done it.

“People like me and that brat take the Ego Eternal Path of Power as our primary source of strength. Our willpower determines how high our Ego Cultivation can rise, so I will send enemies on his path who can truly test him. That way, his limiter will never stop rising.”

“But what if he perishes?”

Abin knew that Zarak’s plan made perfect sense, but it would still put Cain in immense danger.

Zarak shrugged his shoulders as he heard Abin’s concerns.

“I am not his babysitter nor his father. I will use all my power to help him grow stronger, and it will be up to him if the enemies that appear on his path become boulders that crush his body or mere stepping stones.”

Abin nodded and said nothing else. It was not her place to question her Master’s guidance.

“Did you finish your research on his past?”

Zarak had already made inquiries about Cain after learning of the youth’s unique Ego Eternal Matrix. Still, it was only after this one entered the First Realm that he went the extra mile and commissioned thorough research.

“Yes, Master. His initial Wave Talent assessment declared him complete trash with a Low Tier 1 Wave Talent, but he suffered from the spontaneous awakening of a dormant bloodline. It was also around that time that it seems he killed a classmate named Kiron Uran.”

If Cain were here, he would have been shocked to know that Abin could figure out his involvement in the death of Kiron.

Zarak showed nothing when he heard about Cain’s assassination. However, interest did appear when he learned about the bloodline awakening.

“After that, he entered the military academy and showed no suspicious activity until around a month after the secret trial. Although I am not 100% sure, I believe he is responsible for the death of Nira and Dimitri Kilor, the last being a Level 4 Essence Wave Warrior. According to my information, the duo attempted to ambush the Young Lord, but things did not end their way.”

Once again, interest appeared on Zarak’s face. Killing a Level 4 Essence Wave Warrior while only at Level 2 was an impressive feat.

“Does the Kilor Family know about it?”

“I do not believe so. Young Lord did an excellent job hiding his tracks, and Nira and Dimitri’s bodies have still not appeared. However, they are working very hard to find the truth, so it is only a matter of time.”

Zarak remained silent for a moment as he considered things before giving a command.

“Keep an eye on the Kilor Family. If they discover the truth before Cain reaches Level 5, destroy them.”

Zarak had no problem sending enemies toward Cain so that this one could grow, but he was not reckless. Magnus Hellblazer was already a great threat, and adding another like the Kilor Family so soon could be too much.

Abin nodded and did not say a word. It was clear that for her, destroying a Viscount Family meant nothing. After giving the highlights, she sent the rest of the file to Zarak through her A.I. Chip.

“I need to rest. Bring that brat to me when he wakes up.” Zarak said nothing else before closing his eyes.

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