The Eternal battle

Chapter 23: ghost scheme

Chapter 23: ghost scheme

Shi Tu answered the call

"Are you Shi Tu,The owner of Shi Group?"

A coarse robotic voice answered from the other side and has obviously been modified

"Yes I am, who are you?"

"It is not important who I am. What is important is that we have your fiance and her father. If you want to save them, go at night to the seventh apartment in the seventh district alone, or you know the consequences."

Without waiting for Shi Tu's answer, the other party hung up

It took half an hour to drive to the seventh district with the Shi Tu car from the park

Everything was going according to the plan without any errors till now

This play can be considered as Shi Tu's first step toward freedom, Although it was not planned from the beginning, it was just an impromptu plan after the meeting Sun Jie only to enhance the possibilities

The seventh district was a very ordinary apartment complex.

The arrival of Shi Tu, his car caused a sensation in the neighborhood because the richest person here could only afford a car with 200,000 yuan, but this car was worth tens of millions so they would naturally be shocked.

Shi Tu did not care about the views that focused on him and went towards the seventh apartment and entered directly because the door was open

It was a small apartment with only two rooms and Shi Tu could feel several people in each room but all doors were closed except for the kitchen door

Inside, a man sat with crossed legs and was devouring a hamburger sandwich and on the floor there were many bottles of empty drinks and many fast food wrappers

When he noticed Shi Tu entering, he put his hands aside and looked at Shi Tu

"Ho? You really came. You must be confident of yourself or you are a fool to come to the trap with your feet. That woman is really important to you, you even risk your life for her."

This man seemed a little surprised by Shi Tu's behavior and showed some unexpected admiration because big businessmen like Shi Tu usually value profits more than family and it is rare to find someone who ignores his wealth for the sake of the family

Shi Tu wanted to laugh but he could not, even if he did not lose his emotions, impossible to have a shred of attention toward Lin Chen Shui

"Where is Lin Chen Shui?"

"Are you stupid or are you claiming stupidity? It is impossible that she is here. After all, it is our guarantee if you the bring police or any help."

Yan Yi was surprised because he did not think that Shi Tu was a stupid person, anyone with some intelligence is supposed to understand what is happening and that it is impossible to release the hostages or bring them with, in the end Shi Tu will die and the hostages will be silenced forever, usually the family trick works Only on the emotional people who think with their heart instead of their brain and hope for a miracle, this was the reason Yan Yi surprised because he did not think that Shi Tu was an emotional and naive person who thought he would free the hostages just because he had come, so is it possible that there is some intrigue? This possibility was not zero considering Shi Tu's abilities

"Where is she?" Shi Tu asked again

"It is impossible to tell you whether ..."

"Big Brother, stop wasting time with him. You are not supposed to talk to the target at all. That is why you are not being promoted at all despite your strength and accomplishments."

The door of one of the rooms opened and a handsome young man with a soft face that did not fit his muscular body come out and scolded his older brother

Yan Yi sighed because he did not like this job but because he was born into a family that has worked for the league for generations, he had no other choice but to go this way or that his family's loyalty would be in doubt because the league's policy is the collective punishment of the offspring

Over time, the number of those who rebelled was not small, but the story of each one is documented with the miserable fate they faced with their families, and because of this there has been no case of rebellion in the past five hundred years.

"Oh well whatever it's not like I want to get an promotion"

As soon as he finished, he made a deceptive punch that targeted Shi Tu's eyes immediately

He knew that Shi Tu was not an easy opponent, just as the information about him was completely nonexistent, so he decided not to underestimate his opponent and use deception directly even though he prefers direct fighting.

Shi Tu didn't miss his intentions who did not lower his caution at all but he could not dodge well because of the limited space and the presence of Yan Er behind him so he had no choice but to block it with his bare hands

Shi Tu grabbed Yan Yi's fist and pulled to him, changing places with him


Yan Er pulled his hidden kick at the last moment but still causes some damage to Yan Yi

Yan Er pulled his teeth and pushed his older brother toward Shi Tu

'Bad trick'

Before Yan Yi's speed reaches its peak, Shi Tu serves a step forward and makes a kick towards Yan Yi's stomach

As soon as Yan Yi slid back a little, a sharp knife broke through from the back across his chest

Yan Er seems to have planned to use his older brother as a camouflage

This was really harsh because they are real brothers ready to die for each other but Yan Er did not hesitate a moment to sacrifice his older brother in order to successfully carry out the mission

This made Shi Tu really satisfied

There is no problem if the killer has emotions and relationships as long as he can control them while carrying out the mission and this is exactly what happened

Shi Tu's appreciation of that ghost seems to have done a good job of brainwashing, although he always gossips about his love of peace and his hatred of war.

The sudden return of Yan Yi caused Yan Er to lose his balance, so Shi Tu seized the opportunity and surprised him with a punch from the side on his ear, which made him lose consciousness immediately.

Shi Tu didn't stop after that and rushed out of the kitchen

At the next moment, several bullets penetrated the ground where he was standing


Seventh District, fourteenth apartment

Inside the apartment there was a small family of four sitting around the table for dinner

The mother was placing the dishes on the table in front of her hungry children while the father was sullen because the working day was not good

Although the two children were annoyed because they both had not reached six years, he could not shout at them, or his wife would deprive him of dinner.

Suddenly a strange smell entered the father's nose

"Hmm? Isn't this the smell of gas? Where did it come from?"

"Oh right, I forgot to tell you that the gas pipe in the bathroom, it is broken. There is some leakage. I plugged some things and waited for you to fix them when you came back."

The father could not believe what he heard, and he hit the table angrily and said

"Are you crazy? What if an explosion or fire happened? You had to call someone to fix it immediately!!"

The father was furious with his wife's negligence, as this could lead to serious consequences

"It was just half an hour ago and you was about to arrive. You would arrive before anyone I called him anyway. I also closed the bathroom door very well and opened the windows because the leak is not so big, so what's the problem?"

The father could not argue because he would do the same if he had been in his place, but he also could not give up his face so he got up in anger and went to fix the gas pipelines.


The seventh district, the seventh apartment

Returning to Shi Tu who could only withdraw his praise for the old ghost, how does he teach the assassins?

Shi Tu was able to feel the breathing of a young woman and a man in the second room that was still closed and was able to distinguish that they were Lin Chen Shui and Lin Chen Gu

Which assassin brings with him hostages in an assassination? It seem that Yan Yi was playing with him

He can ignore that they used direct combat instead of the standard infiltration attacks for the assassins because each person has his own style and he really does not care as long as the mission is carried out.

Even the stupidity of a sniper who showed himself early can be bypassed

They have chosen the place that gives them preference and is easy to clean, and nobody can see them and interfere, but ...

If they wanted to use Lin Chen Shui and her father to pressure him, they should have locked them up elsewhere and show them to him on video.

As soon as Shi Tu came out, he entered one of the rooms by breaking the door

Baam Baam

Shi Tu was surprised that Lin Chen Gu and Lin Chen Shui were shooting on him

Fortunately, he managed to make bullets hit his shoulders instead of any other vital place

Shi Tu felt his shoulder bore a lot of bullets today and suspected for a moment that he had been cursed

Shi Tu looked in front of him without facing any problems standing up naturally despite his injury

In front of him a man and a woman stood up in the prime of the age, then Shi Tu realized what had happened after noticing their breathing

They seem to be perfectly trained to copy the breath of others even he couldn't notice the difference

Although the reason for this is the limits of the awareness of the human body and it is impossible for him to notice everything, especially with the lack of energy here, but he did not intend to use that as an excuse.

But he was surprised by this behavior. It would have been better for them to work together to lure me out and get rid of me using the sniper rather than exposing his presence as early as this.

Although humans are stupid in the eyes of Shi Tu, all assassination plans made by him are the ghost

Unless they are not on the same side!!

Shi Tu realized what was happening and cursed that ghost in his heart

They were not from the league but were followers of that ghost

'That dreaded ghost does he want to say he's watching me? when has that barbaric learned to use his mind in schemes? Usually he would come to kill me immediately if he was really angry'


Shi To clicked on his teeth and pressed his shoulder muscles to extract the bullets, andspray blood from his shoulders to block the vision before he slipped on the floor toward them

But this trick did not deceive them because they directed their two guns straight down and shooted without hesitation

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