The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Chapter 79

Chapter 79: The Flower of Law

“Those who are passing by, don’t pass on this opportunity! You won’t lose anything in two minutes. You won’t get cheated in just two minutes. As long as you give us two minutes, we guarantee you an entirely new choice in life! This brother over here, the Holy Light is watching over you.”

“Everything is possible. The Smiling Sisters sincerely welcome your arrival. The Mother Earth is coaxing (protecting) you!”

TL:This is another homophone. 忽悠 (Hu you -> Coaxing) and 护佑 (Hu you -> protecting/ watching over).

“Whatever you want, we will sell it cheap. Whatever you buy, we will give you a discount. Don’t miss out on this once in a lifetime opportunity. We are clearing out all our stocks, making a loss just to sell these! You can try it before buying it. We guarantee its quality. We will pay you tenfold if there is an imitation inside! Beyana’s golden reputation, definitely trustworthy!”

“Dang dang dang, War Gods are good, War Gods are fantastic. It is said that as long as you believe in the War God in our family, then those who are sick will be cured, those who are healthy will become stronger. Regardless of whether you are having a cold, fever or tuberculosis, as long as you believe in the War God, we guarantee that you will make a full recovery. Ten years ago at the neighboring village, old Han suddenly became severely ill at 93 years old. After joining our War God Church, not only did he come back from his grave, but he is now so spirited and physically strong that just two days ago, he left a dozen little rascals lying on the floor, moaning in pain.”

If you think that this is the calling of the merchants of some big market, then you are sorely mistaken. This is the big field in front of the Laince City Lord Residence. It is also the part of the city that’s crowded with the greatest amount of people, as well as its most bustling location. As for those who are prancing about, striking their gongs and playing with their drums, they are the respected Priests of true Gods.

“Hey hey, this big brother here, are you interested in the Goddess of Wealth Church? If you join now, we will even give you two complimentary shampoos.”

“Pu, shampoo? The Smiling Sisters over there are giving out cooking oil, you are really lacking in sincerity.”

“…Wait, let me consult the archbishop. We should still have stocks of cooking oil remaining. I’m sorry, seems like we ran out of cooking oil. Will toilet paper and shampoo do? Right, I also have a two-month voucher to eat freely at Saint Restaurant.”

“Deal, but can you wait for a moment? I just joined the War God Church. I have to stay for three months before they allow me to leave the church.”

“Fine, but you must join before the end of the year. You can leave right after the start of the year. And you must finish the year-end mission.”

“Tsk, you want me to complete the year-end mission despite offering so little? I think I will join the Goddess of Wealth Church, after all.”

Alright, now that he feels that he has been shortchanged, that fellow turns around and leaves. However, looking at the dozen bags of little gifts he is carrying in both hands, exactly how many times has he joined and left these several organizations?

Normally, these respected old gentlemen would be waiting in their churches for others to knock on their doors, to impart the teachings and cultivate faith in their true God. Instead, they are now acting like the merchants that they previously looked down on, trying to rope in passersby on the field, and giving out complimentary gifts all around to advertise.

The reason? Simple, a powerful opponent has arrived in this city. Rapidly, she has already built up unbelievable prestige. A large bunch of worshippers from other churches is switching their faith. The year-end mission that they were just about to finish, immediately became an impossible mission.

Wild Elf Judgementor Krose!

Upon speaking this name, the respected priests around this area would grind their teeth in anger. She has totally ignored the underlying rules that everyone had traditionally agreed upon. Without any advertisement pamphlets or complimentary gifts and just by standing on the field and showing a faint smile, countless young men would take the initiative to approach and ask for more information. In fact, just to bring a smile on the face of this beauty, some even directly switched their faith.

Thus, in just half a month, a number of believers in the God of Law shot up at a rapid pace. In this world, where true Gods exist, worshippers are the origin of power for true Gods, the very basic building blocks of the Churches of true Gods. Recruiting worshippers is the year-end mission that all priests must complete.

Without any increases in the total population of the city, given that the Church of Law is rapidly growing stronger, it is a natural outcome that other churches are suffering losses. Facing dwindling numbers of worshippers, the other churches are panicking.

And now, there are already pitiful young Priestesses dressed scantily, giving out advertisement flyers and gifts to passersby while repenting. However, the situation is immediately reversed the moment Krose smiles slightly.

Now that the circumstances have developed to such a point, even the well-respected retired old Priests are walking the streets, carrying a bunch of paper bags containing gifts and starting their life as a salesperson.

Of course, using just ‘beauty’ isn’t enough. The crux is that the teachings that the God of Law advocates is very attractive. First, there is no need to pray in the God’s name, so there is no need for a regional church. Thus, it doesn’t need anyone to serve the God nor are donations required.

Due to reincarnation and the existence of true Gods, it is true that those who die without any faith would fall into the River Styx. This is also the slogan used by the Order Gods to spread their faith. Thus, as citizens of the Order Faction, humans will tend to choose a true God of Order to worship. However, Churches also have to eat and donating a tenth of one’s fortunes to the Church is already an unspoken rule agreed by most churches.

But now, there is someone who isn’t playing by the rules. He directly shouts that there won’t be a Church and donations won’t be enforced on the believers. In the end, it created a snowball effect.

The first to change their faith is the merchants. This is just like two countries trying to get a merchant to build their factory in their territory. One of them has a tax rate of 10% while the other isn’t collecting any taxes. Under the prerequisite that the other conditions aren’t that different, as long as their heads are still functioning properly, they would choose the latter.

Of course, the other Churches are hesitating on whether they should lower the donation amount expected of their worshippers. However, this isn’t something a district Church can decide upon. Also, if they decide to play the price war, the other party doesn’t even have a Church, a true zero-cost organization, how can they compete with that?

Also, the God of Law Wumianzhe is a true God in the Order Faction, both in name and status. The female Judgementor over there can even provide a job change for the basic jobs.

Right, basic jobs, such as Mages, Priests and Holy Knights, those kinds of basic jobs. With the help of the God Equipment Scattered Page, within half a month, there are almost a hundred Justice Knights and more than ten Judgementors (Judgementors require quite a high intelligence as a prerequisite for the job conversion) in this city.

After Wumianzhe Ascended as a true God, Justice Knights and Judgementors which should have been a job advancement class became a basic job. This doesn’t mean that the Law Faction is getting weak but rather, it means that the entire Law Faction is becoming significantly stronger as a whole.

One has to first convert to a Holy Knight or Warrior job before they can convert to a Justice Knight after reaching the Gold-rank. This has determined that the number of Justice Knights would be severely limited. Also, how can talent groomed by other people be as trustworthy as the people that we groomed from scratch?

In the past, the number of true Gods who could provide basic jobs wasn’t many. The most famous of them all were the Holy Knights and Priests of Holy Light, from the Church of Holy Light. Now that Justice Knights and Judgementors have become a basic job as well, this means that the potential of the Law Faction is boundless.

Thus, in just two weeks, the God of Law has become the hottest topic of this entire city. Krose has also become a famous figure known by everyone.

Of course, there are flaws under this layer of perfection. For example, this beautiful Priestess (Judgementor is an equivalent to Priests), after spreading the teachings will tend to ask ‘Are there any unique treasures that can turn one into a male’ and her forced smile after receiving a negative reply makes one’s heart break. People have started to suspect if the true God of Law Wumianzhe is especially fond of cute boys, thus forcing this beautiful Priestess to search all around for the means.

“The God of Law Wumianzhe loves cute boys the most.” This kind of rumor actually started spreading about.

“Little boys, your head, I’m a heterosexual!”

Truth be told, after hearing these rumors, I furiously crushed the teacup in my hands.

Even if I am used to falling into misfortune, even while doing nothing due to that pathetic Luck of mine, but if I were to become the Guardian God of cute boys and gays, I might as well commit suicide.

The primary reason for Krose to head to the Surface is to look for these means is to dispel the curse or to find treasures that can change her sex once again. It is just that if one thinks that she set forth just for such a casual reason, one would be underestimating her sense of responsibility as an Enforcer.

She applied for the mission to spread the faith before leaving the Underground World. After her application, it is said that just within an afternoon, Xueti received hundreds of applications to further the faith as well. Of course, if so many people were to leave all of a sudden, there would definitely be drastic negative impacts on the Supreme Court.

Xueti didn’t approve them. However, hidden behind the seemingly loyal and honest face is a black-hearted cow. He didn’t have any good intentions. He declared that there were only two slots and requested for them to decide among themselves.

Alright, those incurable old bachelors fought even after the sky turned dark. It is said that out of the three hundred who joined the private group fight, there are less than ten who could still attend work on the second day. It was that intense.

The final victors were a Gold-pinnacle Law Incantationer and a Gold-pinnacle Justice Knight, and naturally, they became Krose’s ‘Flower Guardians’ (Companions for the journey). I found it incomprehensible. As a Legend-rank Judgementor, would Krose still need the protection of you two?

Yes, Wild Elf Krose converted from a Great Druid into a top-tier Judgementor. Although her personality is still too soft, at 700 years old, her fighting prowess was never low.

As one who values responsibility, despite being plagued with her private issues, she prioritized her job of spreading the teachings and placed the search for treasures to dispel her curse as her secondary objective. I am really thankful to her loyalty towards her duties. But, can you stop asking if the other party has some unique item to turn one into a male after spreading the teachings? It makes it seem as though looking for an item to change sex is the more important issue at hand.

“You are actually smiling on the inside huh, ex-Lord Wumianzhe.”

Alright, this stupid cat has actually seen through it. Even though I keep complaining, I am actually quite happy.

After all, the God Power Regulation System that I sacrificed so much to exchange for didn’t go to waste. The Law faith is also being propagated at a rapid speed. Of course, not setting up Churches, allowing those who believe in Law to wield the Power of Law, while allowing the Law faith to be disseminated quickly; all of this has caused the Liu Huang Mountain City Supreme Court, which serves as the Church of Law, to lose its control over the basic wielders of Power of Law. But, this is within my expectations.

The fact that the God of Law is fated to develop with its worshippers spread all over, divided, made the other Churches heave a sigh of relief. After all, in their traditional view, Churches are the basis to maintaining belief.

“It is sufficient as long as the Law Faith can be disseminated. Church or whatsoever, it isn’t important from the start. When too many people start to gather, it would be too chaotic. Too many voices will cause the initial teachings to change instead.”

【 In order to carry out the Rules of Law with absolute fairness, I am willing to follow in the footsteps of the God of Holy Light to give up my sense of self to become the Rules of Law itself. From now onwards, I am the Law and the Law is me. One doesn’t need to recite my name to obtain the Power of Law. One only needs to believe in enforcing the Rules of Law.】These are my vows I spoke during my Ascension.

“I said so in my vows during my Ascension. The law is Wumianzhe and Wumianzhe will turn itself into law as well. This is equal to giving up one’s sense of self. A true God without a sense of self cannot send down God Commandments. If so, the Church which serves the true God isn’t important anymore. Even so, as long as Law were to be vastly spread throughout this world, Wumianzhe, as God Power Regulation System, will eventually become as powerful as the God of Light. Then, I would be able to start on my next objective.”

“Heh, just continue showing off then. But, there aren’t many Judgementors that are as good as Krose, so the progress in other regions probably won’t be as fast.”

“Thus, I should make good use of my resources. I will bring her along to Auland Empire.”

“Un? Could it be that you can make Wumianzhe send out his God Commandments?

“Of course… not. However, I have a message left behind by Wumianzhe before he Ascended. I can guarantee that it is written by Wumianzhe himself! Besides, with Krose following me, at least there is a chance through my monthly Gachapon. In any case, it is much better than searching around without any leads. At the very least, I don’t have to worry about even more people believing that Wumianzhe really likes males!”

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