The Exalt Cultivation Fantasy

Act 4: Fallen Heaven - Chapter 744: The Caerulumen Prepare For War

Act 4: Fallen Heaven - Chapter 744: The Caerulumen Prepare For War

Artera gritted his teeth and quieted the intrusive thoughts of defeat surfacing in his mind, bringing himself to a calm state. He clasped his palms and expanded a field of Ein, rewinding everyone's wounds away. The immensely powerful man clenched his sword and started to slash forward but halted, the sword clattering in his grip as blood spilled from his lips. It provided the necessary time Artera thought he lacked, but fortune smiled on him. The teleportation formation activated, swirling Ein around him and his brothers and sisters. He sighed in relief at his new surroundings, feeling the cold stone floor on his knees.

"Get up. We are here." Artera helped Alverus up and took a second look over the ravine.

"Artera! That man was within our grasp. We only needed to kill him!" Alverus shouted, grasping his shoulder and clenching hard as if wishing to crush his bones.

Artera sighed at the foolishness of his true younger brother and wondered how his esteemed father could have ever sired two absolutely opposite children. Perhaps the error lay in their mothers, though he couldn't know for certain since the mothers had passed away. His wayward little brother glared fiercely, demanding an answer, but Artera brushed him off with ease and regarded Alverus's pained groan with little empathy. Turning the corner, he slowed his steps until coming to a halt before a large gate, streaks of azure flowing on its edges.

"While it is true we could have defeated that man, it would have come at a great cost that would have affected our goals. Remember that we are here for the World Core. Focus on the mission, Alverus, and perhaps our father will look upon you fondly." Artera didn't need to turn to know Alverus was scowling, followed by a loud click of a tongue. "Do not underestimate him. Same for the rest of you. Our overconfidence will be our undoing."

"And Charisse? That wench has betrayed us. That should never have happened. Her memories have returned." Freyr said, rubbing her chest where Charisse had struck her earlier. "She'll be a problem, not that she wasn't from the start, but now, they'll know our plan."

"Our sister's betrayal means nothing." Artera palmed the smooth surface of the gate, devoid of dust and nicks of time, pristine and clean as if built yesterday. His finger glowed with Ein and etched a symbol of a seven-pointed star, the gate trembling as the section with the mark pushed in and turned like a lock clicking open. "She may have some knowledge, but she does not know everything. We are fortunate to have encountered our enemy and survived. The reason Volten was able to match the Caerulumen was because of the aid of all Ancients at their height of power and the sword forged to wield that immense strength."

"But they're mostly gone now or at least not active in Talos. And that sword is nowhere near the world-splitter of legends." Gilbert added.

"It pleases me to hear our newest brother have some sense. Yes, the sword refuses his will. That single slash was powerful but drained a considerable amount of his Ein. He will not use it again." The final gear turned inside the gate and ended with a loud thud. Artera pushed the doors wide open and led his fellow Caerulumen down the grand halls flanked by large furnaces. Sparks spewed out of the ancient forges and ignited the hearths, glowing red-hot as the flames rose and fumed smoke. "He has the powers of Ignyres and Metures, but they are restrained to his flesh, lacking the otherworldly presence that graced our ancestors on the battlefield. Unlike Volten, he is still human. And that is a weakness we can exploit."

"Didn't seem like that while we fought," Vanis nudged Asir, who nodded in agreement. "I saw nothing in his eyes, a distant gaze, not a human's. I never felt smaller in my life, even when facing you, Artera."

"Indeed. He is frightening. Whatever happened to him changed parts of his being, but his humanity is still in there. I noticed when that woman came up behind him." Artera opened his pocketwatch, noting the time was almost here, and carried on at his leisurely pace. "For that brief moment, he no longer seemed so frightening. That should be his partner. What is his name?"

"Oscar Terr. He comes from the same place as me. A misguided fool who is unable to forget the past and move on. Speaking of useless memories and bonds." Gilbert frowned and unsheated his broadsword. "He ruined everything. If the chance arises, let me kill him. Then, I can return to my mother in victory and pride."

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"He alone can match our might. And you think you can kill him?" Alverus mocked and laughed. His smile curved downward into a grimace, and he stomped over and held Gilbert's collar. "You should have killed him if you had the chance. Sounds like you've met multiple times. Oh, what? Too busy chasing flowers?"

"I performed my duties. Don't blame me for your misguided predictions and shoddy planning." Gilbert pressed Alverus against the wall, their Eins rising in violent ripples.

"Enough!" Artera raised his voice, not liking to shout, but no other way existed to calm two strong personalities clashing. "It is not Gilbert's fault that this Oscar Terr has become our enemy. The only way forward now is to plan for his downfall. Come. We mustn't waste time."

"And just where are we?" Freyr asked, tracing her finger along the stone pillar.

Artera didn't respond and led them to another chamber, pulling a lever that brightened the entire room. Standing on the edge of the stairway that led down, he gestured for the others to witness the glory, smirking at their gaping faces of awe and wonder. Rows and rows of golems slumbered in their iron armor, thousands ready to hear his call. In the corners of the room stood a titan, six in total, all in good condition, unlike the rusted one left behind in Fallen Heaven. He put power behind his voice that echoed in the great repository of golems and said, "Behold, the legacy of our ancestors, left behind during the great war. Ten thousand warriors of iron and steel and six titans, the crux of our golemcraft."

"I knew it! There was no way we would ever rely on the natives of this world to be our army." Alverus raised his hands and basked in whatever high he was certainly feeling right now. Artera sighed in irritation and listened to more of his little brother's prattlings until one question echoed, "But golems are unreliable. We can decimate continents, but we won't conquer the world with them."

"Come. There is more." Artera decided it was the right time to reveal the truth. "Talos is the central focus on which many lower realms revolve. "Too many for the Primaere of the natives to map, and ideal for many realms to be hidden away. This facility rested in one such realm. The snow realm that held our gifts to you, Gilbert, was another. Our slight control of the realms allowed us to shift it close to your continent and open for your arrival."

"I never received them. The necklace took me to the snow realm after my continent's war ended. In there, I saw only ruins and a chamber depicting the past." Gilbert looked confused.

"That man, Oscar…he had Evelyn's necklace, and he is also from the same continent as you. It seems our mistakes of the past still reflect well into our present. But the hands of the clock must keep moving, and our plans must move on. The snow realm held more than just treasure. The people we placed into that realm viewed us as gods, engraved with the pursuit of becoming warriors for our cause, ready to fight when we call upon them." Artera chuckled and waved his hand, the doors opening at his gesture. Light poured through the increasing gap and settled, revealing the bright blue sky. Stepping out on the terrace, Artera said, "Oscar has a considerable force of hundreds if not a thousand King Exalts under his command. We must even the odds."

Cheers erupted, and the ground and air trembled from the thunderous roars. Near the ledge, Artera swept his gaze over the gathered army of tens of thousands. Every Exalt, from the lowest Apprentices to the high King Exalts, stomped their feet, chanting to the drummings of war. Two Primaeres flew down and floated by his side, bowing their heads in submission. Raising his hand, Artera silenced the grand army, their eyes wide and full of fervor as they waited, breathless and still.

"Countless millennia ago. From memory to memory, scripture to scripture, you have endured!" Artera shouted, and everyone hung on his every word. His training in the oratory arts did not go to waste. "Many of you scattered in many realms, waited and dreamed for the moment, training and preparing for our arrival!" A single resounding shout rose and ended. "Your faith in us has not gone unrewarded. Your ancestors remained steadfast in their beliefs and carried on their will, our will! Look now! The realms have become one. All true believers are here together. And we have returned!"

The cheers began again. Artera waited for a couple of seconds before one of the Primaeres coughed, bringing them back to reality. "Talos is our birthright!" A loud horn sounded, joined by several others in a symphony of warhorns. The gates of the fortress opened, and an army of golems marched out, followed by the six titans. It had a stimulating effect on the crowd, who stomped their feet and raised their weapons, morale boosted and high. "Come now and fight for your gods. Destroy the nonbelievers. Cleanse Talos, and earn your place amongst us, gods, in the paradise above!"

"For the Gods! For the Gods!" They chanted.

"Brothers and sisters…." Artera turned to them. "For our family. For our blood. For the Caerulumen. Gilbert! Here." He held out a space pocket. "Your mother sacrificed much to obtain this."

"What is it?" Gilbert grabbed the space pocket, his eyes softening.

"Power. We need a trump against Oscar. And this may grant you the power to kill him." Artera answered. "Rid yourself of your failures and kill him. Do it, and you can return to our people with Volten's sword in triumph."

"I will." Gilbert smiled and clenched the space pocket.

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