The Eternal battle

Chapter 56: Shi Residence Under Attack (2)

Chapter 56: Shi Residence Under Attack (2)

" What's the matter? "

Sun Jie was amazed at the dangerous expression on Alice's face that she hadn't seen before

After all, Alice isn't usually serious about anything but Shi Tu

"Don't say anything, let's leave quickly. " Alice didn't want to waste any more time and grabbed Sun Jie's hand and pulled her to leave.

As a bearer of he Arrogance of the Gods, Alice is a being found to fight and dominate everyone on the battlefield, so she has extremely strong instincts and a high sense of danger, so as soon as she opens the door a little, all her instincts scream that she has to retreat, as soon as she takes one step inside, she will die. Immediately

" Kekekeke , you have some ability, little blonde, how did you discover my existence? After all, hide and sneak are my points of excellence. "

Mark, who was hiding meters away from the door, laughed before he quickly moved and blocked Alice's way

Alice stopped and looked at Mark in astonishment. Depending on the voice, this person was inside. How did he get in front of her so fast and cut her way? How fast was he?

Alice looked carefully at Mark and was nervous that she had not met someone this dangerous

With the league abilities, is it possible that they do not know about someone powerful like Mark? Even Alice herself realizes that she will not be able to overcome him, a true expert can estimate the strength of his opponent from one look or at most after exchanging one blow

Alice is well aware that she has no chance against Mark

Without a doubt, Alice has reached the limits of humanity in physical abilities and the rest depends on experience and skills, except for Shi Tu and her father, is she sure that she will not lose to anyone else, at most it will end in a tie

" Mark!! What do you do? This is not part of the plan. "

Michael's angry voice suddenly appeared behind Alice and Sun Jie

" !! "

Alice was shocked again because she felt that Michael was also much stronger than her, at least as strong as Mark

What is that? Since when did the experts become so common? Suddenly two experts appeared who might be as powerful as Shi Tu and her father? What's more, how the hell did they get in? Shouldn't the protection system that Shi Tu built be dealing with them? Even the nine Shadow Guards combined couldn't get past that protection system

" What's wrong with deviating from the plan? This blonde has strong instincts so it's impossible for Serena's poison to work with them anyway. Didn't you see that she felt my presence and was leaving? Better to catch them straight. "

Mark was unhappy with reprimanding Michael because he thought his act was right. If they let them go, they might ask for support and it would become overrated. From his point of view, there is no need to make the matter bigger and give him more than they deserves, all they have to do is arrest the girl Sun Jie and their mission will be over.

" I hate to say this but Mark is right this time. " Serena also appeared and blocked Alice's path trying to pull Sun Jie and sneak out.

This time Alice almost got really mad, another expert!! What is that? How is this possible?

Alice finally feels scared, if it is only one then she is confident that she can escape, if two she can still escape if she gives up Sun Jie, but three? It became hopeless

" Edward has disabled the security system and all devices in this place so it is better to end the matter quickly before someone finds out. "

Although Michael was not happy because he did not think it wise to belittle the enemy and reveal themselves early, what happened has happened and he cannot do anything.

Disable protection system?

Alice finally realized what was going on. It seems that this so-called Edward has hacked and disrupted the system, Alice did not want to believe it at first because she had an unwavering faith in Shi Tu and when he said that the protection system was impenetrable, she did not doubt it at all but this happened right in front of her. Maybe Shi Tu is not that invincible like in her mind

" Excuse me but may I know what you need? Why don't we talk first, we might reach a compromise "

Sun Jie who was watching quietly had a rough understanding of the situation and it seemed that these are killers, maybe here for Shi Tu or Alice, and looking at Alice's sight, it is clear that they are very strong and Alice alone cannot deal with them so Sun Jie tried to use the language of dialogue first.

Everyone including Alice looked at Sun Jie in shock before Mark burst out laughing

" Ha ha ha ha , are you stupid or what? We are here to kill, what's the point in talking? I tell you we are here to arrest you or kill you do you understand? "

" Is it possible that this girl does not even know where she lives? Otherwise, how could she be so naive? "

Serena looked at Sun Jie with great disdain

dialogue? If this is something that can be resolved by that, or there is room for compromises, who in his right mind will resort to violence directly? This type of person is a lonely wolf and not a member of an organization

Sun Jie did not care about the mockery and continued

" This means that you are planning to get some information from us or use us to threaten head of the demon to get something from him, right? In this case I do not see a reason why we should not talk and ....."

" Shut the ***** up!! "

Alice shouted at Sun Jie because she couldn't bear the embarrassment

" Ha? It seems that you know in the house of whom you live, are you trying to pretend innocence in order to let us avoid you? You are really stupid? "

Mark seemed surprised that Sun Jae was trying to negotiate with them

Serena smiled a little sarcastically, seeming to understand something and said one phrase

"It is said that humans do not talk to ants, either come with us obediently or die "

"It is also said that the frog does not distinguish between a snake and a dragon "

" !! "

" !! "

" !! "

" !! "

" !! "

Suddenly, a person appeared wearing a black cloak that covered his entire body, and none of his facial features could be seen

Although this man does not release any aura or killing intentions, only the fact that he appeared in front of them just like a ghost without them noticing is enough for them to realize his strength.

Although Mark's group seemed to be careless and underestimating Alice and Sun Jie, they never lowered their guard .

One of their most important goals in coming here is to find out how much power is being put into guarding Sun Jie and Alice

But unexpectedly someone managed to get close without noticing!!

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