The Eternal battle

Chapter 32: Can't be Killed

Chapter 32: Can't be Killed

Alice looked at Sun Jie coolly and said

"I advise you to not enter this room unless you have a desire to die."

Sun Jie felt Alice's extreme hostility to her and knew the reason for this, but she didn't care because she didn't intend from the start to fight with her, but she didn't intend to lower her head either.

"Oh, and why? It doesn't look like this room is locked, so why can't I clean it?"

Alice felt upset about Sun Jie and wanted to kill her immediately

"Let me warn you, there are only two rules in this place that you cannot cross or that you will pay with your life."

Alice narrowed her eyes and spoke in a cool voice, with an unbeatable tone of threat

"Do not bring anyone beyond the gates, and do not enter this room, no matter what happens."

Sun Jie got the first rule, but she was curious about the second. This guy randomly threw the company secrets but forbidden a room?

Sun Jie smiled sly and said

"I can see that even you don't know what's inside, let alone enter, it seems that he doesn't trust you that much."

Alice did not respond to Sun Jie and an amusing look appeared on her face

"Aya, I forgot to tell you that there is a third rule."

Sun Jie used to be accustomed to assassination attempts and seeing murder, so she felt the kill intention from Alice and was shocked by the fact that Alice had been killed before and probably not a few.

'Do she really intend to kill me? Not afraid of Shi Tu's response? No she just threating me, Hmph if you thought I would be afraid of this, you are wrong.'

Alice stressed her hand that grabbing the arm of Sun Jie, who did not escape, and quickly turned her arm and fixed it to the ground and said in a sweet sarcastic voice

"Here, strength is everything, as long as I am stronger than you, I am more important than you, and I can do everything I want with you and Shi Tu will never care."

"Argh, stop, do you know what you're doing? Shi Tu needs me, you won't go through easily if ... Aghaaaaaaa"

Alice did not hesitate to cruelly break Sun Jie's arm and followed with irony

"Don't you know? Shi Tu is interested in the long-term benefits. He appreciates the personal abilities that are more beneficial than anything, but you do not have any abilities other than your intelligence. You are nothing without the Sun family behind you, just like your mother, whatever your influence and wealth, as long as you die, whatever you have is mean something, your mother have money and influence, but all it took to get rid of her is the betrayal of one servant. "

"don't insult my mom like this," Sun Jie shouted furiously and tried to resist because her mother was her reverse scale

Alice didn't care about Sun Jie's sterile resistance and continued

"Insult? No, no. I am saying the truths. If your mother was not born into a rich family and married in the Sun family, would she have obtained all this wealth? No, if she was strong herself, would she die easily? In the end, strength is everything. I have the strength I can get what I want of money and power, if I wanted money, I would steal it if someone opposed me I kill him, this is how world is going. "

Alice narrowed her eyes and continued

"This will be my first and last warning. Do not act like a spoiled daughter here, no matter how smart you are. This is nothing in front of strength. If you want revenge, make yourself useful to Shi Tu. If you dare to do anything suspicious, there will be someone who will kill you without even telling Shi Tu."

Alice let Sun Jie hand and was about to enter the Shi Tu room, but Sun Jie's voice stopped her

" Why? "

Alice stopped and turned toward Sun Ji

"You do you obey this person? Aren't you strong either? Do you not want power on your own? Why is every person linked to him is so fanatic, how strong he is? How much can he fight? A thousand people, ten thousand people? In the end, he can only be shot with bullets like everyone else."

Sun Jie didn't understand the reason for this bigotry toward Shi Tu because both Alice and Yu Ying were totally fanatic. This was unnatural and incomprehensible.

Brain washing may work for ordinary people but not smart people and Yu Ying and Alice are not stupid in any way.

Alice smiled and seemed to remember some things. She remembered that task two years ago, when she met Shi Tu

"Previously, people tried to assassinate him outside, but no one succeeded. Once the sniper pointed the lens at Shi Tu, he disappeared immediately. No matter how many killers, they couldn't surround Shi Tu and would die one by one."

"What is strange about this? Doesn't this just mean that his guards are strong?" Sun Jie was not convinced of this. Doesn't he just depend on his background as she relied on her family?

"No, there were no guards with him. Shi Tu said that he could know that there was a sniper targeting him because of his instinct and the clarity of the kill intent. As for the killers, their actions are clear, and once they come close to him, he can distinguish them immediately."

"This only means that he is adept, but he will not be able to do anything in front of guns, bombs, or even missiles if the victims party ignores" Sun Jie is still not convinced because there are many masters, even her family have one like this.

But an expression of pride and worship appeared on Alice and she said

"Many rockets were launched before to kill Shi Tu, but all of them either bounced or veered off course and no smuggling or transfer of weapons aimed at dealing with Shi Tu has succeeded, as long as the matter is related to Shi Tu, it will fail immediately before it even begins that no one can organize Large-scale operation against Shi Tu "

"How is that?" Sun Jie was unable to understand because this transcends luck and there is clearly an intervention from some side

Alice shrugged their shoulders indifferently and said

"I don't know. Ask him yourself because I don't care about that and it's probably something we won't understand."

Alice entered the room without knocking on the door and was followed by Sun Jie, who seemed to have forgotten her broken arm completely as she didn't hurt at all

Inside, Shi Tu seemed to read some of the papers that a shadow guard brought to him

These were classified reports of the Assassins league and contained something interesting

Shi Tu Notice Alice and Sun Jie and smile lightly

"Sun Jie seems I underestimating you. You can move normally after your arm was broken without any expression of pain on your face. You're unexpectedly strong."

After Shi Tu said, Sun Jie remembered that she was unable to move her arm, then that intense pain spread from her broken arm and was much greater than the pain of a broken arm.

Sun Jie passed out of pain because that's more than she can handle

"Isn't this a bit harsh? Accumulation of damage and detonation once, She might die if her nerves cannot bear this pain." Shi Tu looked at Alice and asked

"Hmph, if she cannot stand this, there is no hope for her in the future, and it is better to teach her a harsh lesson from the beginning, in order not to get any rosy dreams." Alice seemed a little upset.

"Hahahaha, didn't you just want to save her from me because my method is crueler? Actually, I planned to throw her a few days in Africa but I will stop this time for you so, why coming early today? Certainly not to see Sun Jie, right?"

" I want to talk to you about that man, He called me and told me to tell you personally to stop what you are doing because he will not tolerate the chaos you causes and has destroyed a place called Alpha "

"Oh, F*cking ghost!" Shi Tu wasted in anger

" who you think your are, I still haven't done anything yet. Is there a need to destroy all my efforts? I am innocent if I don't do anything, this is not fair, do you not anticipate things? Who said that war and chaos are my goal? I just crush you. Wait for you to fall into my hands."

Shi Tu began to curse with a high sound because the alpha one was an important place, although it is not very necessary, but it has many benefits.

Upon hearing the word 'ghost', Alice shivered a little in anger before she regained calm

With the exception of Shi Tu, the only thing that can bother her is the ghosts, not that she is afraid of ghosts, but on the contrary, she hated ghosts so much for a reason that even she did not understand. She hated only two things her father and ghosts

After throwing a small tantrum, Shi Tu finally calmed down while she completed Alice

"You're not going to tell what's going on, right?"

"What do you think?" Shi Tu said innocently as if he did not understand what Alice meant

"Well, it doesn't matter. What about the three families?"

"Ignore them. I have no interest in playing with them anymore. Sun Jie will deal with them."

Alice has not questioned Shi Tu's ability to judge others as long as he says she can do it, then she will

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