The Epic Tale of Chaos vs Order

Chapter 95

95 Am I strong?

Cain’s eyes showed a burst of killing intent that grew more ferocious combined with the red light in them. He pushed his Wave Burst to an even higher percentage before focusing almost all of his Astral Wave into his arms, leaving just enough for the Horn-Flame Boar Leader’s flames to not kill him on the spot.

Cain intertwined his fingers, forming a hammer with his hands before bringing it down on the Horn-Flame Boar Leader’s skull.


The cracking was even stronger as the fractures on the Horn-Flame Boar Leader’s skull grew larger.

“AHHH!” The Horn-Flame Boar Leader screamed in agony, having already lost the ability to think. It attempted to run away with all its strength, but someone firmly grabbed its horn, immobilizing it.

Cain felt his legs burning despite the protection of his Nullity Armor, but the red light on his eyes only grew stronger as he kept hammering on the Horn-Flame Boar Leader’s skull.

Finally, after the fifteenth strike, Cain’s fists broke the Horn-Flame Boar Leader’s skull, allowing his hands to reach the beast’s brain, where he unleashed a blast of lightning, consuming almost all of his Astral Wave.

Levi felt his arms would break at any moment due to the immense pressure they endured by holding down the Horn-Flame Boar Leader, but then he saw the beast tremble for a moment before losing all of its strength. A large smile appeared as he saw the light vanish from the beast’s eyes.



However, Levi did not have time to relax as Cain’s shout reached him, and he knew what to do. He jumped onto the beast’s head and grabbed Cain’s body before throwing this one with all his strength toward the cave’s exit.

Cain moved through the air as his body lost the protection of his Wave Cloak and the Nullity Armor’s ability. The Horn-Flame Boar Leader’s flames burned his legs so much that they could barely work.

Even if the Horn-Flame Boar Leader had perished, its flames were still active. Cain might have died if he had remained on top of the beast after his Astral Wave drained.

Levi used all his strength to throw Cain toward the cave’s exit. Still, instead of crashing against the hard ground, a gentle embrace caught Cain.

Cain felt Beelze’s aroma, and he smiled. He wanted nothing more than to rest in this embrace right now, but his eyes still glowed with red light. They were in enemy territory, and the dangers were far from over.

Beelze did not say a word before putting Cain on her back and flashing toward the cave’s exit.

Levi saw the duo flashing away without him but did not say anything to that. They needed to leave this place fast and were slower than him, so waiting made no sense.

He was also ready to run, but before that, he threw several bodies out of his space ring before sending the Horn-Flame Boar Leader into it.

Beelze exited the cave, and as she looked into the distance, she heard the sound of explosions and fighting growing weaker and weaker.

The instant the Horn-Flame Boar Leader perished, Cain sent the command for Lurin to retreat.

Although returning to Korin City would have been the best, raging Wave Beasts filled the entire periphery of the forest, and it was impossible to pass through without alerting them.

The only path was to head deeper into the forest and find a secluded place where they could rest until things calmed down.

Of course, moving blindingly into the forest would be extremely dangerous, but Cain had already studied the place’s geography and marked several locations where they could spend the night.

“Eight o’clock. Advance for nine hundred meters until finding a small river, then follow its current north.”

Beelze did not hesitate before following Cain’s guide and flashed into the forest at full speed. She moved incredibly fast despite having to carry someone.

Her eyes narrowed as she felt a presence approach her, but she relaxed when she saw it was Levi.

The duo nodded to each other before flashing forward with all their strength. They followed Cain’s instructions and soon reached the river.

The trio changed their paths more than once since Cain detected packs of Wave Beasts in the surrounding area. Although those beasts were not strong, with most at Level 2 or 3, none were in a condition to fight.

Cain could barely move, and Levi’s arms did not stop trembling due to the torn muscles. Although Beelze was a little better, she had almost no Essence Wave left, and unlike the duo, she could not rely on just her body to fight.

It took them around three hours before the trio finally reached their destination. A lake formed at the bottom of a cascade carrying toxic waters.

Although hiding in a place like this might seem stupid, as they would get sick, the water’s toxins were not that potent. They could affect Level 2 Wave Beast at most, but the scent kept all beasts away, making it perfect for laying low.

Cain, Levi, and Beelze took some of the drugs they had prepared for this trip, one of which would counter any negative effects of the toxins before diving into the lake.

Of course, the trio did not just plan to rest at the bottom of a poison lake. According to Cain’s research, there was an underground cavern in it, and they planned to use it.

It did not take long for the trio to find the entrance to the cavern. Beelze gently lay Cain down on the ground as this one retracted his Wave Armor.

When Levi and Beelze saw the state of Cain’s legs, shock appeared in their eyes. They knew that Cain used his legs to hold onto the Flame-Horn Boar Leader’s neck so he could use his arms freely, but they had no idea he would suffer so much damage.

The flesh and muscles around Cain’s thighs were scorched, and the pain he must have endured during that time should have been excruciating.

Cain saw the expression on the duo’s faces and smiled before shaking his head.

“Using Ego Wave, I can diminish to a certain measure my sense of pain. Besides, it is not as bad as it looks since I have been tempering my body with enormous vitality over the last few days.”

Levi and Beelze nodded as they heard that, but secretly, they could not help but think of the rapid evolution of Cain’s character. From the moment he entered that trance state in his battle against Wink, he had been growing faster and faster.

“Oh, right. You could use it!” Levi shouted as he remembered how Cain always used his blood technique after the battles. He waved his hand, making the body of the Horn-Flame Boar Leader appear next to Cain.

Cain’s smile grew wider as he saw Levi taking out the Horn-Flame Boar Leader’s body. A Level 5 Wave Beast was valuable, but Levi did not hesitate to take it out if it could help him.

Cain did not waste time since even if his wounds were not deadly, they severely restricted his battle power, which put all of them in danger. He used the Astral Wave he had regained over the last few hours to enhance his right arm before piercing the Horn-Flame Boar Leader’s body until reaching the heart.

The vitality Cain could draw from the Horn-Flame Boar Leader was almost twice as potent as the one coming from the Level 4 Horn-Flame Boar.

Levi and Beelze remained silent as Cain used his technique, and surprise appeared in their eyes as they saw that in just twenty minutes, the scorched skin on his legs began to fall off before being replaced by a new one.

“Incredible. What an amazing technique you have.” Levi could not help but say as he saw the power of Cain’s technique.

It would still take hours for Cain’s thighs to heal fully, but the speed at which he did it was still amazing.

Cain just smiled and chose not to comment. The Blood Refinement Art was potent, but it had such a remarkable effect because he used his Ego Wave. It allowed him to increase his proficiency, improving the amount of energy he obtained while at the same time focusing solely on his legs instead of his entire body.

“I will take the first watch.”

Beelze and Cain nodded toward Levi, and they saw him diving back into the lake and moving to the shore. Not because this place was commonly empty and Wave Beasts avoided it meant that they could lower their guard.

Beelze did not waste time and rested on the ground, relaxing and falling asleep fast.

Cain smiled as he saw Beelze’s sleeping face. He also wanted to rest but could not do it before finishing with the Horn-Flame Boar Leader.

A complicated expression appeared on Cain’s face as he looked at the massive body of the Level 5 Wave Beasts that he killed with his own hands.

‘Am I strong?’

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