The Extra’s Academy Survival Guide

Chapter 111

Hey, Mr. Yenika (3)

The eastern Sparde region, which requires three days and nights of horseback riding from the ecliptic, is an area with well-developed pastoral areas.

40% of the livestock products in the Cloel Empire are produced in this Sparde region, and the famous ‘Land of Pastures, Pulan’ also refers to the mountain range located in the southern part of the Sparde region.

As you drive deep into the Pulan mountain valley and look near the ridge, you will find Toren, a small village with a population of less than 300.

Although it is an infinitely small village, the amount of livestock products produced in this village is truly amazing compared to the size of the village. It is safe to say that this is enough to feed a small city.

Half of the village’s population is engaged in livestock farming and the other half is engaged in livestock product processing… a small pastoral village in a mountain valley.

A decent-sized ranch on the outskirts. Failover Ranch has been standing there for four generations. The ranch’s only daughter was the pride of Toren Village.

Yenica Palover, a girl who started seeing spirits from the time she started babbling, is, by all accounts, a genius among geniuses who will shine this village in the future.

A pastoral village nestled in a mountain valley. It was a time when residents were aging one by one, and young people who had left the village in search of the city became less in touch.

To put it in a good way, it is a peaceful and quiet town. To put it in a bad way, it is a changeless and monotonous town.

In such a closed world, it is obvious what kind of childhood Yenica, who was gifted with extraordinary abilities, must have had. It was inevitable that he would monopolize the love of everyone in the village. Since she received so much affection, she was bound to grow up with a pretty personality without any flaws.

Walking around the village square holding a basket full of eggs with a small spirit, they go around handing out today’s fresh food to their neighbors.

Jenika still vividly remembers the times when she would run between the fences with a lively face and the villagers would greet her warmly.

There are a few clouds floating lazily in the sky. The scenery of the mountain range covered with green vegetation is the same every time you see it.

The only outsiders who come in and out of the village are peddlers, logistics workers, or postmen who come occasionally to negotiate prices.

If you grow up in such a village for more than ten years, you have no choice but to see only the faces you have always seen.

Mr. Alcus, the chief of the Arun clan, who lives next door to the Dulin clan next door and across from the Lete clan.

At best, Yenika only spent her childhood, so she was only an older person.

As Goyeo is a mountain village, the birth rate is at a miserable level. Yenika lived almost her whole life as the cute youngest child of the village.

That’s why I don’t remember ever experiencing respectful treatment towards myself.

It’s been three years since I left my hometown and went to Sylvania. Although the time to get used to it has long passed, there are still many unfamiliar things to Jenica, who is not yet an adult. One of them was the respectful treatment.

It took almost half a year just to get used to the treatment I received from the maids at Ofilis Hall.

“Look here, Mr. Yenica.”

Suddenly, Yenika came to her senses when an academic staff member called her name. The location was the Trix Building’s administrative consultation room.

“You came by today as well. I don’t know how many days it’s been already, but if you have anything to discuss or apply for, just let me know. We’ll check and if it’s our administrative side, we can process it right away.”

“Oh, uhm…”

Yenika hesitated for a moment in front of the academic staff who always treated her with respect. I thought about submitting the documents in my sleeve right away, but then quickly shook my head.

The academic staff took a deep breath and nodded, saying they understood.

“I don’t know what you’re so worried about, but… If you don’t know what to do, try consulting with people around you, Mr. Yenika. If you say things like, Yenika, you’re in trouble, you need counseling, etc., there will be people within the academy who will step aside and give you something. “There are so many.”

“Ah haha… It’s also a difficult issue to discuss with others…”

Yenika blurted out her words and ran out of the administrative consultation room.

Then, I open the document I was about to submit again and sigh.

“I’m always busy seeing only good things and thinking only good thoughts, but why do bad thoughts always creep in whenever there’s a chance?”

Yenica shook her head for a moment and organized her thoughts again.

These days, I’m living an incredibly comfortable and happy bachelor’s life. I can handle all the classes, I’m always friendly with my friends, there are a lot of people who look up to Yenika, the dormitory facilities are decent, and I’m with a boy I have a crush on. They even spend the whole day together. There was a bit of a fight this morning, but it was literally nothing more than an incident.

In many ways, it’s a day’s work that doesn’t really make you cringe.

How many people are living such a happy bachelor’s life? If I express my dissatisfaction further here, I have nothing to say even if a well-fed person is criticized for being greedy.

However, the problems arising from Jenica’s good and sincere personality have never been resolved.

That chronic problem sometimes causes a strange pain in my chest.

Yenika took out the document she had written, read it quickly, and sighed again. While wondering what to do with this, I quickly throw it into a nearby trash can.

A document that Yenika pushed slides in and lands on top of the almost full trash can. Only then does the content become slightly clearer.

― Dormitory check-out application: Dex Hall ―

After thinking about it one more time, Yenika must have changed her mind again, so she quickly returned to the trash can and quickly pulled out the documents. I turn my head back and forth and get into trouble… but I can’t come to a conclusion.

Even Yenika herself does not know how much weight those looks of expectation, envy, consideration, admiration, and respect put on her shoulders.

Those things are burdensome, so the idea of running away is difficult. It’s natural. Running away is the act of distancing yourself from something that is difficult, difficult, or unpleasant.

How could she treat the expectations and gazes sent to Yenika by her friends, employees, and roommates at Dex Hall as a burden?

But Yenica knows.

It has been almost a year since I moved from the Ofilis building, which uses private rooms, to the Dex building, which uses shared rooms.

During that long period of time, it must be said that Yenika could truly relax and relax… In the end, Ed’s camp was the only place.

* * * [Isn’t it overwhelming…? Around this time last year, you, who I didn’t know even though I was right next to you staring at you, are now able to call me and talk to me, even in this imperfect form. It’s really special once you’ve entered into a contractual relationship, right? ]


[ Of course, you don’t have to be in a contractual relationship to talk. Ed, you’re acting like it’s nothing, but do you know how much it means to be able to handle a high-ranking spirit…? The powerhouses of this academy… Ziggs? Wade? Clevious? If I could use my full strength, it wouldn’t be a big deal. The problem is that I can’t use my full strength. ]


[ Of course, it will take a really long time for you to reach that level. You shouldn’t compare it to a special case like Yenika. Still, if you continue training, your sensitivity will improve and you will be able to handle me better… but is that too far in the future? But anyway, we only saw each other for a day or two and we didn’t even talk. ]

A small lake appears when you leave the camp in the northern forest and walk toward the bachelor’s office.

The ‘Merilda’s Guardian Tree’, located large on the grass island in the center, was the place where the most naturally occurring magic power was gathered and one of Yenica’s main spiritual training places.

There was no other place like this that could summon the imperfect Merilda.

The shape of a white-haired girl wearing a pure white dress with thin shoulder straps. At first glance, the figure looks like a human, but in reality, it is not.

The reason why I overinvested my magic and summoned Merilda was because of the story I had with Yenica yesterday.

I was certain that the higher my understanding with the high-ranking spirits, the more it would have a significant impact on my future combat abilities. I also agreed with that opinion.

In the end, the key to understanding is how often you join forces, use it in battle, manifest it, and have many conversations… It was somewhat difficult from my perspective because just manifesting it in human form like this consumed almost all of its magical power.

Still, when I called him over, it was more comfortable for him to talk to me on his own.

Yenika said she was a talkative person like no other in the world. It is only now that I realize that Yenika’s assessment was accurate.

[So what is it like with Yenika? Is this game of ups and downs, mutual respect, and polite language still ongoing? ]

“What is the purpose of talking like that when you were all watching?”

[I’m not free enough to follow you around to the bachelor’s degree~ I wonder if something else happens during class~]

Merilda sat down near the thick roots of the guardian tree, swung her legs, and asked with an interested expression.

Since there was no reason to lie to her… I decided to tell her the exact story of the quarrel I had with Yenika in the morning.

As usual, when I greeted Yenika, whom I met in the teaching building early in the morning, Yenika hugged her oak cane again, surprised and took a step back.

It was clear that the aftermath of yesterday still remained. Anyway, I feel like doing something for no reason only creates a strangely uncomfortable atmosphere between us.

[ Hmm~ So…? ]

The story goes that Yenika didn’t know what to say, so she blushed and avoided eye contact, and after saying hello, she quickly disappeared.

Meanwhile, the respectful language continued.

“At first, I didn’t think about it too seriously, but after this, I realized that there was something inside him… or ‘Isn’t the internal stress expressed in a strange way?’ “I thought about it.”

[ Oh my, are you worried about Yenika? ]

“Of course I’m worried.”


I don’t know why Merilda was so excited, but she was shaking her legs and nodding her head. Then, with a big smile on his face, he asks me again.

[It definitely felt like it was a bit dangerous to just leave it alone, right? You have to do something. ]

“So I’m asking, can I just cut a couple of useful branches from this tree…?”

[ tree? suddenly? ]

This guardian tree that Merilda and I are leaning against is an old tree that is over a thousand years old. The older the tree, the more it has the ability to gently absorb and emit magical energy.

Merilda’s guardian wood is a material so good that it would be a shame to rank second place in the process of magical engineering supplies. If you add the lightning magic to it, it can be used as a complete material for the ‘Thousand-Year Tree Staff Striked by Lightning’.

Compared to the old oak staff that Yenica carries, its performance and convenience are several degrees superior.

Let’s summarize the facts and pass them on to Merilda. [Hmm~ I see… But strictly speaking, you don’t need to get my permission. ]

“Isn’t this tree your tree…? Even the name is Merilda’s guardian tree…?”

[Well, that’s a bit of an ambiguous issue. A friend I met a long time ago just gave my name to this tree. I call myself the owner of this forest, but I don’t take care of it, even down to cutting off old tree branches. Do whatever you want. ]

“An old friend… Well, since you must have lived a long time, you must have had many relationships.”

Merilda jumped around with her white dress fluttering around the tree and soon came back next to me.

Then, while shaking both of his shoulders, he assumed a seductive posture.

[In the first place, I am in the shape of a human like this. I told you this isn’t that easy, right? How do you think this is possible? ]

“How is that possible… Haven’t you learned the related magic?”

[ Hmm… a little different. When you become a high-ranking spirit, you can change into various forms, but the most important thing is how familiar and comfortable it is, and whether you can imitate it well. It is very difficult to transform into an entity that is completely out of the world. That’s why most spirits take the form of animals. It is easiest to find in nature. ]

Then, with a grin, she lifts the hem of her dress up to her shins and slightly bows her head. It was the etiquette of the empire. If you just look at it like this, it really is no different from a human.

[So, we need someone who can imitate this human aspect as a reference point. Basically, since I signed a contract with you, I accepted your inner psychology and became the girl closest to your ideal type. ]


[ how is it? A person’s inner psychology cannot be fooled, so doesn’t your heart beat for some reason when you do this? The girl of your dreams is standing right in front of you. ]

I rested my chin and stared at Merilda, who was making a fuss here and there, for a long time.

“…This is what I like…? It’s definitely… surprising…”

[Of course, it’s surprising. Because it’s a lie. ]


are you kidding.

With that meaning in mind, I opened my eyes and glared, and Merilda let out a lively laugh and grabbed the hem of her dress and turned her body around. She looks like a girl who is excited about buying new clothes.

[There is no way you can imitate something by reading their inner psychology. To tell the truth, I imitated the image of the most special and unique person I had ever met. Like this… I was impressed by the way he always looked easy-going and didn’t wear flashy clothes. It was she who added my name to this tree.]

I saw Merilda’s human form again. The difference from the giant wolf that was fully manifested and ran rampant to destroy everything was so great that I honestly had a hard time getting used to it.


When I asked that question, Merilda did not answer right away. He just smiles meaningfully.

[I lived a long time. Even the rise and fall of Sylvania Academy is so cute. Now it feels like Aken Island and Sylvania Academy are inseparable, but in fact, in the distant past when I lived, this was just an uninhabited island without even an academy. ]

Merilda shook off her hair that was tied back like a tail. When my hair, which was thicker than I expected, came loose, I felt a complete change in my appearance.

It was only when I saw that that I took a deep breath. I thought it was an oddly familiar face, but I saw an eerily similar one in a magic history book.

[ how is it? ]

Inject magical power into the guardian tree and make it its source. Build this school. A person so old that he asked Merilda to protect this forest.

Was this really connected like this?

Since it was something I didn’t know about, it was also a relationship that wasn’t highlighted in the scenario of .

The girl in front of me is an imperfect manifestation of Merilda. Now I can say for sure who I resemble.

A wizard and scholar who was stronger and more skilled than anyone else in the distant past.

It was the appearance of the great sage Sylvania.

* * *

“The Holy Emperor… is visiting…?”

The location was the student conference room in the Obel Building, which is adjacent to the student center.

Approximately five days have passed since Tanya Rosstaylor took the position of student council president and began working properly.

It may be said that it is still an adjustment period, but in such important positions, there is no way to give yourself time to adapt well.

The largest and most important checked part of the report documents received from the student council secretary.

A man sitting atop the Church of Telos. Eldain, the Holy Emperor who rules over the holy city of Carpea.

And Archbishop Verdio assists him.

Even if an ordinary bishop-level clergy were to come, there were a lot of protocols that had to be prepared, but just hearing the news that two high-ranking figures from the church were visiting at once was a headache.

“The purpose of the visit is…”

Tanya skimmed through the documents. I was quite confident in speed reading.

Even if it was for the purpose of the visit, there was nothing special about it. I was planning to spread the word about the grace of Telos, welcome new believers to be baptized, and give a sermon on the podium.

Even so, it may only be a superficial reason.

The reason why the infinitely noble Holy Emperor of the Church of Telos would personally visit the remote Aken Island of this empire… It was obvious that in the end, it would be Clarice, a saint whom the Church cherished like gold and jade.

Saint Clarice is a girl who can be said to be the heart of the Telos Church.

The desire for learning could not be avoided even by God’s beloved servant, so it was at the beginning of this semester that I ended up coming to Sylvania, the land of learning.

Probably the success… I want to see it with my own eyes.

I wonder if Saint Clarice is being treated properly, if the facilities are good, and if there are any dangers.

If there were any grounds for disqualification, he might even be considering the possibility of taking Clarice away again.

It’s truly unfortunate, but in Sylvania, where accidents are constantly happening these days, it’s not at all strange if there are a few reasons for disqualification.

“Hmm… After finishing work today, I should make plans to meet the saint at the Ofilis Hall. Is that okay, Secretary Irene?”

“Yes. I will inquire with the escort personnel.”

And the student council secretary took out more documents. There is still a lot left.

“Oh, that’s right. The church staff was inquiring about a student they would like to interview separately. Should I transfer it to the academic affairs department? Or would you like to check?”

“Interview… with whom? Is there anyone you would like to meet other than the saintess?”

“Yes. She is a member of the current second year. Her name is Adele Seris from the Ministry of Magic….”

“Adele… Adele… She is a senior whose name I have heard of.”

“Yes… I heard that he is a unique person who is like the wind and you never know when or where he will appear.”

Tanya rubbed her chin and thought for a moment.

“Well, if they requested it, there’s no reason to say no.”

It is said that people from the Holy Emperor come to Aken Island at this time.

It wasn’t a very… pleasant feeling.

* * *

―Crackling. Grumbling.

So in the end, it was late at night when I met Yenika again.

We ended up overloading our relationship with just one exchange of polite words, so we spent close to a full day trying to sort out our emotions.

Night camp.

I was sitting by the campfire, memorizing basic magic formulas and simultaneously peeling apples with a knife.

Nowadays, it is possible to eat a variety of foods while paying attention to nutrients.

Now that I don’t forget to eat fruit after every meal, I feel like my life has become much more stable.

As I was tapping my apple twice with a knife while bobbing my legs… that was when Yenika appeared through the grass.

I stopped peeling the apples for a moment and looked at Yenika. I was wondering what to say first… but I just stayed still for a moment.

“Ah… Hello…”

“….” ”

… Do you? No, hello? Don’t you…? Do you…?”

It was still broken. How embarrassed were you?

But since it was me, it was hard to say anything in particular, so I just nodded slowly. What was once again embarrassing was the same here.

After looking at each other quietly for a few seconds, Yenika walked over with a shy appearance and carefully sat down on the rock by the fire.

I asked, holding up the half-peeled apple.

“Apple… do you want to eat it…? No, do you want to eat it?”

“Yes, yes….”


The transition continues in the same direction. For a moment, all I could hear was the sound of the apple peeling away.

“Here’s a plate…”

“Here… Now…”

Can’t we either be respectful or not cool…? I think only then will this suffocating atmosphere be resolved somehow.

Jenica turns her head to see if she is still breathing hard and takes a deep breath once in a while. They seem to think I don’t know.

Yenika took the plate, picked up an apple, and started gnawing on it like a rabbit.

I picked up a large piece, put it in my mouth, and started peeling the other apple.

Silence for a moment again.



Then suddenly, Yenika fell into her lap and buried her face. Anyway, my every move is unpredictable.

“What is it… Yenika… where does it hurt…?”

“Oh, no. That’s a bit of a thing to say just face to face, but… First of all, Ed, no, Mr. Ed. There’s something I want to ask you, and it’s a question that might sound a bit strange… So, first of all, after listening to the end, I wish you could answer… No, I wish….”


I looked at Yenika, who was burying her face in her knees and telling her story at rapid fire… I looked at her for a moment and then nodded.

Then I took a deep breath and began to focus on peeling the apples as if it were no big deal.

From the looks of it, Yenika ran out alone after the atmosphere suddenly became strange and seemed to be worried about something. And when I see that he wants to ask me something… it seems like he decided on something after a long period of deliberation.

If you’ve been thinking about it that seriously, it’s polite to listen as calmly as possible.

No matter what story is told, never make an awkward face, don’t be embarrassed, and even if you’re really embarrassed, never let it show. That much is possible. Even though my body looks like this, I am an adult.

With that in mind, I listened to Yenika’s next words. I reminded myself of my decision to accept whatever was said as neatly and plainly as possible without any hesitation.

“Perhaps… what would it be like if I came out of Dex Hall and lived at the camp with Ed…?”


The tip that deviated from the orbit cut off the thumb cleanly.


Blood was dripping down our fingers, but neither I nor Yenika could bear to pay attention to the wounds.

A camp in the dark northern forest.

The shining starry sky remains the same as always.

However, a strange surprise came without warning.

I could only stare blankly at Yenika while holding the apple and fruit…

Yenika just buried her red face even deeper into my knees, as if she was trying to hide from my gaze somehow.

For a long time, only the crackling sound of the bonfire was breaking the silence.

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