The Epic Tale of Chaos vs Order

Chapter 141 - 141 Genetic Sight

141 Genetic Sight

Camil finished with her explanation of every part of the Vector, how they could adapt to each other, and the possible mutations that it would go through the process. She noticed many cadets with confused expressions, but she had done her best, and if they could not form a Bronze Vector with their current knowledge, pursuing a path as a Genetic Coder would be a waste of time.

“There are special capsules in the front of your Genetic Chamber. You must use them to store the Vector, allowing this one to stabilize and be ready for the next step.

The more proficiency you display in your work, the lesser the Flaw Percentage in the Vector will be. If the Flaw Percentage is over 30%, the Vector will not survive the next step even if you can stabilize it.

You have until the end of the class to form an Elementary Bronze Vector. Feel free to ask me any questions you have.


As soon as Camil shouted those words, all the cadets focused on their Genetic Chambers, doing their best to block everything else.

Cain’s eyes glowed with red light as he enhanced his cognitive abilities with his Ego Wave. Although this would grant him an advantage over the other cadets, it would be stupid not to use every weapon at his disposal.

Next, following Camil’s instructions, he connected his [A.I. Chip Module] to the Genetic Chambers, granting a virtual platform that showed him the Vector’s components floating inside the green liquid.

‘Virtual Sight’


The moment that thought crossed Cain’s mind, a virtual screen appeared in the corner of his eyes. He intended to use the live simulation to predict the Vector’s components’ changes while assembling them.

Cain blocked everything else, literally shutting down almost all external sensory information before starting. He had just begun to work before frowning, but it did not last long as he simply shrugged his shoulders.


Camil looked around the auditorium, ready to help any cadet in need while also paying attention to their behavior.

‘Good, at least they are giving their all.’ The woman nodded when she saw that a cadet suddenly stopped working before looking around perplexingly.

‘It has only been ten minutes, and he is already giving up!? Even worse, he seems to want to mimic the work of others to help himself!’

Camil’s eyes grew cold as he saw the cadet’s behavior. She was about to shout at this one when she saw that he had returned to his Genetic Chamber and carried on with his work with complete focus.

‘Oh, Was I mistaken? Maybe he just needed to gain some inspiration.’

Camil saw that a young girl raised her hand and no longer bothered with the male cadet, immediately helping her. She solved the girl’s problem with a loud yet soft voice, so all the others could hear it, just in case they faced the same difficulty.

Camil had just finished with the girl when someone else raised his hand. She had the qualities of a good teacher, explaining everything calmly and ensuring the cadet understood the idea before carrying on.

Just as Camil returned to the podium, she noticed the same cadet from before had stopped working.

‘His concentration just lasted eight minutes!’ Camil’s eyes grew cold, and even though she saw that the cadet had returned to work after a moment, she was not willing to let someone that lost focus so easily in her class.

However, just as Camil was about to shout for the cadet to leave her class, she noticed his blue robe and felt something was wrong.

Even if the cadet were the son of a Marquess, Camil would show no reservations. Still, before saying anything, she looked at the cadet’s profile.

Camil’s eyes widened as she saw that under the special section for emergency contact was the name of Abin Fourier.

Camil knew Abin’s name and was smart enough to understand that woman would only be someone’s emergency contact if they were important to the one she worked for.

‘Cain Laurifer, I heard his name many times these past few days due to his feats in the Pillar of Trial. How is he related to that monster?’

Although Camil’s background was impressive, she did not dare to antagonize Zarak Valentine. If she got that man angry, no one could save her.

‘Hmph, arrogant brat.’ Camil stopped paying any attention to Cain. If he wanted to play and not focus on his words, that was his problem.

She would expel him once the class was over and no Vector was in his possession.

Despite doing her best not to pay attention to Cain, Camil still glanced at this one from time to time. She saw how he would pay full attention to the Genetic Chamber for a few minutes before goofing around and then going back at it.

‘With such a weak focus, even if his Wave Talent and physical might are impressive, he will not amount to anything.’

Camil continued helping the cadets while occasionally glancing at Cain. The young man’s behavior bothered her, but she was able to ignore him until he saw how this one began to speak with the cadet by his side.

“Enough! If you don’t want to work, that is fine, but don’t bother the others who are doing their best to become Genetic Coders!”

Camil could endure Cain not focusing on the class, even though she felt that was a great offense to the Profession she dedicated her life to, but she would not allow him to distract other cadets that were working so hard.

That shout drove the entire class’ attention, and they turned toward Cain. Some of the cadets showed small smiles as they began to whisper among themselves.

There were people that liked to see geniuses falling, as that made them feel better about their lesser accomplishments. It made no sense, but that was human nature.

Cain remained calm after hearing Camil’s shout and turned his Genetic Chamber around, allowing the teacher and the entire class to see the ten capsules, each holding a Vector.

“I already used all the components inside the Genetic Chambers and created ten Bronze Vectors. I was now trying to help my friends.”

The entire class went silent as they heard that and looked at the capsules in the Genetic Chambers with complete awe.

Camil’s eyes widened as a sense of utter shock assaulted her.

“Im... Impossible.”

“Go ahead and analyze them.”

Cain saw the shock on the woman’s face and simply pushed his Genetic Chamber forward, indicating she could come and check with her own eyes.

Camil took a deep breath, regaining her focus before walking toward Cain’s Genetic Chamber. She then connected her A.I. Chip to the device, and what she saw left her speechless.

Not only were there indeed Bronze Vectors in each of those capsules, but they were superb work.

‘The first has 7% Flaws, the second 5.5% Flaws. They grow better and better, and the last four have 0% Flaws, making them Pseudo Silver Vectors!’

Camil was amazed, and she understood that the moment Cain suddenly stopped working, he was actually resting after finishing a Vector.

“The last four are working perfectly: the head, internal proteins, neck, tail sheath, tail fibers, end plate, and pins all merged without flaw. You... how did you do it!?”

When Cain heard that question, he showed an awkward smile. The reason why he frowned at the beginning was that as soon as he focused on the Vector’s components, they all began to fuse in a certain way in his mind.

Cain just attempted to replicate the pictures in his mind the best he could, and the closer he got, the better the Vectors became.

Camil noticed Cain’s silence, and realization appeared in her eyes before making a small bow.

“I am sorry for my rude question. I was wrong to ask about the secrets of another Genetic Coder. Please forget I said anything.”

Camil’s words did not seem proper for a teacher, but the way she began to look at Cain after seeing his superb works was not as a student but as a comrade that followed the path of Genetic Coding.

Cain was surprised by the woman’s attitude. She had not left a very good impression on him after that shout, but he understood her anger’s origin and smiled before waving his hands.

“There is no reason to be sorry. Actually, I have no problem telling you my method.”

Cain saw Camil’s smile, but he also noticed the poisonous look in other cadets that seemed ready to steal his secrets. He chose to share some information to avoid having people bothering him all the time about how he does it.

“I just see it in my mind. The moment I concentrate on the components of the Vector, they fuse in a specific way, and I just replicate it.”

Some of the cadets showed suspicious looks at Cain when they heard his explanations since it seemed very much like a lie he had just made to hide his secret.

Cain saw those gazes and knew it could happen. What he would have never imagined were the words that came from Camil the next second.

“You have Genetic Sight!”

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