The Extra’s Academy Survival Guide

Chapter 70

Spending Winter (3)

There is always a quiet atmosphere on Aken Island during the vacation season.

The buildings in the faculty building, which were crowded with people during the semester, are now empty. Less than half of the students stay at school instead of going back to their hometowns, so the atmosphere is similar wherever they go.

The summer vacation season in the residential area is also the off-season, so many store owners take a breather and relax.


I straightened my clothes while looking at the window of the academic building at the entrance to the professor building. I adjusted the buttons on the sleeves and pulled the collar of the coat to match the overall line.

When I retrieved the school uniform that had been left for washing and put it on, it was indeed crisp and clean.

It is very difficult to manage school uniforms by yourself. I am greatly indebted to Bel Maia for this part.

“Since laundry volume is always produced in large quantities anyway, adding one more uniform does not significantly change the amount of work.”

“Still, it doesn’t change the fact that there’s more work to do, but I’m thankful in these busy times.”

“Since you were a member of the Ofilis building to begin with, it’s a relief, and since you’re an acquaintance of the people I serve, I can be flexible to that extent. You don’t have to feel too burdened, so please let me know when it’s time to do laundry again.”

Belle Maia, whom I met for the first time in a while, has not changed. Indeed, his conduct is top-notch.

The plain senior maid’s attire was changed to a more flashy maid’s outfit, but the tone and dull expression without any major emotional changes remained the same.

Her hair must have gotten a little longer recently, and there’s a rose pin the size of a fingernail attached to the particularly long side of her hair on the right side.

“You said the restoration of Ofilis Hall was completed? It’s almost time for new students to join the company, so the maids must be having a hard time.”

“Master Ed. But why do you still respect me?”

“It’s comfortable to be treated with respect.”

“I’m comfortable with the bottom.”

“I am comfortable with respect.”

It feels like there’s a strange war of nerves going on.

In fact, if you reach the position of head maid, you will narrowly fall into the ‘senior level’ position among the academic staff… It is a burdensome position for me, who is no longer a nobleman or a student at Ofilis Hall.

I didn’t want to mess up the genealogy later, so I just treated her with respect, but it was very uncomfortable for Belle. Anyway, she is a natural maid.

“Anyway, now that the restoration of Ofilis Hall has been completed, I feel like my workplace is becoming more stable.”

“It’s a bit surprising that the restoration was completed in almost one semester. It seems like the academic department put all their effort into the restoration.”

“It is one of the most important facilities among the dormitory facilities. Most of the students who were staying in the temporary dormitory have been assigned rooms and have started to move in. The same goes for new students.”

The second semester of the second year has come to an end and winter vacation marks the end of the year.

The test scores were okay, and the closing ceremony was completed smoothly, so there is a peaceful atmosphere once again in the school.

From an academic administration perspective, winter vacation is a preparation period to start the next semester.

A season to complete tasks that must be completed between one semester and the next. Since it is such a transitional period, it is a time when many things change within the university.

Each professor’s lab is busy preparing the academic schedule for the next semester, and research work itself continues without a break.

The same goes for new students moving into the dormitory. Because each student’s circumstances and schedules are different, many students enroll in advance during the long winter vacation period according to their schedule.

“By the way, I actually wanted to ask you something, so I came here in person.”

Belle said that and stood on the street for a moment.

Once you reach the position of head maid, you will have more responsibilities and your butt will become heavy.

When he asked why he had come to visit in person when he could have just ordered a low-ranking maid to deliver the school uniforms that were requested to be washed… it was because he had something to say after all.

“Starting this vacation, there are seven new students at Ofilis Hall that we will need to attend to.”

Among that many new students, only 7. This number directly shows how high the hurdles to joining the Ofilis building are.

“One of them had a familiar name, so I came to check.”

“Tanya Rosstaylor?”

“…Yes. In fact, you already applied for the dormitory before the vacation started.”

New students can move into their designated dormitory at any time during vacation. This is to give you time to prepare for the start of the semester.

Still, most of them complete their preparation at home and enter the university only around the time of the placement test. If you come early, there is nothing to do.

“Currently, you have been assigned a room in the renovated Ofilis building and are in the process of moving… Isn’t this your position?”


I have been excommunicated from the Ross Taylor family.

Tanya is the beloved daughter of the Ross Taylor family.

“And since you are my sister, you know her better than me… but it seems like she is holding a grudge against Master Ed for tarnishing the family’s honor.”



Bell just stares at me, probably not satisfied with the dry response.

“Are you okay? I am in a position where I can only judge based on the personal information and first impressions I received in advance, but… I could sense from just a brief glance that Lady Tanya is someone who attaches great importance to the family’s honor.”

“I understand what you mean.”

Your flesh and blood despise you. If one day you start to be looked down on by a family member with whom you shared a brilliant upbringing, it will definitely be mentally difficult.

In short, Belle was worried and came to warn me in advance. Should I at least prepare my mind?

“Thank you for your concern.”

I already know Tanya well.

〈The Failed Swordsman of Sylvania〉 Act 3, Scene 3. The first person in Sylvania history to seek the honor of first-year student council president in an episode centered on political warfare.

As usual, characters from the Ross Taylor family are villains.

This is Tanya, who looks up to noble honor and glory. In this star-filled Sylvania, being the youngest student council president must seem like a desirable fruition.

I closed my eyes gently.

Villainous daughter.

Tanya is the stereotype of that magical word, but she should not be dismissed as simply a wasteful villain. This is because Tanya also has her own natural talent.

Tanya is a political genius.

He is a person who has learned on his own how to bring legitimacy to himself by discussing causes, dividing sides, flawing the opponent, and misleading the issue.

Political warfare ultimately becomes a fight in dirty mud. At least that’s the case with Tanya’s values.

Politics is not a process of finding the best option, but is often a process of finding a less bad option.

If there is a worst evil and a lesser evil, the public has no choice but to side with the lesser evil.

In political warfare, victory ultimately comes down to who can become the lesser evil.

Those are the values that Tanya Rosstaylor instinctively learned.

The reason he came to Sylvania so early was probably to secure as much power as possible before the semester started.

I will go around meeting and cajoling influential and powerful figures within the university.

In the process, what will we do with Ed Ross-Taylor, who was born in the same blood?

Although we are blood relatives, since I have been excommunicated, it is safe to say that we are strangers for now.

Still, given Tanya’s personality, I don’t think she would just let someone who tarnished her family’s name stand by, but I can’t tell whether she would harbor a grudge against me enough to take active measures.

Because… I don’t know! Not anyone else, me!

I have played Sylvania’s failed swordsman countless times. I am somewhat familiar with Tanya, who appears as a fairly significant villain… but ironically, I don’t know anything about myself.

Ed Rothtaylor is a flashy villain who appears briefly in the beginning and then disappears…!

It’s not even covered properly in the setting book, and even if it’s a later story, it’s nothing special, and it’s really just an extra…!

What kind of attitude did he live in at the Ross Taylor mansion, what was his evaluation within the family, what was his relationship with Tanya Ross Taylor… There is nothing that can be said to be a real clue. There isn’t a single one…!

However, considering the history of this body… we can at least infer that it would not have been treated very well.

It would be nice if he was treated like an ordinary person, but it would be nice if he wasn’t looked down upon because he was arrogant and had no ability.

“Well, I’m busy right now… If Tanya doesn’t show some signs first, I won’t have any reason to be concerned.”

“If you say that, I don’t think I have anything more to say as a mere user.”

“Anyway, I’m grateful. It was already a headache to have to wash my school uniform again because I was working on a scholarship.”

“It’s okay. It seems like Lady Lucy has been taking care of us a lot lately, but it’s also because we’re not sure how to handle things, so I feel very uncomfortable.”

“Have you even considered that?”

Belle glanced at her chin and spoke while squinting.

“Recently, when I was washing Lucy’s clothes, a lot of blonde hair came out. When I was washing Master Ed’s clothes, a lot of things like the smell of the scented candle used in Lucy’s clothes and pure white hair came out… so I just made that inference.”

Lucy has definitely started to cling to me more these days.

If I’m not doing any physical work, I feel like I’ve been lying on my stomach on my knees or taking a nap and waking up to find myself snoring on my stomach more often.

As Belle said, I was in a strangely awkward position, but to have noticed that much after just washing my clothes… What would I have done if I hadn’t been a maid…?

“Well… you don’t have to worry about such things, Mr. Bell. Just sharing ingredients and helping out like this once in a while is a blessing to me. If you had a maid, you would have a lot to worry about other than that, right? “Work handling… human relations…” ”

There are so many talented people in the business handling department, and since management and supervision work has become the main task, I feel like it has become easier because the physical labor itself has decreased. And in the human relations department, it’s Master Ed rather than me. … Um…”

Belle continued her story, looked at my washed school uniform for a moment, and trailed off.

“No. Worrying too much would also be a burden. No matter how complicated the interpersonal relationships around Master Ed become, it is up to Master Ed to take care of it.”


“I won’t interfere with the topic. Whatever you ladies decide… it will all be your own choice.”

After saying that and exhaling one by one, the breath blew out and scattered aimlessly into the sky.

“The weather has become much colder. Master Ed, please take care of your health as well. If you suffer from a minor illness in the winter, you will have a hard time. Your face is reddish and you must have a slight fever.”

“…Do you see a lot?”

Indeed, this is a person who has held the ace position among the maids at Ofilis Hall for several years. Can you check your health just by looking at your face?

“I think I’ll have to live with a mild fever for a while due to the circumstances.”

“If you don’t take good care of your body, there are many people around you who will be offended in various ways. Anyway, your health is the best. It looks like it will get colder in the future, so please be careful.”

And Belle looked at me intently and spoke once more.

“…But are you really going to continue to respect me?”

Indeed… it’s terrible…

Actually, I thought about timing it well and just leaving it alone…

but at this point, I’m starting to get angry too…?


“Thank you to the bachelor’s scholarship students for coming. “My name is Anise Haylan, and I am working as a senior assistant in Professor Claire’s lab.”


“At the moment, Assistant Professor Clare is busy handling the conference agenda and checking the academic education schedule for next semester. You’ve been awake for 44 hours. Because the deadline for the agenda is tomorrow. So now communication is impossible. I, the senior assistant, will relay important matters on your behalf.”

Behind Anise, who is smiling with a sparkling face, you can see a blonde woman lying face down on her desk. Her

glasses are off to one side and her face is devastated. The figure taking a break looked more like a zombie than a human.

In one corner of the fairly spacious laboratory, there were three male students, including me, standing. They were bachelor’s scholarship students, one from each grade.

Clevious Nortondale, Ed Ross Taylor, and Onyx Pelomere. In order, they are 1st, 2nd, and 3rd years. Although they are scheduled to go up one grade soon.

“What?” Ed Rosstaylor… Why are you here…?”

I was a little surprised when I saw Clevius’ appearance.

He is a descendant of the Nortondale family, the best swordsmen on the continent, but due to a mistake he made when he was young, the family almost treated him as an abandoned child. Thanks to this, my self-esteem has plummeted and my attitude towards everything is negative.

I knew that I would not receive sufficient support from my family. Well, I thought I

would continue to attend school somehow, but was this how I was covering the shortfall in tuition? .

In addition, there was a third-year senior named Onyx with a sturdy build, and this was a complete first meeting. From what I heard, he was part of the same combat club as Clevius.

“What we, the bachelor’s scholarship students, are going to do is learn the basics of the new student placement test that will be held soon. Supervises preparation and test day management. In fact, you can consider this as your main task.”

Anise was still smiling and put several documents down on the table.

“This is the plan for the freshman class placement test that Assistant Professor Claire put a lot of thought into over the last week.”

Professor Glast every year. The freshmen class placement test was in charge of. This year, Assistant Professor Claire is in charge.

Of course, we know the results.

Not a single student has been assigned to the Ministry of Magic’s Class A according to Assistant Professor Claire’s placement test.

In a way, it is Professor Glast. It could be said to be even worse than that, but in fact, it is not because the professor in charge has a bad personality… It is because there is a fundamental flaw in the test design.

In fact, it is not even a flaw, it is just that the level of difficulty is too difficult. It is clearly a mistake in the work of Assistant Professor Claire. This is it.

The freshmen just accepted it because they didn’t know what it was, so it was so hard to get into Class A. They had to work hard and be promoted to Class A. Still, it

was fairer than Professor Glast, who just tried to select Class A students according to his own uneven standards. What’s funny is that it was strange to say that it was unfair since no one was able to enter Class A.

“Last year, it was held in the forest due north of Aken Island, but today it will be held in the right mountain in the northwest corner. It is more like a hill than a mountain, but the road is rough so it will take some time to climb. It may not be possible, but we need to prepare for the possibility of a shipwreck.”

Aken Island becomes busier the further south you go. On the other hand, the further north you go, the more quiet and natural it becomes. It

is connected to the Nofaren Peninsula on the protruding continent. This is because there are only two bridges, one in the southeast

and the other in the southwest. The area around the bridge connecting the continent is a major transportation hub, so it was natural that the further north you go, the less people touch it. The

right mountain on the northwest side of Aken Island naturally maintained its beautiful appearance. . Apparently, Assistant Professor Claire chose the mountain as the location for the placement test.

“The basic outline is similar to last year’s test. We will place magic stones here and there on Mt. Orn, and each student will use their mana sensitivity to find the magic stones. And when you find the magic stone, offer it to the ‘Altar of Replacement’ at the top of the mountain and the test is over. You can get a grade A. The grading criteria below are well documented in the documents.”

“…I think there will be too many Class A students?”

Onyx Pelomere. A third-year member of the Combat Club with a sturdy build asked an obvious question.

“If you are a student of the Magic Department , Wouldn’t it be easy to simply find a magic stone? There may even be people who can find them through simple labor without magic power. All I have to do is offer it up on the altar of the summit and that’s it?”

“Of course, there is no clear path to the summit. Starting halfway up, magic equipment with all kinds of hallucinatory magic and dazzling magic will be laid out, and at the top, you’ll have to deal with monsters of intermediate or higher level.” “You’re going to

solve the monsters? What if someone gets injured?”

“Of course it’s hallucination magic. However, if you do not defeat the illusion, the path will not clear. If you don’t have combat experience, it won’t be easy.”

In short, the test includes finding the magic stone, reaching the top, exterminating the demonic illusions, and successfully offering the magic stone to the altar… and whether each element is successful or not. This is the grading standard.

“Senior Onyx assists Assistant Professor Claire in drawing up a procurement plan and arrangement plan for magical engineering supplies, and Clevious assists the Trix Building by submitting documents and receiving the necessary equipment that had been requested in advance. And Ed. “Ross Taylor…”

Perhaps because she was the only second-year classmate, Anis spoke to me in an easy manner.

Then, she strode towards me, smiled brightly, and made a friendly offer to me.

“Go on a field trip with me.” She

was actually saying it. Even though we had never shared a relationship before, I was very impressed by his friendly smile.

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