The Extra's Survival

Chapter 193:Thier Tale

Chapter 193:Thier Tale

Hearing Lucas's tone filled with sorrow and remorse, Julian was at a loss for words for a moment.

For eyes, Lucas looked like a person who had lost all his hope and aspirations while the whole person's life had been overshadowed by grief.

His eyes looked as dead as fish which had lost his soul.

"Lucas, you already know that I am just a burden to you, I have lost the sensation of the lower halves. If not for my high realm, I would have already died and joined the others."

"I am just a useless fellow who is holding you down. If I die, you would be free from all the burden and you don't even have to waste your time in searching for the treatment for me anymore."

"From the moment, you have saved me, you have wasted so much time taking care of me whereas you could have used that time in preparing for the war."

"And look at me, I am just lazing around without being able to provide you with any help."

"Since I can't share your burdens, I wish I could help you by releasing your frustrations and giving you some pleasures by doing that but I am even incapable of doing that."

"And more than that I don't want to leave in this world anymore. I don't want to suffer any more thinking about the cruel fate that awaits us if we lose. Cause you know, we won't die by their hands rather our existence gonna be devoured by them."

Lucas's eyes became moist when he heard Julian's words," Julian I can't live in this world without. You are the last shred of light for me in this cruel world."

"If you also go away from me, I don't know how will I be able to live."

Julian tried to lift her hand.

Seeing Julian's painful expression, Lucas moved closer while Julian's palm touched Lucas's cheek and she caressed it quite lovingly.

"Lucas, don't worry you will be not alone. I have been condensing my bloodline a bit by bit. When I die, you can take some of my strength which will enable you to use the power of my ice ability by a certain margin."

"You may not able to use ice ability like me but at least this skill will be helpful," Julian muttered in a soft while revealing her chest which was glowing brightly with a blue light where a small oceanic blue gem seemed to be condensed by Julian.

Seeing Julian's resolute eyes, Lucas wanted to beg for her to not give up hope and try to survive until Lucas can find a cure to heal her.

But he knew that he was being selfish and every day was like a hell for her.

Only death can free her from her eternal suffering.

And if not, then there was only way Lucas could think of that was to kill the one who was responsible for the tragic things that happened in the world.

Lucas closed his eyes and enjoyed Princess's warmth and leaned over her head and gave a gentle kiss on her lips while conveying his feelings through the kiss.

As both of them exchanged a passionate kiss, the world around them started to crumble and became white that again shattered like glass into countless parts.


In the icy cave, Lucas and Julian had been knocked unconscious.

No one knew how much time had passed but for them, it felt like an eternity.

Though in real-time, it hadn't been even a moment passed, since both of them fell unconscious.

Both Lucas and Julian's eyelashes fluttered a bit and slowly both of them opened their eyes.

The moment Lucas opened his eyes, he saw the familiar ceiling of the cave and felt as if he was quite familiar with it.

He didn't know what he was doing moments ago or what had happened.

Right now his mind was totally in mess trying to short out all the information it got recently and he felt a burst of headache that was rampaging in his head.

Clutching his head, he tried to wake up but his steps faltered a bit and as he was about to fall to the side, he felt a stronghold of someone and saw it was Julian who helped him.

Julian's condition was quite good compared to Lucas's and the pain she suffered was quite less compared to Lucas's due to her high strength.

pᴀɴda nᴏvel Lucas feels soft and silky hands looking at Julian.

An electrifying current passed through his body as his eyes met with Julain's gaze which filled with untold sorrow instead of the usual coldness.

Lucas didn't know why but a sharp pain started to well up inside him and felt as if someone had torn his heart.

Subconsciously tears started to swell up in his eyes and started to trickle down his cheeks.

"Your Highness, please pardon me. I should take my leave." Lucas shouted and pulling away from his hands, he started to run away from Julian.

He was too embarrassed to face Julian right now and if this wasn't enough, the tears from his eyes added more salt to his wound.

Seeing Lucas back disappearing, Julian just stood motionlessly unable to understand a thing.

She felt that her whole existence had frozen.

She tried to sort her thoughts but the more she tried to sort them out, the messier they became.

Thinking about the vision or whatever it was, she couldn't understand what was going on but remembering it, she felt endless sorrow and pity.

Both for her and him.

She can feel something inside her changing and remembering the kiss which Lucas gave her, her face became red and her heart started to throb violently.

She sat down on the bed and embracing her knees she tried to cuddle up to find some warmth.

"No, Julian calm yourself. That might be an illusion. There is no way it can be true." Julian tried to calm himself but no matter what she wasn't able to call down.

Even though it was too much to handle.The information, that she got felt like an explosion of a bomb.

She looked at the bed where she lay in the vision and tried to remember the details in it.

In the vision, she came to know that her future self was crippled and couldn't use her feet and she can't feel anything below the spine.

She could only control her upper halves.

The next thing she saw was the arrival of Lucas who looked at her with warm and loving eyes.

She didn't know whether she should be thankful for his care and help as this might all happen in future or it may just be a random probability of happening or it might just be an illusion.

Then the talk between her and Lucas.

From that, she can conclude that the human race was defeated. Though she didn't know how or who defeated them but going by the events, it seemed the demon race had won but there was something odd about it.

Even if the demon race won why would they destroy the world.Isn't it akin to destroy your own place.

No matter how crazy they are, they wouldn't do this no matter what.

And human race has been hiding and Lucas seemed to be secretly preparing for a battle.

And the last thing was about her condensing her blood essence and giving it to Lucas.

She didn't how could this be done or if even this was possible.

"Condensing your bloodline essence and giving it to others so that they can use a part of your bloodline ability. Is it really possible?"

"If this was possible then wouldn't the balance of the world would be broken and people could pass their power when their child isn't born with bloodline power." She muttered and blinked her eyes.

As she pondered about it, suddenly a realization struck her which shakes her entire existence to the core.

Her beautiful expression which was always cold, crumbled with shock and disbelief.

"I.....Is.....Isn't Lucas using a skill like that which can grant him extensive control over ice in the semifinal?"

Julian's eyeball widened with horror as she thought about Lucas's skills.

"How is this possible. God just what is happening?" Julian spoke with a trembling voice.

"If it was the thing that can happen in the future then how can Lucas have that power now."

Moreover, she remembered her last words in the vision.

"You are not alone. With my blood essence, I will be always with you and witness your struggle."

Julian's face started to heat up thinking about it. Though she doesn't have much experience in that kind of thing, she wasn't ignorant.

She can feel that Lucas and she were a couple in the vision and she could feel her love for Lucas in the vision.


Her heart started to beat faster and she covered her hands in embarrassment.

"Wait! Did Lucas also have the same vision as me?"

"Was this the reason his face looked sad and full of agony and he ran away because he was embarrassed like me?" Julian muttered as he thought about it.

"Did he also know about the treatment due to both of them staying together in future and somehow the future knowledge passed to him?"

"Yes, that might be the reason for Lucas knowing some events about the future from beforehand."

"Should I ask him about it?" Julian muttered but shook her head in embarrassment.

She was too shy and embarrassed to ask now.

Her future self wanted to die badly and get free from those shackles as she thought that only death release her from her suffering.

"It must be hard on Lucas." She muttered

"I should let things calm down. In the meantime, I have to something about this throbbing feeling."

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