The Epic Tale of Chaos vs Order

Chapter 162 - 162 The reason is luck

162 The reason is luck

With his life on the line, Cain did not hesitate to use his Destiny Force to suppress Simon’s genetic flaws, but there were some things he needed to do first.

“Apex, is your hacking of Simon’s Recovery Capsule working?”

Cain had made sure Apex would hack Simon’s Recovery Capsule from the beginning, which is why there was a delay when Morgana received the information to her A.I Chip. Although it was dangerous and could have revealed his presence, he could not let anyone know exactly what was inside Simon’s body.

“Is fully operational. I can alter the data, deceiving the scientists into thinking what you want.”

Apex had the firm belief that Cain should handle his problem on his own. Still, when the young man gave him a task, the System Spirit always did it flawlessly.

“Good. I will use [Basic Genetic Suppression] to reduce the genetic flaws in Simon’s genome. Make sure that the data coming out of the Recovery Capsule only shows a normal pattern.”

Cain knew that the scientists would grow suspicious if they saw that Simon’s genetic flaws had suddenly vanished. With Apex’s hacking, they would not realize anything and would think that the scion was resisting due to his willpower.

“Well thought, brat. I already made the alterations to the Recovery Capsule, so you can use the [Genetic Coder Module] whenever you want. Oh...”

Apex suddenly made a pause before speaking again with a cheerful voice.


“The hacking on that woman’s Paralyzing Collar is finally over. You can wake her up whenever you want, and I also hacked her Recovery Capsule, so the scientists will not know what is happening to her.”

“Great!” Cain was thrilled, and the crushing pressure on his shoulders diminished.

From the moment Cain entered this place, he felt like he was at the bottom of an ocean, and with every second that passed, he sank deeper and deeper. However, he felt his body rising to the surface for the first time.

Cain noticed how Simon once again deviated from his instructions leading to a rise in the rate at which the genetic flaws appeared. He wanted nothing more than to shout to this one, but he knew that a hard approach would not work for the scion.

“Holy Child, I have great news. I will be able to channel a wisp of the hidden power inside your body, this will improve your condition, but you must not resist and let it flow freely.”

“Do it now!”

Simon did not express his gratitude, nor did he show some resemblance of appreciation to the “Holy Spirit” working so hard for him. With a personality like that, any relationship he could form in the future would crumble into nothing due to his own actions.

Cain saw Simon as nothing more than a parasite, so he did not bother with that arrogant response. He connected the [Genetic Coder Module] to the scion, and after paying a small fortune in Destiny Force, [Basic Genetic Suppression] began to act.

Simon felt a wave of vigor running through his body, erasing nausea and weakness that assaulted him. There was a large smile on his face, and he was sure the hidden power inside him would fix everything.

Cain, on the other hand, was not so happy. He could not help but frown as the Absolute Life Form System informed him of the results of using [Basic Genetic Suppression] on Simon.

[Basic Genetic Suppression has been correctly applied to the alien target.

-79% of genetic flaws have been suppressed. The other 21% are beyond the current capabilities of the Genetic Coder Module]

Not only did [Basic Genetic Suppression] fail to erase the genetic flaws in one session completely, but there were some high-level flaws that the [Genetic Coder Module] could not handle.

That meant that even if Cain kept using [Basic Genetic Suppression], the high-level genetic flaws would keep piling up until there was nothing he could do to help Simon.

Of course, as the process carried on, Lineage’s genes would also awaken in Simon. However, they appeared at such a low rate that the scion would be long dead before those enhanced genes could do any good.

Cain took a deep breath as he tried to figure out the best path forward.

“Apex, can you use my Ego Wave to speak to Simon and guide him like I have been doing?”

Since the System Spirit lived in his soul and could speak directly to his mind, Cain guessed this one could also talk to others using the force that originated in his brain.

Apex did not answer immediately, and when he did, the tone of his voice made it clear how he felt about guiding unruly and narcissistic garbage like Simon.

“Ahh, I guess I will have to do it.”

Cain only inwardly smiled as he heard the System Spirit’s downcast voice. Next, he focused and split his Ego Wave into two branches.

One of Cain’s Ego Wave’s branches remained with Simon, and the other went to the young woman that almost managed to defeat a Wave Champion alone.

The name of the young woman that had fought Orlando was Iris. She knew her mission would not be easy, but she had prepared and was confident in her capabilities.

Unfortunately for Iris, she underestimated the mysterious organization’s might and how dedicated the people working for it were.

A simple mistake led to Orlando figuring out her identity, and the moment the old man put the Paralyzing Collar on the back of her neck, she knew her life was over.

However, to Iris’ shock, she opened her eyes and was surrounded by waves of blood as a feeling of weakness and nausea assaulted her.

Even if Iris was a seasoned warrior, facing such a surreal scene just after waking up threw her mind into chaos. Luckily, a voice echoed inside her mind before she could do anything drastic that would reveal her state to the scientists.

“Relax, little girl, you are in a Recovery Capsule. Do not use your Essence Wave or attack the capsule, as that would alert them and throw all my hard work to waste.”

Iris’ eyes widened when she heard a voice that had a sense of ancientness she had only found in great powerhouses that had lived for hundreds of years, if not thousands of years.

Of course, the voice inside Iris’ mind belonged to Cain. He managed to generate that ancient aura by replicating the state of mind of his past life, where he looked down on the entire world and left rivers of blood in his path.

Cain did not really like his past life, and his ancient tone could have been better, but he managed to trick Iris.

“I have hacked the Recovery Capsule in which you are, so there is no reason to fear the scientists discovering you are awake unless you reveal yourself by attacking the capsule.

I am speaking to you through my Ego Wave, but I am very far away, so don’t try to fight it, or else the connection could break.”

Iris was suspicious of the voice since there was no way she would just trust someone she had never met before and appear out of nowhere when she was in extreme danger. However, the fact the man was speaking to her through Ego Wave meant he most likely was a powerhouse.

She knew of the Ego Eternal Path of Power and the force known as Ego Wave. According to her understanding, anyone with high control over it was most likely a Peak Wave Champion, and there was a high chance that the man she spoke to was at an even higher level.

Nevertheless, the strength of that man did not put Iris at ease. It could be someone from the mysterious organization trying to trick her or some sadistic powerhouses that just wanted to play on her hopes.

“Could Senior tell me why you are helping me?”

Iris expressed her concern and confusion, but she did it with a respectful tone. She did not want to alienate the man in case this one had good intentions.

Cain knew he could not answer that question as he did with Simon by appealing to the scion’s ego. Still, he was not worried since he had already planned everything.

“The reason is simple little girl, luck.”

Iris was confused by those words, but she remained silent and kept listening.

“You were lucky I was flying past Saharo City as you battled that Puppet Master. Usually, I will not get involved in matters at your level, as that would be like a grown man getting between children’s arguments.

However, your use of the Law of Wind surprised me. I knew there was no way you could endure the experiment while unconscious, so I sent my Ego Wave in here to wake you up and give you a fighting chance.”

Iris’ suspicions diminished after hearing that since it made sense. She knew that some powerhouses would do things on a whim, and it was not odd to hear that some were helping young geniuses.

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