The Eternal battle

Chapter 39: Yellow pill

Chapter 39: Yellow pill

Francis was a little surprised when Shi Tu described him as a rat, because this description only applies to specific people when it comes out of the mouth of someone from the Assassins league.

"Is this so clear? I have great confidence in my acting skills."

"It is impossible for a politician not to be afraid of death completely like you unless he fights himself in many battlefields and undergoes rigorous training. But the place of a person like this is the army and not the government because the government's competence is words, not action."

"I see, as is expected of head og the demon, despite your young age, your wisdom and abilities do not bring shame to your title."

"Let go of the nonsense and ask the other rats to come out."

At this point the door opened and two people came in, which turned out to be Steve and Tom

"We have really underestimated your appreciation, we didn't think that the technologies of the assassins League are so advanced. It is no wonder that your capabilities for gathering information are matchless."

Shi Tu just smiled without commenting because these technology are for him alone, not for the league, and he did not contribute to the league with anything because controlling it was just a coincidence so he didn't bother himself much with his affairs.

"Heh? Thanks for the compliment, but do you know what you're doing? You're doing this will cause an all-out war between the Shadows Garden and the league, and you know very well that there is a big difference in technology, so our weapons are much better than yours, and we have a much greater history and experience than you, so you have no chance of victory."

"Hahaha, head of the demon, ohh head of the demon. The technologies you have mean nothing in front of real power so we are not afraid at all.

Shi Tu's eyes narrowed, "Don't tell me you have small-range nuclear bombs? That would be really terrible, but if we couldn't make something like this, how did you do it?"

Steve didn't care about Shi Tu's joke. "Hey, ants don't have to know especially ants that are about to die."

"Didn't you praise me a little earlier? Don't you think I don't know that you want me alive or that you simply blew up the place."

"Task, since you know, there is no need to say BS. Just hand over all the passwords and secrets you know about the league, and we may give you a death without pain."

Steve did not waste words and immediately said what he wanted

"Is this what you ask for as soon as you open your mouth? What do you think I give you the position of head of the demon instead? Wouldn't it be easier?"

"No thanks, I don't want something like this"

Although the offer was tempting, Steve turned it down without thinking because he did not think that the position head of the demon worth anything in front of his master

"Hey, that's unfortunate then, I think I reject your offer."

"Do you think you have a choice here?" Steve and the other two unleashed an killing intense aura towards Shi Tu

Shi Tu wasn't affected at all

"I think I can run away whenever I want because the three of you can't stop me, and I don't think there is a sniper outside because of the league's surveillance."

Shi Tu shot his killing aura towards the trio and the aura was so strong even for them causing them to sweat in just one moment

This aura was enough to make them realize the difference in strength

It was a hopeless difference and not something that can be compensated for by the numbers

But this was not enough to make them give up because they came prepared for all possibilities

"Don't be arrogant, head of the demon, since we are here, this means that we are completely prepared and whatever happens you will die here."

The three of them brought out a strange yellow pill that they had carefully hidden

The pill was yellow with scattered red spots and was giving a great oppressive feeling and a strange black aura

Shi Tu's eyes narrowed upon seeing this pill and his lips slightly bent in a sarcastic smile

"Do you think taking some medication will make you win?"

"Hahaha. Ants like you cannot know the vastness of the world. Let me tell you that this is ........"

Shi Tu interrupted him

"Stop, idiot, do you want to reveal your secrets? Is there a brain in your head or a pea? Is there a person in this world telling his opponent information about his winning card? No wonder your shadows garden could not evolve enough to confront the league even though the league did not try to obstruct you, if the head is rotten, how can the body be healthy? "

"You!!" Steve felt the urge to vomit blood but found nothing to respond because what Shi Tu said was true

Over the generations, the Shadows Garden made a great effort, but they could not even reach the same level as the Assassins league even though the Assassins league did not try to compete with them at all.

"Head of the demon, don't be so cocky. Do you think you know everything in the world? The world is bigger than you think and there are many things that you cannot imagine."

This vague response was the only thing Steve was able to say to Shi Tu

'You are the ignorant people here who do not know the vastness of the world here.'

Shi Tu wanted to laugh so hard but suppressed his laugh

Are these humans talking about the widening of heavens and earth with Shi Tu? Shi Tu, who roamed the Three Lands, the Thirty-Three Heavens and even the core of the Universe, is being taught by humans who have lived for a few decades? Shi Tu did not feel offended but considered it a good joke

Steve felt there was something strange with Shi Tu's indolent attitude and it didn't seem like there was any caution at all

'Can he also have similar pills? This is possible, if the master is able to put his hands on it, why another person can't, as he does not seem interested in knowing these pills or that he knows, if this is true then it explains the permanent superiority of the assassins league'

Steve decided to confirm his idea first

"Head of the demon, if you really claim knowledge, then tell me what these pills are, I refuse to believe that someone like knows them."

"Heh? Are you trying to make sure if I have it too? Don't worry I don't have such pills, do you know the effect of these pills, little rats? I doubt that or you won't take them out easily."

Tom, who had been silent until now, snorted, "Do you think we are babies born yesterday? Do not try to get information from our mouths because this trick will not fool us."

The trio felt angry at Shi Tu, who treated them like idiots, because such tricks only deceive the idiots, not the ones accustomed to deceiving others.

"Haha, there is no need to exaggerate your self-esteem because I will not descend to your level. Well, this is an incomplete first-grade pill that greatly enhances physical abilities, but whoever takes it will go crazy after a few moments and his body will collapse in less than a minute after taking it."

Shi Tu spoke indifferently as if he was saying something unimportant

The three were surprised because what Shi Tu said was correct, and that means that Shi Tu also has such pills because this is the only explanation for his knowledge of these things. As for what he said a little while ago about not having them, only a fool would believe this.

'This is bad if he owns pills himself, then killing him quietly is impossible, and as soon as he gets out of this villa, the league will know that we also have these pills, and revealing the secret will be bad for us. Should I do? Is killing head of the demon worth the risk? If we start fighting and take pills, we will all perish because of them '

Soon, Steve made his decision to blow up the place and bury everyone here without leaving any evidence

Steve was confident that his master would be able to find out the reason behind his actions

Steve took a black pill out of his bag and threw it towards Shi Tu


The small pill exploded a few meters away from Shi Tu who couldn't completely dodge

Steve wasted no time, took out the trigger and was about to push the one that was going to blow up the place


Steve suddenly burned for no reason and the flames were so powerful that, in a moment, they turned Steve to ashes, the only thing survived was his bag and the detonation trigger.

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